Trump is NOW under investigation

I'm worried about what he is doing now, the laws he is flagrently breaking, and the harm this traitor will do to us both short and long term.

He is a disaster of nucular proportions and thyere is nothing we can do until the next (2018 ) elections.

We have to throw r's out. Period. Don't worry if they are the "right" d. any will do. Just vote.

YOU are responsible for this mess. Own it.

I voted for Hillary, tard.
I voted for Hillary, tard.

Oooh, I'm so warm and tingly. Did you even vote in 2014? 2010? 2015 (state/local)?

Just read the friggin constitution. It lists the options. Look at the congress, It shows the odds.

Get real. There is NO practical way to change the status quo.

Don't dream out loud when it isn't even remotely funny. tard indeed.
Oooh, I'm so warm and tingly. Did you even vote in 2014? 2010? 2015 (state/local)?

Just read the friggin constitution. It lists the options. Look at the congress, It shows the odds.

Get real. There is NO practical way to change the status quo.

Don't dream out loud when it isn't even remotely funny. tard indeed.

Life long registered Democrat, tard.
Life long registered Democrat, tard.

Doesn't mean much to me. I've voted in every election - EVERY year - since 1975, and I've NEVER voted "R".. That don't mean crap either.

What is important is what are you doing now? Are you working at the precinct level to elect d's? Or are you just wishing that you can remove a trophy idiot?

If you are involved, I apologize. But you strike me as a b-bot. Griping and posting and working against your interests instead of acting. And voting in all the wrong ways where it matters. Just how you are presenting yourself. Sorry if that is a bad impression.
Doesn't mean much to me. I've voted in every election - EVERY year - since 1975, and I've NEVER voted "R".. That don't mean crap either.

What is important is what are you doing now? Are you working at the precinct level to elect d's? Or are you just wishing that you can remove a trophy idiot?

If you are involved, I apologize. But you strike me as a b-bot. Griping and posting and working against your interests instead of acting. And voting in all the wrong ways where it matters. Just how you are presenting yourself. Sorry if that is a bad impression.

I will exept that apology anytime, tard.
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jjust wait until a few more shoes drop and he's hovering about 27% approval. Rs will turn when they have no other choice in the face of overwhelming evidence.

I'd love that. But even cheney didn't fall that low. And trump seems to have a hard deck in the 30's. Realistically, he won't fall below 40, or even close. And there is precedent to say that isn't low enough......
I'd love that. But even cheney didn't fall that low. And trump seems to have a hard deck in the 30's. Realistically, he won't fall below 40, or even close. And there is precedent to say that isn't low enough......
I'd love that. But even cheney didn't fall that low. And trump seems to have a hard deck in the 30's. Realistically, he won't fall below 40, or even close. And there is precedent to say that isn't low enough......

Lol, last I saw was thirty seven percent. Where have you been?
arent dem's defenders of the defenseless? interesting you choose to use that derogatory term for the mentally handicapped. repeatedly. #truecolorsoftheleft

Is there an alternate pejorative that you would prefer? "Shithead" or "fuckface" isn't disparaging to anyone but actual shitheads and/or fuckfaces if you're gonna get all PC about it.
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Trump's going down hard and not in a good way either! rotflmao.gif

Didn't even get a bj for his troubles. Maybe he did but the investigation just started. headchop.gif
Maybe we shouldn't expect too much from the investigation;

'Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is a political hack'

The links embedded in the article will curl your fucking toes...

The Senate just voted to increase sanctions on Russia 98-2. I was shocked and would say the writing is on the wall. You cannot attack the US and not expect repercussions. Bernie was one of the two that voted nay, something smells a little funny there.

I will add that most all of these cases were post 9-11, a sensitive and unified time in American politics. I think we can all agree we made mistakes nobody will ever be proud of.