I love her, and she was doing a great job too.
He literally got away with "I'll have to check" she pointed out his incompetent and further complacent approach to this whole matter. She was frying his ass.
They're asking him questions they already know the answers to in order to give him opportunity to perjure himself, which he's trying to avoid.
Sessions thinks he did a masterful job by answering nothing with long winded, off topic, statements that ran each senator out of time.
What he really did was remove all doubt that Trump has a lot to hide and in all likelihood sent him to hide it.
Wow i bet Trump will be impeached by the end of the week after this!
Wow i bet Trump will be impeached by the end of the week after this!
You are a desperate, fucking witless, bone spur sucking stooge.Wow i bet Trump will be impeached by the end of the week after this!
FIFYYou all shutting me down much?
Cringe, fucking witless ass.You all meltdown much?
Since it has nothing to do with interstate commerce, they're powerless.
What really disgusts me is your blind loyalty to an administration that's clearly double dealing at the very least and at the worst has committed treason and sold out our country.You all meltdown much?
"I have no recollection"...
Famous last words.