Defoliation and CO2, yes you really did. Page 7

You came in trying to defend your lil friend, needynate. ..and since he's the one that started shit with me Sunday, I'd say you're both rightfully full on asses.
the only ones who have friends on here ,trying to gang up on people is u jd and krypt . yall r riding each others dick super hard. all redwhite and blue did was agree with me when he saw how ignorant yall became with me..
Last edited:, yes you really did. Page 7

You came in trying to defend your lil friend, needynate. ..and since he's the one that started shit with me Sunday, I'd say you're both rightfully full on asses.
the real issue at hand is you and ur lovers dont know how except the fact that others know things u don't .. u want to feel correct and make others feel dumb while doing so and when u cant accomplish these things u then u start calling people names and jump on that troll tip... u and ur lovers are very arrogant and it shows ...
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I have a great idea, PM each other the personal attacks, because to anyone else reading it's not very interesting. Like you say, it seems to be the current trend on RIU. Nobody else cares who wins the insult contest so why put it on a public thread? Yes, I've been drawn into similar stuff myself in the past but I'm not even going to let that happen anymore.
I have a great idea, PM each other the personal attacks, because to anyone else reading it's not very interesting. Like you say, it seems to be the current trend on RIU. Nobody else cares who wins the insult contest so why put it on a public thread? Yes, I've been drawn into similar stuff myself in the past but I'm not even going to let that happen anymore.

Agreed, I've had enough..

the real issue at hand is you and ur lovers dont know how except the fact that others know things u don't .. u want to feel correct and make others feel dumb while doing so and when u cant accomplish these things u then u start calling people names and jump on that troll tip... u and ur lovers are very arrogant and it shows ...

Ive been preach exactly what's in Robert Cornell Clarke's book since day one.
Nothing posted here "pro-defoliation" is new information. It's always the same...

Let bye gones, be... and all that. Good day sir.
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Lol are you even serious??!! You're not sure why all plants grow upwards and in the case of cannabis you think it might be to aid wind pollination??! And you're having the audacity to criticise my knowledge??! That alone qualifies you to be disregarded from any discussion! And yet like Dumme, a person who knows the least (and you added an unsure 'maybe' into your own statement lol!) always seems to be the one most jumping on other people's opinions and calling them psuedo-science - you don't even know real fcuking science mush! Now I have plenty admitted I both don't fully know or even condone defoliating yet, but I came on here hoping to learn & intelligently discuss the topic, not deal with dickheads just calling everything they disagree (or more to the point, don't know about lol!) bullshit anytime anyone types.

And also, why the hell would a plant feel the need to specifically grow against earth's gravitional pull???!! What would that gain it then??! Lol! And the trophism prefix you're looking for is geotropism - that's just another nail in your coffin too - spouting big ideas and not even knowing the terminology! As for the rest of your confused and convoluted bullshit on defoliating and outdoors, I ain't even gonna bother answering as (a) it'll go over your head and, (b) you've clearly got some super magic science already nailed down so good luck cracking on with that!
I don't remember calling you any names. You started that shit in your first post in this thread so I'll leave the internet tough guy shit to you and nn. You say came to learn about defoliation, you're full of shit. You joined joined in because you have a grandiose self image and for some reason thought you needed to mediate a debate on a subject you know squat about. Now you're the one acting like a petty cocksucker turned pedantic and churlish. You see where I put maybe or might that's what we call sarcasm. I apologize if it wasn't obvious enough for you, sometimes that happens in text.

The question about outdoor defoliation seemed valid to me. You say light can't penetrate and therefore shades what's under it. NastyNate say's not to defoliate outdoors, why? If light or wavelength frequencies can't penetrate leaves and create shadows on the lower or inside growth wouldn't leaf removal be beneficial to those areas?

  1. the growth of the parts of plants with respect to the force of gravity. The upward growth of plant shoots is an instance of negative geotropism ; the downward growth of roots is positive geotropism.
Why would plant's grow against gravity? How does a seed know which way is up when it's underground? I'll stick with phototropism as it pertains to this thread and the need for defoliation. I won't bore you with the definition I'm sure you know it.

If you feel the need go ahead and look at my post history. I've been on this site about double the time you have and I'd bet you've surpassed any name calling or trolling bullshit in one thread. You're correct and fully agree the about the shitheads and trolling taking over RIU the internet in general. All you have to do is read the thread to see who the trolls and hipp o crits are.

One last tip I've learned from the trolls is if gonna call sum1 dumm or tell them they shouldn't have the audacity to critisize your knowledge learn to spell fuck, it's only four letters.
the only ones who have friends on here ,trying to gang up on people is u jd and krypt . yall r riding each others dick super hard. all redwhite and blue did was agree with me when he saw how ignorant yall became with me..
I know you as well as anyone else in this thread. If you see people agree or disagree as being ignorant, dick riding or ganging up your view might be skewed. I think you got honest feedback that you didn't like so you went on a name calling spree. It's seems to have slipped your memory so I'll remind you of YOUR first post.

if ur growing out doors yes leave ur leaves on but indoor is a different story .. sure u can leave em on but its not as good as taking em off .. defoliating is the way to grow indoor for sure... .. lol dont believe me ,i suggest doing more research on this topic.

YOU bumped an old thread to argue with much more seasoned growers. A year ago you were asking the most basic grow questions there are, then you watch a youtube video and tell people they need to do research? You came looking for an argument on a subject you know shit about and got what you were looking for so what the fuck are you crying about?
I know you as well as anyone else in this thread. If you see people agree or disagree as being ignorant, dick riding or ganging up your view might be skewed. I think you got honest feedback that you didn't like so you went on a name calling spree. It's seems to have slipped your memory so I'll remind you of YOUR first post.

YOU bumped an old thread to argue with much more seasoned growers. A year ago you were asking the most basic grow questions there are, then you watch a youtube video and tell people they need to do research? You came looking for an argument on a subject you know shit about and got what you were looking for so what the fuck are you crying about?
yo u still talking .. shut that ass up tho ,u obviously kno nothing..
I know you as well as anyone else in this thread. If you see people agree or disagree as being ignorant, dick riding or ganging up your view might be skewed. I think you got honest feedback that you didn't like so you went on a name calling spree. It's seems to have slipped your memory so I'll remind you of YOUR first post.

YOU bumped an old thread to argue with much more seasoned growers. A year ago you were asking the most basic grow questions there are, then you watch a youtube video and tell people they need to do research? You came looking for an argument on a subject you know shit about and got what you were looking for so what the fuck are you crying about?
I don't remember calling you any names. You started that shit in your first post in this thread so I'll leave the internet tough guy shit to you and nn. You say came to learn about defoliation, you're full of shit. You joined joined in because you have a grandiose self image and for some reason thought you needed to mediate a debate on a subject you know squat about. Now you're the one acting like a petty cocksucker turned pedantic and churlish. You see where I put maybe or might that's what we call sarcasm. I apologize if it wasn't obvious enough for you, sometimes that happens in text.

The question about outdoor defoliation seemed valid to me. You say light can't penetrate and therefore shades what's under it. NastyNate say's not to defoliate outdoors, why? If light or wavelength frequencies can't penetrate leaves and create shadows on the lower or inside growth wouldn't leaf removal be beneficial to those areas?

  1. the growth of the parts of plants with respect to the force of gravity. The upward growth of plant shoots is an instance of negative geotropism ; the downward growth of roots is positive geotropism.
Why would plant's grow against gravity? How does a seed know which way is up when it's underground? I'll stick with phototropism as it pertains to this thread and the need for defoliation. I won't bore you with the definition I'm sure you know it.

If you feel the need go ahead and look at my post history. I've been on this site about double the time you have and I'd bet you've surpassed any name calling or trolling bullshit in one thread. You're correct and fully agree the about the shitheads and trolling taking over RIU the internet in general. All you have to do is read the thread to see who the trolls and hipp o crits are.

One last tip I've learned from the trolls is if gonna call sum1 dumm or tell them they shouldn't have the audacity to critisize your knowledge learn to spell fuck, it's only four letters.

Hahaha a post that long means I touched a nerve! Glad to see and although you'd never admit it to me, I'm pleased it clearly hit home how stupid you were! Oh, and I love your attempt to pretend otherwise by rambling another load of bullshit!

I will always remember you as the kid who doesn't know why plants grow upwards! Hilarious!
So what
You didnt prove shit. Empirical observation alone proves nothing. Realistically, there's no way to tell if those plants would have been a large yield, as you said yourself, it's a different grow.

Anyone that goes simply by your empirical observation and copies your method, is a product of "social conformity". "Do it because it the other guy says it worked".

Science tells us "leaves turn light energy to chemical engery, period". ...Thats not based on your words and small ass grow, that's fact.

..but please do go on, and spit out more verbal diarrhea.
So what I'm taking from this is you believe anything as long as a scientist says it's true....
u dont need the excess leaves that r blocking new growth from light and u dont need because u want to grow bud, not leaves.. the reason for defoliating in x amount of days is because if u do it to much to often u can over stress the plants and herm em out ,stunt growth etc..u can bet all u want but these were my grows and i know what i did to them .i know i fed them the same nutes and the environment was almost exactly the same as the other. u dont have to believe me . just know i will never pull anything under a pound and a half in my 4x4. next grow im shooting for three pounds and it will all be possible because of defoliating ,not to mention i have a bad ass set up and i know what im doing for the most part. . it baffles me how many ignorant people r actually on this site claiming to be so knowledgeable ,yet they never have pics or vids to prove anything they claim smh... show me a 4x4 grow room that hit 3 pounds that didn't defoliate and ill believe u when u say defoliating doesn't work or isn't needed.. until then just watch us real growers yeild large harvests and u can keep on thinking that defoliating doesn't work..
3 pounds in a 4x4 tent holy Shit I need some pointers.....what is your setup I'm on my first grow using a California light works solar storm 440 in a 3x3 gorilla tent
3lbs in a 4x4.....

Shit I've been at this for 6+ yrs. I get 4 from an 8x12 with 4x315 ams co2

Calling gsuper BS 9n 3lbs from a 4x4!
So what
You didnt prove shit. Empirical observation alone proves nothing. Realistically, there's no way to tell if those plants would have been a large yield, as you said yourself, it's a different grow.

Anyone that goes simply by your empirical observation and copies your method, is a product of "social conformity". "Do it because it the other guy says it worked".

Science tells us "leaves turn light energy to chemical engery, period". ...Thats not based on your words and small ass grow, that's fact.

..but please do go on, and spit out more verbal diarrhea.
So what I'm taking from this is you believe anything as long as a scientist says it's true....
u dont need the excess leaves that r blocking new growth from light and u dont need because u want to grow bud, not leaves.. the reason for defoliating in x amount of days is because if u do it to much to often u can over stress the plants and herm em out ,stunt growth etc..u can bet all u want but these were my grows and i know what i did to them .i know i fed them the same nutes and the environment was almost exactly the same as the other. u dont have to believe me . just know i will never pull anything under a pound and a half in my 4x4. next grow im shooting for three pounds and it will all be possible because of defoliating ,not to mention i have a bad ass set up and i know what im doing for the most part. . it baffles me how many ignorant people r actually on this site claiming to be so knowledgeable ,yet they never have pics or vids to prove anything they claim smh... show me a 4x4 grow room that hit 3 pounds that didn't defoliate and ill believe u when u say defoliating doesn't work or isn't needed.. until then just watch us real growers yeild large harvests and u can keep on thinking that defoliating doesn't work..
3 pounds in a 4x4 tent holy Shit I need some pointers.....what is your setup I'm on my first grow using a California light works solar storm 440 in a 3x3 gorilla tent
In a tent 3 p would be very very impressive

3+ pounds in a 4x4 area , ante no thingDF5CF7E2-18C1-4BB1-A94B-4F42D18CF9B1.jpeg4C673877-D9F5-4EB9-8079-28FB1CC82AFA.png
I use to be like lots out there and believe we need all the leaves.
Will removing leaves hurt that bud? Yes 100% . Does topping hurt the potential of a bud vs not , yes 100% .
Does scrog make smaller buds , but a lot more ? Yes . It’s all about math and % of light and penetration and amounts of flowering sites .
And there’s no replacement for displacement in this equation, LEDs n lower watts will never equal a DE1000 F0D385A8-D7DC-4310-80BA-513B08394C52.pngBeing able to probably perform 2nd grade science experiments with proper controls n variables would make a lot of people better at what they do.
Data collection, observations, hypothesis, experiment, follow though,
When I broke 3 a light I didn’t think I hit the top, it was “ok kool, now what can I do better”.

Genetics play a huge roll too, I have ran strains that I will never hit big numbers too.

Flame away , but back it up , think my pic backs up my statements up pretty well.

Show you the way I will. Voda voice
So what I'm taking from this is you believe anything as long as a scientist says it's true....
Fuck science bro! Ever see the stupid shit they claim bout gravity? Try jumping off a roof, don't be scured it's easy you can do it here's proof.

God damn scientists are full of shit. Look at the joy on their faces what more proof do ya need?
tell that to the jungle boys and any other big time grower and they'll laugh in ur dumb ass face and gladly show u otherwise with their large grows.. u are a simpleton..
Fuck science bro! Ever see the stupid shit they claim bout gravity? Try jumping off a roof, don't be scured it's easy you can do it here's proof.

God damn scientists are full of shit. Look at the joy on their faces what more proof do ya need?
Haha my exact stand on scientists. I take the word of someone who has been growing for sometime with a grow to back it up over a scientist word anyday