
enjoy being a low information voter. being scared is part and partial to being uninformed.
Holy fucking gaping clown's pocket asshole, cringeful, witlessness.
Dude you're dumber than fuck, choking on imbecile shit, being derided and characterized as a fucking dolt. By what fucking short circuit in your asshole do you imagine that you can speak on "low information" and "uninformed"? Preposterously delusional moron take some time for critical self reflection.
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Holy fucking gaping clown's pocket asshole, cringeful, witlessness.
Dude you're dumber than fuck, choking on imbecile shit, being derided and characterized as a fucking dolt. But what fucking short circuit in your asshole do you imagine that you can speak on "low information" and "uninformed"? Preposterously delusional moron take some time for critical self reflection.
So Sessions invoked executive privilege without actually invoking executive privilege?

He's playing legal pretzel games.

He wouldn't need to do that if he had nothing to hide.

Great. We have a weasel for an Attorney General.

And an Attorney General who gets confused during rapid questioning (according to Sessions, himself). Yeah, that's a GREAT quality for the nations top law enforcement official. It's not like Harris was shining a bright light on him or beating him with a rubber hose. The little redneck, elf-looking, poor excuse of an AG broke under questioning because the cadence was too fast! Oooooooooo! LOL! Little shithead was obviously having a tough time keeping his lies straight.
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"being scared is part and partial to being uninformed."
youre speaking on "uninformed" meanwhile you fail to use basic words properly. you fucking bloated piece of idiot shit
"part and parcel"
Better than the liberal media trying to spin attempted murder into excuses.......
You are unbelievably ignorant.

federal law > state law
CSA = federal law
you are a dumb racist.

i'm not interested in your theories about how you don't need a license to drive or to register your car because travel is a right and you are not driving you are "personally commuting" using your "rolling property" you retard.

for someone so interested in supremacy, you sure seem to forget about the supremacy clause.
federal law > state law
CSA = federal law
you are a dumb racist.

i'm not interested in your theories about how you don't need a license to drive or to register your car because travel is a right and you are not driving you are "personally commuting" using your "rolling property" you retard.

for someone so interested in supremacy, you sure seem to forget about the supremacy clause.

the right to travel is case law. its unenumerated.

supremacy clause is not broad and sweeping, only applicable to "laws" in pursuance.

that's why feds love the interstate commerce angle so much and use it for everything.
omfg can't comprehend an idiom? please never vote again as you are way too dumb.

Wait, i knew what it was you were trying to say. My intention was to point out that you're a fucking idiot who ignores syntax and cant use words properly. You used the wrong word because you're a ignorant fuck. Idiomatic usage isnt relevant to your failure, failure.

Being a shit talking clown doesn't make the word "partial" mean "parcel".
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