Dr. Who
Well-Known Member
There is a problem that no one has listed that ALL synthetics share and this is true for hydro just as much as soil synthetic grows.
The long term availability of Phosphorus to be mined for plant use.
It's running out!
Most available Phosphate rock is in parts of the world that are politically unstable or under military dispute. What happens if that area goes unfriendly to the U.S.?
In as little as 30 years, the quality useable phosphate rock can run out. Thus, your synthetic hydroponic grow will be non-viable.
"But another conventional technical fix for a resource in short supply — finding a substitute — is not available. Presently, there simply are no substitutes for phosphorus."
https://www.google.com/search?q=availability of mined phosphorus&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US
Next. You list animal by products as used in Organic's
Other then worm castings (That I gather from my OWN worm farm like the "Rev" does) and crab meal =MADE FROM crab SHELLS and NOT crab "meat". I do use some Bat and Sea bird guano. BUT ,, those do NOT contain animal by products of any kind in their make-up (no e-coli, etc.). I use no land walking animal by products or "poo's".
"Crab Meal is a great source of Phosphorus. In addition Crab Meal contains crab shells which are high in chitin. Chitin encourages the growth of chitin-eating bacteria in soil and is a great source of food for beneficial fungi. Chitin-eating bacteria break down the eggs of detrimental soil nematodes and fungi. It packs slow release N and P usually around 4-3-0 and that makes it great for growing".
You bring up that natural organic methods have TRACE amounts of harmful contaminates that are potentially bad for human consumption......I find that as an extremely narrow statement. Consider this. We have as humans been eating what has been grown from the ground from our beginning, right?
Now answer me this. Why is it that when natural organic methods of growing our foods gave way to your "purely refined" synthetic nutrition. We began to suffer with new and confusing health issues at alarmingly increasing rates? The PERFECT example are CANCERS!!!!!
How about you take note of this point.
"As the quality of phosphate rock reserves declines, more energy is necessary to mine and process it. The processing of lower grade phosphate rock also produces more heavy metals such as cadmium and uranium, which are toxic to soil and humans; more energy must be expended to remove them as well. Moreover, increasingly expensive fossil fuels are needed to transport approximately 30 million tons of phosphate rock and fertilizers around the world annually."
Your refined synthetic's are directly ready for plant use. But at what real cost to humanity?
Organic nutrition needs to be broken down by the living bio's in the soil, thus creating a "soil food web" of symbiosis.
It should be pointed out, that when science makes things better/faster. Bad things tend to be found down the road that no one even considered at the start. The "price" of mans science!
Nature has done it from the beginning, and while plants may have come and gone or evolved. Those plants STILL grow just as they did age's ago.
Nature has the ultimate answer, we just need to wrap our heads around that.
The bottom line is that all you find wrong with "organic" is such a "non issue". You tend to forget the big picture.
Modern, Synthetic fertilization is UNSUSTAINABLE for the long term future!
With that in mind. The future of the human race, in the numbers present on the earth today,,,,,,,IS unsustainable in the NEAR future.
That is a cold hard fact that NO ONE seems to want to face or discuss anywhere other then in academia !!!
The idea of extended use of synthetic nutrition is a JOKE!
Hydroponics SOLVES NO PROBLEM! It is simply an alternative method to grow by......Not to long from now,,,,it may not be!
You opened a door that I feel passionate about. Your research is FAR from complete on the subject of organics vs. synthetics (The real bottom line of your post) as you only focused on plant reactions with minimal attention on the "whole" picture.
One must think outside the box also.
Anyone who answers my post with any form of "I'm here now and who cares about the future as I won't be here" is an ASS HAT of the grandest magnitude!
The long term availability of Phosphorus to be mined for plant use.
It's running out!
Most available Phosphate rock is in parts of the world that are politically unstable or under military dispute. What happens if that area goes unfriendly to the U.S.?
In as little as 30 years, the quality useable phosphate rock can run out. Thus, your synthetic hydroponic grow will be non-viable.
"But another conventional technical fix for a resource in short supply — finding a substitute — is not available. Presently, there simply are no substitutes for phosphorus."
https://www.google.com/search?q=availability of mined phosphorus&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US

Next. You list animal by products as used in Organic's
Other then worm castings (That I gather from my OWN worm farm like the "Rev" does) and crab meal =MADE FROM crab SHELLS and NOT crab "meat". I do use some Bat and Sea bird guano. BUT ,, those do NOT contain animal by products of any kind in their make-up (no e-coli, etc.). I use no land walking animal by products or "poo's".
"Crab Meal is a great source of Phosphorus. In addition Crab Meal contains crab shells which are high in chitin. Chitin encourages the growth of chitin-eating bacteria in soil and is a great source of food for beneficial fungi. Chitin-eating bacteria break down the eggs of detrimental soil nematodes and fungi. It packs slow release N and P usually around 4-3-0 and that makes it great for growing".
You bring up that natural organic methods have TRACE amounts of harmful contaminates that are potentially bad for human consumption......I find that as an extremely narrow statement. Consider this. We have as humans been eating what has been grown from the ground from our beginning, right?
Now answer me this. Why is it that when natural organic methods of growing our foods gave way to your "purely refined" synthetic nutrition. We began to suffer with new and confusing health issues at alarmingly increasing rates? The PERFECT example are CANCERS!!!!!
How about you take note of this point.
"As the quality of phosphate rock reserves declines, more energy is necessary to mine and process it. The processing of lower grade phosphate rock also produces more heavy metals such as cadmium and uranium, which are toxic to soil and humans; more energy must be expended to remove them as well. Moreover, increasingly expensive fossil fuels are needed to transport approximately 30 million tons of phosphate rock and fertilizers around the world annually."
Your refined synthetic's are directly ready for plant use. But at what real cost to humanity?
Organic nutrition needs to be broken down by the living bio's in the soil, thus creating a "soil food web" of symbiosis.
It should be pointed out, that when science makes things better/faster. Bad things tend to be found down the road that no one even considered at the start. The "price" of mans science!
Nature has done it from the beginning, and while plants may have come and gone or evolved. Those plants STILL grow just as they did age's ago.
Nature has the ultimate answer, we just need to wrap our heads around that.
The bottom line is that all you find wrong with "organic" is such a "non issue". You tend to forget the big picture.
Modern, Synthetic fertilization is UNSUSTAINABLE for the long term future!
With that in mind. The future of the human race, in the numbers present on the earth today,,,,,,,IS unsustainable in the NEAR future.
That is a cold hard fact that NO ONE seems to want to face or discuss anywhere other then in academia !!!
The idea of extended use of synthetic nutrition is a JOKE!
Hydroponics SOLVES NO PROBLEM! It is simply an alternative method to grow by......Not to long from now,,,,it may not be!
You opened a door that I feel passionate about. Your research is FAR from complete on the subject of organics vs. synthetics (The real bottom line of your post) as you only focused on plant reactions with minimal attention on the "whole" picture.
One must think outside the box also.
Anyone who answers my post with any form of "I'm here now and who cares about the future as I won't be here" is an ASS HAT of the grandest magnitude!
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