Well-Known Member
o yea.Oh yes, and I'm looking right at you, big daddy.
u must not grow broIt's like shaving your pubes, yeah your dick looks bigger but it's the same tiny penis as before.
o yea.Oh yes, and I'm looking right at you, big daddy.
u must not grow broIt's like shaving your pubes, yeah your dick looks bigger but it's the same tiny penis as before.
Are you beginning to see the power of defoliation?
I have a 1000sqft cannabis garden, that many here have seen. I just choose to not care if you see. I am in no way threatened by you. I'm in my 30's, and on my way towards getting my degree in botany.
Are you going to answer my second question or not? ...maybe you dont know..
its not quite the same. ill see if i can find u some literature on it..
When to defoliate (checklist)
- Growing indoors with grow lights
- Plant has several nodes (is no longer a seedling or young plant)
- Plant is healthy and fast growing
- Hardy strain
- Plant is so leafy that leaves are laying on top of each other, especially if it’s leafy in the middle of the plant, preventing light and air circulation from getting to the inside of the plant (see picture below for an example of a great candidate for defoliation)
When NOT to defoliate
You can see through this plant and light easily reaches the bottom. That lets you know this cannabis plant doesn't need to be defoliated
- Growing outdoors
- Plant is unhealthy or slow growing
- Strain is known to be finicky and tough to grow
- Plant is not very leafy
- First-time or new grower
I do grow and I leave my leaves on so I can get good yields.o yea.
u must not grow bro
(Experienced Growers Only) Controversial Defoliation Increases Marijuana Yields
by Keef Treez "The Defoliator"
Defoliation is an extreme marijuana growth control technique. It's not to be done lightly by beginners.
(For those interested, here's a cannabis defoliation tutorial by a different grower)
The topic of cannabi defoliation is one of the most controversial subjects in the marijuana growing field. People on both sides defend their position vehemently.
I'm on the side that believe there is absolutely nothing stressful about defoliation or bending branches. Honestly, there is no way to achieve nearly a pound of buds from a 2-3 foot tall plant indoors, except using defoliation.
Opponents often have arguments like, "PLANTS NEED THOSE LEAVES! If they didn't, they wouldn't be there."
Or my all-time favorite, "I have a friend who used to grow, and he insists that will hurt the plant."
Yet the saddest part of all is how so few people are willing to look at the evidence.
In some ways, I almost would prefer the rest of the growing world keep up their ill-advised lollipopping, removing growing tips, and other low-yield techniques. The defoliation technique has been loudly condemned by "experienced" growers for decades. Nevertheless, I am determined to educate other growers about defoliating and let them see the results for themselves.
So let me start by giving you some picture proof that defoliation works (make sure you scroll down to see all of them!).
You see, I've been defoliating intensively for 30 years. I am now training plants to be 32" tall and 32" round and yielding 250-400 grams under 400 watt lamp.
Nebula Haze from Yes, that's right, he said 8-14 OUNCES of
buds of marijuana harvested off each short, easy-to-manage 32" tall plant, using
just a regular 400 watt HID grow light.
Here are two of my beauties (the one on the right needs a good plucking)
How-To Tutorial: The Controversial Technique of Defoliation
Despite all the evidence (I've posted hundreds of pictures and shown dozens of growers in person), there is still somehow so much skepticism about defoliation techniques. Growers, especially new growers, often just say variations of, "It's common sense, how could removing any part of the plant cause you to get higher yields?"
I recently attended an advanced seminar with a prominent fellow grower and got roundly booed when attempting to describe the defoliation technique, even with pictures showing dramatic benefits.
Unlike many other growers, I believe what's most important is studying how the plant actually grows, instead of assuming she grows how we think she should grow. Real experimentation and unbiased observers are the only way growers are going to learn how to get the best yields for the amount of time, money, and effort.
And it's true that some types of defoliation are brutal to the plants (such as when misguided growers removing all the
leaves off extremely young marijuana plants), but other types of defoliation are actually hugely beneficial to increasing yields (I'll be showing you exactly what do do shortly).
And defoliation is beneficial for more than just marijuana, it also has been proven to increase yields for certain other types of crops. For example, it's well-known that cowpeas experience significant increases in yields when up to 50% of their leaves are defoliated during their flowering stage... (source)
This marijuana girl is 32" tall (the dimensions of this girl are 32"x32"x32" to be exact). She was intensely defoliated throughout her life.
And it's true that the real beauty of defoliation is difficult to translate in pictures and verbally.
But I will do my best to give you everything you need to start producing your own huge yields with marijuana defoliation.
But First, Let Me Show You About Increased Bud Production With Defoliation During the Flowering Stage
Before plucking
Immediately After Plucking
Just 4 days later, look at the incredible bud growth
Only 4 Days After That (after another defoliation session)
Are you beginning to see the power of defoliation?
How Early Do You Start Defoliating?
I first started defoliating in desperation after many years of SOG, which I feel has proven to be too much work for inconsistent yields. After much experimentation, I've found my yields have been more consistent when training a single plant to use this space instead of 4 or 9 or 25 SOG clones.
Never mind the fact that in many states, patients are limited to just a handful of plants, removing SoG as a viable option.
Most growers who are curious about this do not want to perform defoliation on small plants. They consider the practice in veg to be too radical. And I 100% agree that totally stripping your seedlings of all leaves will be devastating to their growth.
And the honest truth is that defoliation isn't for everyone. Beginners are often already dealing with the drawbacks to their choice of method or media, and defoliation can be disastrous to any but the healthiest of plants.
Because of this, I sometimes hesitate to throw defoliation into the mix of challenges for beginning growers and I strongly advise any growers to experiment with defoliation (or with any extreme growth control method) in the vegetative stage only where there is nothing at stake.
That being said, I believe the only reason you should allow a marijuana plant to leaf out completely is in an outdoor situation where you want as large a plant as possible. In that case you can save deleafing for mid to late summer after full-stretch and branching.
Don't you know leaves get in the way of buds?! Get rid of them! More light to the buds means bigger buds! And also, don't let leaves live longer than 2 weeks because MORE BUDSI'm sold !!!
gonna cut off all my leaves and get more buds now
Don't you know leaves get in the way of buds?! Get rid of them! More light to the buds means bigger buds! And also, don't let leaves live longer than 2 weeks because MORE BUDS
You're confusing bro science with actual science. A leaf doesn't block light despite there being a shadow. Light can still travel through said leaf. We talk about light penetration with our grow lights and the sun is probably the best grow light out there, right? It has the best penetration I would have thought although im sure there's somebody in the know that can verify that.
Just because somebody uploads pictures with claims doesn't make them valid. I could upload anything to prove my point and claim bigger yields - that doesn't make it true.
People need to take forum knowledge with a pinch of salt, and realise that where you cite your knowledge from is almost as important as said knowledge. Valid sources are a must. Controlled double blind tests Vs. An Internet person making a claim? I know what Id pick.
When to defoliate (checklist)
- Growing indoors with grow lights
- Plant has several nodes (is no longer a seedling or young plant)
- Plant is healthy and fast growing
- Hardy strain
- Plant is so leafy that leaves are laying on top of each other, especially if it’s leafy in the middle of the plant, preventing light and air circulation from getting to the inside of the plant (see picture below for an example of a great candidate for defoliation)
When NOT to defoliate
You can see through this plant and light easily reaches the bottom. That lets you know this cannabis plant doesn't need to be defoliated
- Growing outdoors
- Plant is unhealthy or slow growing
- Strain is known to be finicky and tough to grow
- Plant is not very leafy
- First-time or new grower
thanks.. i just cant understand how people can have proof slapped right in their face and still refuse to see the truth .. ignorant people have always bothered me and I've never been one to let the foolery slide .but im happy to know that this site isn't just filled with dumb asses ,i guess people like us r just rare .Wow! And that's all really good info too cheers Nate - I hadn't yet got round to properly researching though am glad I got into this argument now, as every cloud has a silver lining! Thanks man and just leave everyone else to it - I learnt long time ago there's no point trying to educate idiots so you may as well save your stress for someone worthwhile! Great grows too dude!
Bro you don't have to defoliate to have monster yields. Everyone knows that.I learnt long time ago there's no point trying to educate idiots so you may as well save your stress for someone worthwhile!
Finally, please do, lol
Not only that, but leaves 'never' block light, they absorb it, use it, and change the energy to chemical engery.
You cant look at it as a single leaf blocking another leaf, as all leaves work as a collective; as one unit for growth.
+90% of all water is absorbed because of the leaves, because of 'transpiration', where the stomata is located on the bottom of leaves. Without them, you limit nutrient and water uptake.
Waste management is controlled by the leaves..
Pro schwazzers don't care about plant science, and only look at 1up-ing everyone. Just look at needinate and how he wants to compare the first time he sees resistance based on science.
nobody sais u have to do anything. but if ur pulling a large harvest without defoliating, all im saying if u defoliate too your yield will be even bigger .. itBro you don't have to defoliate to have monster yields. Everyone knows that.
thanks.. i just cant understand how people can have proof slapped right in their face and still refuse to see the truth .. ignorant people have always bothered me and I've never been one to let the foolery slide .but im happy to know that this site isn't just filled with dumb asses ,i guess people like us r just rare .
exactly ,they're closed minded and not open to learn, and they're all obviously riu buddies/lovers lol.. im sure they're on a lot of threads teaming up .trying to make their points seem valid.. funny dummy dume said a few timesI know what you mean in a way, though I can appreciate if people are happy and feeling nailed down already then let them crack on - though there is no need for everyone to suddenly jump on you, as if they don't agree then they should just be letting you crack on too. More the telling difference is that if someone like Dumme suddenly said something we really learnt from we would admit it and be thankful, yet he would steadfastly refuse to learn anything whatsoever from someone he sneers on - sitting & listening rather than shouting is soundest base to learn any subject from.