
They're asking him questions they already know the answers to in order to give him opportunity to perjure himself, which he's trying to avoid.

That's not entirely accurate.

They're trying to get him to reveal what he and Trump talked about while alone on several occasions so they can build a case for obstruction.

Before a committee like that, there are only three possible answers: you answer the question entirely, you don't know the answer to the question, you take the 5th.

Sessions introduced a 4th today for the first time in history: The "I'm invoking executive privalidge for the president because the president may be incriminated by whatever I say" answer.

What that's actually done is two fold:
  • It's proven beyond any reasonable doubt that Trump has a lot to hide.
  • It's proven beyond any reasonable doubt that Sessions is well aware of at least some of what he's (Trump's) hiding.
Sessions thinks he did a masterful job by answering nothing with long winded, off topic, statements that ran each senator out of time.

What he really did was remove all doubt that Trump has a lot to hide and in all likelihood sent him to hide it.

“you’ll accuse me of lying. I’m not able to be rushed this fast. It makes me nervous.’’

Sessions said he couldn’t remember much of the details of his conversations or communications on the subject of Russia.

“I may have had some conversations and I think I did, with the general strategic concept of the possibility of whether or not Russia and the United States could get on a more harmonious relationship,’’ he said, calling it “tragic’’ that the two countries don’t get along better.
Wow i bet Trump will be impeached by the end of the week after this!

There's no drive-through window like you're used to, fat ass. Chasing crooks out of office can take a little while.
Wow i bet Trump will be impeached by the end of the week after this!
You are a desperate, fucking witless, bone spur sucking stooge.

watergate took years trump is not gonna take all that. Trump is so pathologically self absorbed that he is nuclearizing his personal catastrophe.

Sources reported that Director Comey was regarded with affection throughout allied intelligence, and that Donald Trump’s scornful attitude towards NATO – since Trump is perceived as a mere proxy of Russia, without thought or direction of his own, by the west – has enraged allied intelligence services, who are more than prepared to judiciously release intelligence at strategic times (such as Mr. Sessions’ testimony) to make it clear that Russia and Trump standing in the way of the FBI and Director Mueller’s inquiry will not be tolerated.
Since it has nothing to do with interstate commerce, they're powerless.

conservative SCOTUS picks have already ruled that growing in your own closet is not protected under the interstate commerce clause.

you really should brush up on basic history before filling people with false hope, jew hater.
You all meltdown much?
What really disgusts me is your blind loyalty to an administration that's clearly double dealing at the very least and at the worst has committed treason and sold out our country.

And then you turn around and want us to believe that you and your kind are fucking patriots and that you honor our nation and its principles, including fair play and the rule of law?

Your blatant party line hypocrisy make me sick.

And for what? WTF are YOU getting out of all this, other than the short end of the bone spur? They aren't doing anything for YOU, other than stealing from your country, your future and your children.

I mean seriously, dude.