
The contrast with Comey was striking. Sessions, grayer and older, looked nervous and shrunken in his seat, growing defensive at times. He weakly complained to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) about her questioning. He sharply objected: “I’m not able to be rushed this fast, it makes me nervous.” Indeed, while Comey was relaxed, confident and expansive, Sessions was evasive and skittish. He repeatedly refused to answer questions, not invoking executive privilege but saying it was Justice Department “policy” not to talk about conversations with the president. Democrats repeatedly challenged him, accusing him of “stonewalling.” Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) slammed him: “You are impeding this investigation.” Heinrich told Sessions there’s no “appropriateness” standard that alleviates him from the need to testify under oath fully and completely. Heinrich flat out accused Sessions of “obstructing” the investigation.
He's good enough, he's smart enough, and gosh darn it people like him.
Warren and Franken? Franken and Warren?
How fucking great would that be?
If the Repubs continue to show how really fucked up they are, which is evident to the nation right now as shown by the "fake polls", then probably Howdy Doody could run and win in 2020, if he (she) was a Democrat.
So why not?
They could kick serious ass, in my opinion, because the Republican party is bankrupt now, and I don't foresee anything on the horizon that will save the GOP from defeat in any upcoming elections.
Thanks Trump, for fucking the Republican party for the next 4 (8?) years, at least.
State licensed growers with a state license growing only for use in state trumps any federal law. If the product never crosses the state line and is sanctioned by the state, the federal government has no standing in the matter at all because it doesn't involve interstate commerce.

The federal government can ONLY act if it involves interstate commerce or if it's unconstitutional. State laws on marijuana are neither.

It has nothing to do with growing in a closet you stupid fuck.

Brush up on basic branches of government and their powers you racist prick.

federal law trumps state law.

CSA = federal law

stop misinforming people, jew hater.
federal law trumps state law.

CSA = federal law

stop misinforming people, jew hater.
remember when the states in a majority, first, had to ratify Prohibition, then in another majority unratified it, that one stuck around....remember remember.

Your case law citation is a keeper.
remember when the states in a majority, first, had to ratify Prohibition, then in another majority unratified it, that one stuck around....remember remember.

Your case law citation is a keeper.

federal law > state law
CSA = federal law
you are a dumb racist.
lost in the bumbling incompetency of sessions' testimony is this: he admitted to talking to kislyak in affiliation with the trump campaign, not as a senator, which was his original excuse (see: lie).
No, it doesn't dumbass. The Federal Government CAN NOT BY LAW INTERFEAR WITH THE STATE. The power of the State is absolute with TWO EXCEPTIONS:

If it involves interstate commerce.
If it violates the constitution.

None of California's, Colorado's, or anybody elses laws do. Ergo, they are powerless.

The only thing the Feds can do is lock down on illegal sales, which is what they're already doing right now. What Sessions is TRYING to do is get permission to prosecute even though he has no right to.

Riddle me this, dumbass: If Federal Law trumps state law, then why is he ASKING FOR PERMISSION?

The INSTANT the Feds start stepping on any states laws, the state in question will sue his ass clear to Mars. And they will win with ease.

And you're the racist prick, not me. Saying that someone got help from their own races community to start their career isn't racist. It's a fucking fact. If a black guy got help from the black community to get his start in the music business, how the hell is saying that racist you dumb fuck?

Fact is, you're the most racist person on this forum. Nobody can say so much as, "Yea, he was a really big black dude" without you going the fuck off about racism. Hell, if somebody says "Chef Boyardee" you go the fuck off on immigrant hate rants.
Federal Law does take precedent over State Law, State LEO can simply not participate.

And afaik, only the relevant sheriff can block Federal operations in an area.
Federal Law does take precedent over State Law, State LEO can simply not participate.

And afaik, only the relevant sheriff can block Federal operations in an area.

Again, no. It doesn't. It amazes me that people think that it does.

Why do you think states have different laws to begin with? Because the federal government has NO CONTROL over state laws. None. At all. Ever.


It involves interstate commerce (going over state lines) or it's a violation of the constitution.

That is the law of the land. It always has been. You learn it pretty much week one in any law enforcement, law, criminal justice education.
Again, no. It doesn't. It amazes me that people think that it does.

Why do you think states have different laws to begin with? Because the federal government has NO CONTROL over state laws. None. At all. Ever.


It involves interstate commerce (going over state lines) or it's a violation of the constitution.

That is the law of the land. It always has been. You learn it pretty much week one in any law enforcement, law, criminal justice education.
And yet State legal businesses have been targeted for years by Federal Enforcement...

He still will have no way to prosecute as he will have no standing. Now, he will be able to forbid doctors from prescribing, because they are regulated by State and Federal government, but he'll still not have standing to prosecute for growing due to State Law. Since it has nothing to do with interstate commerce, they're powerless.

Doctors have not been "prescribing" . They have been recommending. More evidence of the ludicrous level that government can get to.
Again, no. It doesn't. It amazes me that people think that it does.

Why do you think states have different laws to begin with? Because the federal government has NO CONTROL over state laws. None. At all. Ever.


It involves interstate commerce (going over state lines) or it's a violation of the constitution.

That is the law of the land. It always has been. You learn it pretty much week one in any law enforcement, law, criminal justice education.

That's a nice story.

Tell me the one about warrantless searches and property seizures being illegal too, so they'll never happen. Lol.
No, it doesn't dumbass. The Federal Government CAN NOT BY LAW INTERFEAR WITH THE STATE. The power of the State is absolute with TWO EXCEPTIONS:

If it involves interstate commerce.
If it violates the constitution.

None of California's, Colorado's, or anybody elses laws do. Ergo, they are powerless.

The only thing the Feds can do is lock down on illegal sales, which is what they're already doing right now. What Sessions is TRYING to do is get permission to prosecute even though he has no right to.

Riddle me this, dumbass: If Federal Law trumps state law, then why is he ASKING FOR PERMISSION?

The INSTANT the Feds start stepping on any states laws, the state in question will sue his ass clear to Mars. And they will win with ease.

And you're the racist prick, not me. Saying that someone got help from their own races community to start their career isn't racist. It's a fucking fact. If a black guy got help from the black community to get his start in the music business, how the hell is saying that racist you dumb fuck?

Fact is, you're the most racist person on this forum. Nobody can say so much as, "Yea, he was a really big black dude" without you going the fuck off about racism. Hell, if somebody says "Chef Boyardee" you go the fuck off on immigrant hate rants.
And yet State legal businesses have been targeted for years by Federal Enforcement...


Because they are involved in interstate commerce. Once you do that, you're fair game. But again, so long as you don't, the Federal Government is powerless.

Again: THINK

Why do you think Sessions is roaming around trying to get special prosecutorial permission to begin with?


What he's trying to do is get permission to prosecute pot growers simply due to marijuana being on the controlled substances list. It's never going to happen. The reason for that is simple:

Even though it's on the controlled substances list, the state still has the right to regulate it themselves WITHIN THEIR OWN BORDERS. As such, so long as they effectively enforce their own laws and prevent illegal sales and distribution over state lines, then the Federal Government can't do a thing.


Because no federal law is being broken.

Contrary to popular belief of the uneducated, drugs ARE NOT the domain of the federal government. It's like any other crime: it's subject to the laws that govern it on a case by case basis.

Example: If you're caught growing a metric ton of pot without a license in California, you're going to be in a world of trouble. You'll face STATE felony charges and probably lose your house as well.

The Federal Goverment will have absolutely NO STANDING in that case at all. Reason? It doesn't involve interstate commerce. Even if it was the DEA that busted you, they'll have to turn you over to local authority to face charges.

But if you're caught driving that stuff packed into a truck in Nevada, and you just came from California, then you're screwed. You're in the domain of the Federal Government then and you can kiss your ass goodbye.

From the very link you posted:

Obviously, there is a conflict between federal classification under the CSA, which criminalizes all marijuana-related activities; and state medical marijuana laws, which recognize and protect medicinal marijuana cultivation, possession, and use. But despite the continued viability of the federal approach, individual medicinal marijuana patients are relatively unlikely to face problems from the federal government.

And again, the reason for that is standing. It is next to impossible for the Federal Government to claim jurisdiction over state law.

From the very link you posted:

Obviously, there is a conflict between federal classification under the CSA, which criminalizes all marijuana-related activities; and state medical marijuana laws, which recognize and protect medicinal marijuana cultivation, possession, and use. But despite the continued viability of the federal approach, individual medicinal marijuana patients are relatively unlikely to face problems from the federal government.

And again, the reason for that is standing. It is next to impossible for the Federal Government to claim jurisdiction over state law.

Yes, but the point is that if Sessions gets his way it'll be less unlikely. Choosing not to act is not the same as "can't act".
Yes, but the point is that if Sessions gets his way it'll be less unlikely. Choosing not to act is not the same as "can't act".

True. But first off, it's highly unlikely he'll get what he wants. Secondly, even if he does any lawyer with half a brain will get the typical case tossed out of court in less than 10 minutes.

People have been panicking over all of this for years. In all that time, I've said the same exact thing. In all that time, I've been proven 100% correct.