will mexican companies absorb the 20% tariff trump puts on their goods?

trump just gave Mexico & China a common enemy....US. Mexico may just feel threatened enough to allow China to park a few of these on the other side of the wall....thanks trump destabilize the world why don't you?
View attachment 3885915

I also heard hes fkn up train stations

trump just gave Mexico & China a common enemy....US. Mexico may just feel threatened enough to allow China to park a few of these on the other side of the wall....thank trump destabilize the world why don't you?
View attachment 3885915

How about destabilizing/threatening the MANY troops in Iraq by making OIL/NUKE threats?

Do you know that clips of him saying "TAKE THE OIL!" bullshit are being broadcast with Arabic subtitles? All the while thousands of our folks remain there needlessly.

This monster has to be pulled outta there ASAP.
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I havent been here for 5 days yet you guys cant stop talking about me....

Executive Summary
This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.

Well, saving hundreds of billions of dollars might make a 10 billion dollar wall worthwhile.... Doncha think??
First, what is the source of these numbers you post?

Second, please explain why Trump had to stick his foot in his mouth, treat Mexico with disrespect, start a trade war and generally lower his shredded credibility even further.

Want a wall? Build a wall. Why all this bullshit about Mexico paying for it? Why the threat of a 20% tariff and then backing off? Why did Trump lie and claim that the Mexican President and Trump decided to cancel the trip when it was unilateral? Is this some WWF Trump psych-out shit? What the fuck are you people thinking?!

This is about TRUMP!'s ego and you Trumpees feel embiggened to see him throw his weight around. Your penises must not work very well. Or perhaps they are tiny and unsatisfying to women.
trump just gave Mexico & China a common enemy....US. Mexico may just feel threatened enough to allow China to park a few of these on the other side of the wall....thanks trump destabilize the world why don't you?
View attachment 3885915
Yeah, but I think in a more immediate sense, it really undercuts Mexico's rather successful attempt to move past some decades of really corrupt narco-government. This is going to be bad for both of our countries but they cannot afford it as much as we. Tanking their economy will hurt us too in many ways we will not be able to cover up - especially security.

This is the definition of "beggar thy neighbor trade". Stupid fucking fuck.

I think Trump just wanted to build a monument to himself but knew nobody would go for it. How about him naming his Inauguration Day a Day of Patriotic Pride? He actually signed the order today for that. That'll play well in the red states - they love flashy meaningless junk.
trump just gave Mexico & China a common enemy....US. Mexico may just feel threatened enough to allow China to park a few of these on the other side of the wall....thanks trump destabilize the world why don't you?
View attachment 3885915
Trump was to meet with the President of Mexico next week, but he had to bail out because his country hates the US so much now. Mexico already has had negotiations with China to increase trade, which they want more than ever.
Plus China is going to step in now to fill the void left open by the US leaving the.TPP, which leaves the US out of a market that represents 20% of the world's economy.
Nice job Trump, seeing as you just let China control the whole ballgame, including investment by American companies that would like to do business with those nations on an equal footing.
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Trump was to meet with the President of Mexico next week, but he had to bail out because his country hates the US so much now. Mexico already has had negotiations with China to increase trade, which they want more than ever.
Plus China is going to step in now to fill the void left open by the US leaving the.TPP, which leaves the US out of a market that represents 20% of the world's economy.
Nice job Trump, seeing as you just let China control the whole ballgame, including investment by American companies that would like to do business with those nations on an equal footing.
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Do they still make these in America?.....