Tell enough lies and people will begin to doubt the truth.

Classic fascist propaganda tactics.

Der Dumpster Fuhrer is doing his best to convert our country into a totalitarian state.

Those who support it are racist, stupid or getting paid.

For the record, only a tiny fraction are getting paid.
I would modify it slightly. Some people will begin to doubt the truth. The math here is that there are enough people willing to believe it that they can exert some sort of control over those that do not.

The Germans didn't all support Hitler but after a certain point they didn't have very good choices. If you didn't support Uncle Adolph, you got thrown in the camps. This intimidation is being tried out here right now. But the Trump crowds are waning (Sad) while the opposition grows. Look at the reaction here to anti-Semetic vandalism. We are a long fucking way from Kristalnacht.

As much as Trump might want to create a totalitarian state - it is not going to go down through intimidation. Bannon is going to have to do better than this. It is a hard sell but it has to be done in his eyes. Like Goebels, the fate of Western Civ is in his hands.

At this point, I figure he knows that the smoking gun is out there already pointing at him and Donald. It explains so much.
The right has been conditioning its ppl for years to be sheep. First the truth strechers started as rush and the like then fox now uncle trumple.... with other smaller steps in there also. Point is it was incremental. The GOP of 40 years ago or more would not have welcomed don like Christ was welcomed on palm sunday the way they did this year...they were lured step by step to abandon critical thinking. Im no Reagan cheerleader but even at that a Reagan Republican would not have bought into all that Trumpers did and do, would have been to big of a step all at once...

Our challenge as those who havent surrendered all critical thinking skills is how to undo the bigger problem. Because even if we got rid of entire trump gang the problem that remains is his supporters are still vulnerable to the next political jim jones that comes along...

Check out the news on the "" story. A guy not unlike ourselves made a fake news site and wrote all sorts of articles that were obvious whoppers to anyone with more than just a brainstem. He posted them on some trump friendly sites and fb pages. They got liked and shared and he got all sorts of kuddos from the sheep. The funny thing is the bottom of his "news" page site explained it was satirical.

It showed how easily this crowd of trumpers is duped and will beleive literally anything pro trump or anti antitrump... anything...
I believe the solution is outlawing campaign finance, by constitutional amendment if necessary so even the Supreme Court can't fuck with it.
I would modify it slightly. Some people will begin to doubt the truth. The math here is that there are enough people willing to believe it that they can exert some sort of control over those that do not.

The Germans didn't all support Hitler but after a certain point they didn't have very good choices. If you didn't support Uncle Adolph, you got thrown in the camps. This intimidation is being tried out here right now. But the Trump crowds are waning (Sad) while the opposition grows. Look at the reaction here to anti-Semetic vandalism. We are a long fucking way from Kristalnacht.

As much as Trump might want to create a totalitarian state - it is not going to go down through intimidation. Bannon is going to have to do better than this. It is a hard sell but it has to be done in his eyes. Like Goebels, the fate of Western Civ is in his hands.

At this point, I figure he knows that the smoking gun is out there already pointing at him and Donald. It explains so much.
I agree.
I believe the solution is outlawing campaign finance, by constitutional amendment if necessary so even the Supreme Court can't fuck with it.
I agree that that is a worthy and important step. I think it is a mistake to go into a gun fight without a gun though. Adopting it unilaterally seems like a really bad idea without seeing some numbers.
I agree that that is a worthy and important step. I think it is a mistake to go into a gun fight without a gun though. Adopting it unilaterally seems like a really bad idea without seeing some numbers.
I'm not following you here. What do you mean by unilaterally adopting it?
Bernie just did a great townhall type meeting in West Virginia, i got misty eyed thinking how different things would have been... sorry its off topic kinda but just had to share. Im so GD tired of the animosity our new leader is causing on purpose!
I mean this attempt to get the party to swear off of corporate donations. Citizens United needs repeal. That won't be happening. So we need election financing reform - which won't happen. We are stuck with this for the time being.
I think the above are worthy goals and could be done, but I agree that they won't be on a short time horizon.

Mr Sanders' campaign showed that it's possible to mount an effective campaign without corporate contributions.
I think the above are worthy goals and could be done, but I agree that they won't be on a short time horizon.

Mr Sanders' campaign showed that it's possible to mount an effective campaign without corporate contributions.
I am not sure that it did show that. He only ran in the primaries and he lost. This is not conclusive proof that a successful campaign can be run by crowd funding. I have no doubt that such a thing might be possible, but fundraising would also be one of it's biggest challenges.

On the other hand, there is the possibility that it will bring more votes your way. It likely will. The important factor is really the candidate and the message. Eschewing corporate donations would be much more powerful for some candidates than others. It worked very well for Bernie. It might not work so well with others.
I am not sure that it did show that. He only ran in the primaries and he lost. This is not conclusive proof that a successful campaign can be run by crowd funding. I have no doubt that such a thing might be possible, but fundraising would also be one of it's biggest challenges.

On the other hand, there is the possibility that it will bring more votes your way. It likely will. The important factor is really the candidate and the message. Eschewing corporate donations would be much more powerful for some candidates than others. It worked very well for Bernie. It might not work so well with others.
His campaign showed the depth of discontent with the current system. Just because the first try wasn't successful doesn't mean that it isn't a valid strategy.
what a poor attempt at trying to deflect from the blatant, needless, and ongoing lies of your white supremacist savior.

I'd like to argue with you, but can I call a time out and ask a real question?

Who is my white supremacist savior again? I didn't catch that part. Thanks.