Are you triggered?

You sure about that?

Chinese military official warns that war with US under Trump is becoming a 'practical reality'

No, I'm not sure about that. I was more being hopeful. Any of the Presidential "choices" would qualify as heinous in my view, so I'm not really heavily vested in which one is slightly less douchy. Trump is a funny egotistical caricature come to life, Hillary is a blood thirsty "choices" there.

I think any President is capable of rationalizing murder, since everyone of them has used violence as a staple of their operational means.

Besides. I'm still pissed at the racist FDR for putting my moms friend in a concentration camp in the good ol' USA back in the 1940s.
No, I'm not sure about that. I was more being hopeful. Any of the Presidential "choices" would qualify as heinous in my view, so I'm not really heavily vested in which one is slightly less douchy. Trump is a funny egotistical caricature come to life, Hillary is a blood thirsty "choices" there.

I think any President is capable of rationalizing murder, since everyone of them has used violence as a staple of their operational means.

Besides. I'm still pissed at the racist FDR for putting my moms friend in a concentration camp in the good ol' USA back in the 1940s.
Government is often a bunch of assholes. But I feel trump is not just an asshole, he is 100% a dick. Guess we will have to see how it plays out. But I'll be offering my American friends asylum if they need it. And hoping trump doesn't drag the whole world down with him on his path of insanity and pettiness.
Lol I thought the exact same thing nugachino. Though not about particularly big words just the odd word choice
I've never used the word cuck or triggered in my life. Never heard of a "safe space"
However if you Google the also unfamiliar term social justice warrior all these things pop up

People repeat what they hear. It is humorous though.

Pew pew pew
? The c

so weak.
Sjw's... yet another bunch of over sensitive twatnozzles. I don't think mommy gave them enough attention as a kid... Or an ass tanning for that matter.
Lol I thought the exact same thing nugachino. Though not about particularly big words just the odd word choice
I've never used the word cuck or triggered in my life. Never heard of a "safe space"
However if you Google the also unfamiliar term social justice warrior all these things pop up

People repeat what they hear. It is humorous though.

Pew pew pew
There's always extremists and they often make the rest of a particular group look like shit heads. Extreme social justice warriors (saw a video of some asshole screaming at a cab driver for cultural appropriation of a bobble hula doll) are one of them. Just like the alt-right make all other republicans look like the nazi party by association.
I'm all for social justice. But if someone tried to belittle me to make themselves feel superior and used "social justice" as an excuse; I'd have something to say about it. and it probably wouldnt be very nice.
Government is often a bunch of assholes. But I feel trump is not just an asshole, he is 100% a dick. Guess we will have to see how it plays out. But I'll be offering my American friends asylum if they need it. And hoping trump doesn't drag the whole world down with him on his path of insanity and pettiness.

I appreciate you see government as "often a bunch of assholes". People that try to control others and others property are not legitimate, so groups of people doing the same things and calling themselves "government" can't be legitimate either. A sum of a population of people all having zero right to do something cannot will a nonexistent thing into being simply by virtue of a greater amount of zeroes. It is IMPOSSIBLE.

Nobody on this forum can stay on point and refute what I just said. Not because I said it, because it is demonstrably true.

Government as an entity is a construct of the mind, a chimera. it is really just a bunch of people claiming rights they do not have.

Arguing about which illegitimate person is worse I can do, but arguing about which one is legitimate requires me to go against the truth, which is not a good way to buttress an argument.

Path to insanity ? The world is largely already insane, since most of its population does not perceive things as they really are.
If i had my kids in the car i would have run right thru them too. Next thing you know a brick and fire could be coming. These protesters are idiots. Protest peacefully or go to jail should be the law.

Exactly why they better move. Stopping is dangerous, just run their stupid asses over.
Lol I thought the exact same thing nugachino. Though not about particularly big words just the odd word choice
I've never used the word cuck or triggered in my life. Never heard of a "safe space"
However if you Google the also unfamiliar term social justice warrior all these things pop up

People repeat what they hear. It is humorous though.

Pew pew pew

i was saying the same thing the other day qwizo when flaming pie used a snow flake in one of her thread titles.. people using terms like triggered, snow flake, cuck, safe area, libtard, so on and so on is way beyond annoying, and shows absolutely no originality nor thought on the person using said terms, just goes to show what sheeple, another term i can't stand, that some people are and simply parrot what they see around them and think by doing so they have some sort of valid point to make..