Defoliation and CO2

Firstly, saying an object which is casting a shadow isn't blocking light is just plain dumb. Secondly, the parts of the light that do travel through a top leaf are useless to any leaves below because the wavelengths they need have been absorbed by the chlorophyll in the top leaf. A leaf doesn't absorb 'light', it absorbs wavelength frequencies. Also, when people talk about light penetration, they are referring to the relative drop off in light intensity from source, not how many layers of leaves it can zap through - otherwise why would plants bother growing towards the sun if light penetrates everything?? Maybe the rainforest canopy is just a myth! Plus by your logic you'd only need 1 light bulb for the whole world lol! And yes of course the sun is the most powerful light in the solar system, though I wasn't really disputing that, plus the exact difference between outdoors and indoors growing is they're two totally separate growing environments so of course somethings will be done different.
And yes I agree you can't trust everyone on here, though please show me anywhere online where you can. Plus, I still find pics always trump no pics, and the issue of verification comes into play afterwards. Oh, and if you could send me links to all these controlled double blind lab tests on cannabis that you have access to, please do indeed - if you can show me academic papers and sources then I will truely apologise for thinking you to be so ill-formed.
Don't know why you're blasting off on me mate. Never said I had access to those lab tests either. Maybe proof read a bit. Oh and fuck you
Don't know why you're blasting off on me mate. Never said I had access to those lab tests either. Maybe proof read a bit. Oh and fuck you

It was because you quite clearly were trying to make out that I didn't know what I was talking about, so I corrected you. And it was kind of rhetorical when I was asking for links, so don't worry thanks. I will consider this concluded then.
they're insulting our intelligence bro , that's a no,no ..

Hehe! Lol they can believe whatever they want and about me & my intelligence too - it's honestly not a worry in my life! I will always speak out like I did if people getting nasty and pedantic like he did with you, especially when they not in any much higher position themselves. You can keep feeding them if you want though it ain't gonna gain you much (fair play it is a laugh hammering numpties, though is far better to troll on websites you don't mind getting kicked off lol!) I'll wish you luck with growing, smoking & smiling in the meantime dude!
Hehe! Lol they can believe whatever they want and about me & my intelligence too - it's honestly not a worry in my life! I will always speak out like I did if people getting nasty and pedantic like he did with you, especially when they not in any much higher position themselves. You can keep feeding them if you want though it ain't gonna gain you much (fair play it is a laugh hammering numpties, though is far better to troll on websites you don't mind getting kicked off lol!) I'll wish you luck with growing, smoking & smiling in the meantime dude!
most definitely
So for the last time of being that man - you say leaves 'never' block light??! Hmmmmm, so I guess chloropyhll (and all surrounding leaf tissue) is deviously translucent despite looking like a solid colour block, yet somehow magically is still able to absorb light into it's translucent cells yet then somehow also releases it all again after absorption and it restores back to the light all the energy it deducted & used right?! (The answers no btw) And I'm not disputing photosynthesis occurs either.

Yes, I said "never", ..dont be a dick. Leaves don't block light, they use it. Don't try and change what the meaning was, of that I said.

Block means it make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible.

Secondly you pretty much can look at it as 1 leave blocking another because that's what's fecking happening!! Yes energy is relocated, as it is in any living organism, yet the plant still needs to maximise light yield - otherwise by your logic, 1 lone leaf could power the whole plant fine lol!

Secondly, leaves work as a collective,and all connected through sieve tubes. If you had two train engines (connected) on one track, pulling the same load, neither one is blocking the other. They're doing the same function. Again my words taken out of context, so,... "No" that is not my logic, as my point was only referring to the capacity in which I just mentioned. Again...don't be a dick. This is exactly how it all started with needynate.

And the limit in water uptake due to reduced stomatas is negligible enough to be obsolete as a factor, if you're defoliating and not stripping it bare.

I could give two shits as for if you do, but test it you're self, Take two mature plant in equal amounts of DWC. Now strip the leaves off one. See for yourself which one uptakes more.+90% of all transpiration is done through the leaves. ....negligible my ass.
Couple non de fouluations!!!! 1000 watts and deps!!!!!


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Yes, I said "never", ..dont be a dick. Leaves don't block light, they use it. Don't try and change what the meaning was, of that I said.

Block means it make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible.

Secondly, leaves work as a collective,and all connected through sieve tubes. If you had two train engines (connected) on one track, pulling the same load, neither one is blocking the other. They're doing the same function. Again my words taken out of context, so,... "No" that is not my logic, as my point was only referring to the capacity in which I just mentioned. Again...don't be a dick. This is exactly how it all started with needynate.

I could give two shits as for if you do, but test it you're self, Take two mature plant in equal amounts of DWC. Now strip the leaves off one. See for yourself which one uptakes more.+90% of all transpiration is done through the leaves. ....negligible my ass.

Lol you really are deluded! Do you not see your own wrong logic?? You do realise light is electromagnetic energy? If a bottom leaf is not receiving 100% of that energy due to a leaf positioned above it, then that top leaf is most definitely and clearly blocking it! By the very fact you say yourself, they use the light, yes they do, but then how is that portion of light energy gonna be available then for other leaves to absorb??! It fricking isn't because that's the laws of physics - energy does not multiply, leaves do block light, the earth is not flat.

And you truely reveal your idiocy with your 2nd point - yes leaves do work for the collective and are all interconnected, but that doesn't make any difference whatsoever to the point in hand about satisfying it's light requirement. which comes from coverage where optimally as many leaves are unshaded as possible - again, I'm not even arguing for defoliation itself, though the straight mathematics of it cannot be dismissed so casually either - surface area to volume ratio is reason enough to investigate further. And again, in both maths and engineering terms your train analogy is just plain nonsense - engines connected/throttle linked together become 1 unit - they aren't individual anymore, else if you mean 2 train cabs backed up against each other (1 towing the other towing the load) then it's physically impossible for them both to tow the same load at the same time, so 1 is always blocking or hindering the other. ( I'm actually laughing at how long you're gonna spend puzzling that now lol! ".....But if the 1st one just goes faster??!.....durrrhuuh")

Please do come back with to me with something on that.
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Lol you really are deluded! Do you not see your own wrong logic?? You do realise light is electromagnetic energy? If a bottom leaf is not receiving 100% of that energy due to a leaf positioned above it, then that top leaf is most definitely and clearly blocking it! By the very fact you say yourself, they use the light, yes they do, but then how is that portion of light energy gonna be available then for other leaves to absorb??! It fricking isn't because that's the laws of physics - energy does not multiply, leaves do block light, the earth is not flat.

And you truely reveal your idiocy with your 2nd point - yes leaves do work for the collective and are all interconnected, but that doesn't make any difference whatsoever to the point in hand about satisfying it's light requirement. which comes from coverage where optimally as many leaves are unshaded as possible - again, I'm not even arguing for defoliation itself, though the straight mathematics of it cannot be dismissed so casually either - surface area to volume ratio is real thing! And again, in both maths and engineering terms your train analogy is just plain nonsense - engines connected/throttle linked together become 1 unit - they aren't individual anymore, else if you mean 2 train cabs backed up against each other (1 towing the other towing the load) then it's physically impossible for them both to tow the same load at the same time, so 1 is always blocking or hindering the other. ( I'm actually laughing at how long you're gonna spend puzzling that now lol! "But if the 1st one just goes faster.....durrrhuuh")

Please do come back with to me with something on that.

You're trying too hard, and looking into meaning that was never meant. Are you sure you understand the meaning of "taking something out of context".

The plant doest care where the photosynthesis is carried out, as long as it happens. I simply don't agree, as I don't see a single "leaf" as a reasonably argument in performance with the plant as a whole. I see "leaves" (plural) catching light as a group, to make the maximum photosynthate, and not a leaf blocking light from another, in competition. Your argument is moot, and petty. I never once mention the proportion of light vs leaves.

You cleary never been to a train yard where the load was so heavy it took two engines to pull it.
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You're trying too hard, and looking into meaning that was never meant. Are you sure you understand the meaning of "taking something of of context".

The plant doest care where the photosynthesis is carried out, as long as it happens. I simply don't agree, as I don't see a single "leaf" as a reasonably argument in performance with the plant as a whole. I see "leaves" (plural) catching light as a group, to make the maximum photosynthate, and not a leaf blocking light from another, in competition. Your argument is moot, and petty. I never once mention the proportion of light vs leaves.

You cleary never been to a train yard where the load was so heavy it took two engines to pull it.

As I said before and should've done already, I'm stopping being that man. Enjoy the revel.
i apparently have to post this again ..anybody who sais defoliating doesn't work is full of shit .. when u make such claims your pretty much saying jungle boys and other top large scale growers don't know what they're doing .. and that's obviously a damn lie


i apparently have to post this again ..anybody who sais defoliating doesn't work is full of shit .. when u make such claims your pretty much saying jungle boys and other top large scale growers don't know what they're doing .. and that's obviously a damn lie



You sound like broken record, spamming the thread with the same crap that means nothing. Find some new material.. This "I'm right, you're wrong", isn't working.
You sound like broken record, spamming the thread with the same crap that means nothing. Find some new material.. This "I'm right, you're wrong", isn't working.
ur wrong and im right tho ....but its cool ho keep it simple. Simple mind for simple grows .on that note im out so u can keep the feed back to yourself ...yadida
ur wrong and im right tho ....but its cool ho keep it simple. Simple mind for simple grows .on that note im out so u can keep the feed back to yourself ...yadida

When you get some science to back what you're saying (which I don't see happening), maybe people will start perking up, but until then, pseudoscience it will remain.
It was because you quite clearly were trying to make out that I didn't know what I was talking about, so I corrected you. And it was kind of rhetorical when I was asking for links, so don't worry thanks. I will consider this concluded then.
You stopped being credible when you said "what botony textbooks forget"

Yeah, this is concluded.