Well-Known Member
Joy Villa
Make America Great Again
That triggered the twitterazzi's!
Joy Villa
Make America Great Again
That triggered the twitterazzi's!
I wish they were driving faster.....
Did I happen to hurt the baby liberals feelings? Need a safe space? Some coloring books perhaps?....................../´¯/)
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
You talk about liberal feels and safe spaces more than anyone else I've seen, with no real purpose. Is it you can't attack the argument so you attack their feelings? Are you ok man? You appear to be going through a mental health crisis.Did I happen to hurt the baby liberals feelings? Need a safe space? Some coloring books perhaps?
Mods obviously triggered. Anything goes lately.Grammys
Joy Villa
Make America Great Again
That triggered the twitterazzi's!
Mods obviously triggered. Anything goes lately.
In 8 years, this is the best. People have just lost it.
Anyway, proceed with snowflake triggery.
Still don't get it.Mods obviously triggered. Anything goes lately.
In 8 years, this is the best. People have just lost it.
Anyway, proceed with snowflake triggery.
You forgot to mention "safe space". Hannity is disappointed in you.Mods obviously triggered. Anything goes lately.
In 8 years, this is the best. People have just lost it.
Anyway, proceed with snowflake triggery.
I wonder about this a lot.Still don't get it.
I mean, making fun of people that are upset about having their rights violated, when does that get fun?
How do people being unhappy make you feel better about yourself? Is it sociopathy?
Or is this just some playground shit "Hilary called me deplorable"/ someone called me a nazi." I actually don't get it, care to explain?
Watching Miller yesterday morning made me feel uneasy. I hate to judge people on looks alone but sometimes they adopt a "look" with such obvious and forced effort that it kind of opens them up to ridicule. Miller is one of these. Trump must be comfortable with people with the dead-eyes of a psychopath. Miller's suits are a thing to behold. I am still mulling over the psychological profile of the type of person who would seek suits like those out.
He reminds me of a lizard. I get no sense of humanity from him. He just vomits out polemics from under those semi-closed eyes with a cool sort of disregard for us all. Tempting to compare him to Göbbels but the latter had a personality. Still, they might have a lot in common.
I wonder how long Kellyanne's time out is?
He may have been reading them but if he was, he probably also wrote the words. He writes a lot. He's not so much a mouthpiece as a true believer - a guy who always dreamed of being where he is right now and probably had the single mindedness to envision it no matter how unlikely it was.Saw Miller on TV for the first time yesterday and my wife pointed out that he looked like he was reading his responses which begs the question: was he told ahead of time what questions he would be asked? Also, people tend to project the look they want to project, so it's probably no accident that he looks like a neo-nazi.
Attempted murder and manslaughter triggers me. ... Ignore thread...Did I happen to hurt the baby liberals feelings? Need a safe space? Some coloring books perhaps?
Ypipo can see bigfoot, Loch Ness monster, aliens, Jesus in a piece of toast, humor in a show like Frasier...
Can't see a fascist regime growing in front of their faces.
I think they need a safe space, bunch of snowflakes.ypipo will howl at you and call you stupid if you try to conflate their brand of christianity with the westboro baptist church, but claim they have no way of telling refugee children, or any muslim person for that matter, apart from actual terrorists.
Then we need some fresh candidates. Ones that are far less psychotic. And or mentally challenged troglodytes.