How to get the organic taste with chem nutes.hey organics in hydro is diff.

Ok final word here. If u use organics in hydro of any will pH the solution after adding what ever it is you add. Vegging you can use penningtons kelp liquid. It has 100% of the micro and macro's to head off deficiencies. 30ml or 1 oz per gallon and roll with it. Budswel by the guano company makes both a vegging and flowering liquid that can be used the same way after being pH adjusted of course. I've used them both for bubble buckets and hand watered coco. I was sick of the naysayers who dwell on technicalities as to why it won't work and drone on to hypotheticals and of course yakking on and on about how you'll need cal-mag. Fucking cal mag. Here's 4 coco plants days away from harvest...they are hand watered 2x daily with budswel and lots of runoff so don't listen to the people who argue "in theory" it shouldn't work or it didn't work when they tried it.
I doubt this will be the final word, just a feeling I have lol.
I doubt this will be the final word, just a feeling I have lol.
Yeah for sure! I just wanted to emphasize that it can be done, that's what the original post was asking. And like a lot of posts it gets jacked by idiots and then gets off topic and way too negative. Answer the question and leave the sarcasm out of it.
What does the manufacturer say about using their product in soilless? Do they recommend ph'ing? And I would think that strain choice is going to play a bigger role than nutrient choice, honestly I've never found a difference in the different lines I've tried but all were salt based. As for EC levels your right meters are useless with organic nuetrients and you'll need to watch the plant to determine its needs.
Bagseed.. :( idk what strain... and its not salt based!! :) i have problems with salt build up due to heat and no chiller. And i didnt flush every week.. tryna use organics this time around.. earth juice has different products for hydro..leaning towards the high bris grow cuz i already have the microblast metak bloom catalyst..just i can't use grow for hydro?? LOL
but i got hesi grow and greenleaf nutes version of A.N. nutes. Its salts i think tho.. :(
Yeah for sure! I just wanted to emphasize that it can be done, that's what the original post was asking. And like a lot of posts it gets jacked by idiots and then gets off topic and way too negative. Answer the question and leave the sarcasm out of it.

Ty exactly ..i didn't write this to troll or hear BS..i didn't it to educate myself and maybe learn something. But like last time..ppl fd up my grow but listening to them.. "Don't Ph it" ?? LOL smh. Yea i left it at 8ph cuz of "experienced ppl"
And i bubbled it for two days. Maybe it was city water (dads fault) high temps, the ej og grow formula (not for hydro) or ppls advice to not care about the Ph..smh fn idiots.. i should of listened to my gut.. plants use more and a bigger range of nutes at diff phs i seen tho NASA did a study and grew plants at different phs ..someone sdidntbaffect affect them bad..but idk i didn't see the proof or link.. there was nasty sludge.. my only root turned brown sludge on it..i cleaned it..some of the roots fell off..thinking high temps + organic.. no beuno LOL but i check water temps with my finger (meter broke) ordered new one..slow ass ppl gonna wait till Monday ..assholes. could of shipped it Friday... :(
no ducting either.. dads buddy being a prick so eBay's has some for 15$