Well-Known Member
what do mean by soil-less? If you use coco you can feed it compost tea and amend it with EWC and use beneficial bacteria, fungi and Mycorrhizae and then there is Aquaponics that is more like hydro organics. There is also KNF that I've been applying to my ROLS regimen
I have a medium sized recycling aquaponic system; about 1300 gallons and growing.
In this system, I grow hydroponicly. Soil-less, meaning the roots are in net pot only, with a neoprene top, and also aeroponicly hanging with aquaponics feeding and spraying the roots below.
In other plants in the same system, I grow with recycled coco, also hydroponically, and aeroponically, as the roots are hanging freely below the coco, and being sprayed with aquaponic water.
And then there's my (non-hydro) soil growing plants, also in the same system, with roots hanging down below the soil, and also aeroponically sprayed with aquaponic water.
My aeroponics is low pressure as my pump continuously cycles @ 5100 gal/h.
Lastly I have a wicking hydroponic flood table, filled with hydroton, that I use as a transition station, of sorts, between transplanting of clones. I use both hydroponics and soil in this area.
...Again, all in aquaponic, all organic, 99% aeroponic, and halfly hydroponic & halfly soil.
Generally speaking, I don't use teas, although I've used them in the past.
I still very confused as to how you can compare the use of soil(less) to a classification of organic. It's apples and oranges.
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