DIY with Quantum Boards

Alright my kits came. I have 2x260kits.
Instructions written said qb304 4000k spectrum to hlg240hc1050a and qb288 3000k board to hlg240hc2100a drivers.

My question. To my knowledge I should wire the qb304 kit parallel and the 288 kit in series?
thanks @greg nr

then, isn't it better to go for the 240-54 for parallel and more future proof rig? just like @907guy said.

That's a question for one of the real builders on here. ;)

I don't think it matters electrically though. Your driver can't put out any more current as you add boards no matter which you go with, so you end up with the same light spread out over more area. If you just want to add a 5th board in the future, then the constant voltage is a better choice. You would have to go to 6 if you went constant current.

But my guess is that after 4 boards you would want to add a new driver anyway to get more light.
i'm waiting for 3 qb288 and i was thinking of maybe adding a 4th board for better spread and lower temps. 20"x40" grow space.
What is the least expensive way to do a 4 board QB setup? The kit is $149 so 4 of those is $600.

I need to beat a SE 1000 Watt HPS and I am trying to keep cost, heat and power consumption down. I need at least 6 rigs so this is why I am cost concious.
Buy a single driver separately from the boards and heatsink, could save about $80-100 over buying 4 kits, each with its own driver.

If one driver fails, it's nice having 3 more still running. Not everybody has a backup light ready to throw in. Just something certain people might prefer. Not to mention that you're dealing with far fewer volts with 4 individual drivers.
I'll be using a HLG-320H-C1400B to drive 6 QB304s, 3 parallel sets of 2 in series. HLG has a wiring diagram on there website.

Are you running 304s or 288s?

Nothing with QBs yet. Is 288 or 304 the number of diodes on each board? My goal is to try to match a SE 1000 watt HPS. I am running SE Hydrofarms with 8" ducts and 1000 watt HPS.

The results are good but summer is here and QBs seem to be the way to go. Tired of heat, power use and the rest.
Hey guys,

finally got mine (6x QB288s) but i got a problem. There is neither a Vf-draw printed/written on the boards, nore is there a checkmark in one of the lightcolor-checkboxes (i ordered 3Ks).

The only info that is written on the board is "BQ 288 18x16 test at 2100mA" (Batch from 10th March '17)

Anyone has a suggestion on how to figure out what Vf the boards have? (I have a multimeter, that's it pretty much :)
@Gazooo entire batch has same Voltage bin. No need to match Board Vf if using same Spectrum boards from same batch.

If you want to calculate VF of each board, each board at a time. or you can hook them all up too. eye protection.
always wire the LED and then power on. connecting Board/LED/COB to a powered ON Constant current driver can cause damage Board/LED/COB