Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

But you weren't. Yet what you say matches that image perfectly. What happened to cause your feelings to be so hurt that you became white supremacist? Your mommy did you an injustice when she praised your every word and told you how smart you are.
lmfao pull up one of my white supremacy quotes
You're the only one who needs convincing.
You're grasping at straws. I never made a racial comment on here. So I'll just assume that whenever you have nothing to add you'll accuse people of being racist, pedophiles, homophobic, or a gay because you actually don't have an original thought at all but you still want to have a conversation so you need to be able to accuse others to make your moronic arguments have some meat and potatoes.
You're grasping at straws. I never made a racial comment on here. So I'll just assume that whenever you have nothing to add you'll accuse people of being racist, pedophiles, homophobic, or a gay because you actually don't have an original thought at all but you still want to have a conversation so you need to be able to accuse others to make your moronic arguments have some meat and potatoes.

You revealed yourself a long time ago and the fact that you're lecturing on substance is adorable.
In this, you have an excellent point.

America has turned out to be a shit poor excuse for a world cop; we overthrow democratically elected governments for the offense of not giving us whatever we want for free or below market value, we invade other countries over lies and trumped up accusations, we murder millions of civilians and then shrug our shoulders.

Fog Dog has lapped far too deeply from the Kool aid bowl of American imperialist self justification.

Out of 196 countries in the world, America has mounted covert or overt operations in 137 of them, as of June. The year is young yet; surely we'll get to the rest soon!

So who's really the world's aggressor, anyway? Putin is without doubt a thug, but he's outclassed by the US in every way.
Conflating are we?

If you want, you can put me down for being responsible for global warming because I used a gas cooktop to make my breakfast too.

Seriously, you think Russian invasions into Ukraine and Lithuania are same as a covert ops war that I truly despise? There is something like 500 tanks in eastern Ukraine right now that are the only reasons why that part of the country is still fighting a civil war.

Falsely equating what Russia is doing to Ukraine and Lithuania with the truly evil acts the US are committing is exactly what Putin want his useless idiots to do.
Conflating are we?

If you want, you can put me down for being responsible for global warming because I used a gas cooktop to make my breakfast too.

Seriously, you think Russian invasions into Ukraine and Lithuania are same as a covert ops war that I truly despise? There is something like 500 tanks in eastern Ukraine right now that are the only reasons why that part of the country is still fighting a civil war.

Falsely equating what Russia is doing to Ukraine and Lithuania with the truly evil acts the US are committing is exactly what Putin want his useless idiots to do.
I use gas myself. Its actually more efficient than electric. Stove, heat, water and dryer all gas.
You're grasping at straws. I never made a racial comment on here. So I'll just assume that whenever you have nothing to add you'll accuse people of being racist, pedophiles, homophobic, or a gay because you actually don't have an original thought at all but you still want to have a conversation so you need to be able to accuse others to make your moronic arguments have some meat and potatoes.
Your reference to sjw was all I needed to connect you to white supremacists. If you aren't kard karrying, then you are just in the pupal stages. That attempt to denigrate the idea of people standing fast against white racism and sexism is a clever propaganda tool. So fuck off entitled and privileged white guy. We've made progress in social equality in the US but have a long way to go. I'll wear the sjw moniker proudly if not for any other reason than it distinguishes me from people who somehow think social justice is something to mock.
I hate those fucking coil heaters. I've used them and can cook with them but they are really slow to heat up and hard to control. I'm considering an induction cook top. Just waiting for an excuse to replace the gas one.
Lol. I'm having deja vu. I think we've had this conversation before.

I just went the opposite of you. We have a gas well and its free.

If the power goes out I'm good.
You're grasping at straws. I never made a racial comment on here. So I'll just assume that whenever you have nothing to add you'll accuse people of being racist, pedophiles, homophobic, or a gay because you actually don't have an original thought at all but you still want to have a conversation so you need to be able to accuse others to make your moronic arguments have some meat and potatoes.

But you're FULL of original thoughts like 9-11 was an inside job and the moon landing was a hoax.

You have zero credibility and nothing to really say.