will mexican companies absorb the 20% tariff trump puts on their goods?

Depends on how good it looks, if it raises my property value, we could negotiate something. Still crickets, Mexico's economy has never been all that hot, you'd think with all these big dreamers and hard workers going back, they could really kick off another industrial revolution. Seems like they don't have as much faith in their own people as democrats do in the states. You'd think Mexico would be furious having all their hardest working model citizens going north.
Crickets? You got your ass handed to you so, like an infant, you declare victory. Crickets? Lol. More like pigeon - a little infant pigeon. A little squab.

And still you try. Sad. Failing. Yes, Mexico undergoing an industrial revolution is a good idea. The US pursuing Mercantilism is too. Are all your good ideas from the 18th and 19th Centuries?
Depends on how good it looks, if it raises my property value, we could negotiate something. Still crickets, Mexico's economy has never been all that hot, you'd think with all these big dreamers and hard workers going back, they could really kick off another industrial revolution. Seems like they don't have as much faith in their own people as democrats do in the states. You'd think Mexico would be furious having all their hardest working model citizens going north.
thats bullshit. you wouldnt pay for something you never agreed to. especially after that fence went up and that neighbor went around telling everyone else it was to keep you off his fucking lawn.

neighbor- "excuse me, im putting up this fence because we hate you and i think your stealing my blades of grass you piece of shit, its your fault im putting it up so heres the bill"

you- "well danggggg that is a nice fence, yeah ill pay for it"
Depends on how good it looks, if it raises my property value, we could negotiate something. Still crickets, Mexico's economy has never been all that hot, you'd think with all these big dreamers and hard workers going back, they could really kick off another industrial revolution. Seems like they don't have as much faith in their own people as democrats do in the states. You'd think Mexico would be furious having all their hardest working model citizens going north.

Do you suck his pasty micropenis before or after he fucks/pisses on his daughter?



all these trumpeteers got played with the wall bullshit. straight up lied to. and they still love the idea of a wall.

when trump said he was going to build the wall.. a great wall, believe me... and mexico is going to pay for it.

most logical people were like.. well thats fucking stupid. mexico would never agree to that... and the trump stains ate it up. dude built a whole a campaign around it. failed not even a week into his presidency.

pretty fucked.. isnt it?
gonna be hilarious to watch this guy run for re-election with about 1 mile of fence built. if that.
all these trumpeteers got played with the wall bullshit. straight up lied to. and they still love the idea of a wall.

when trump said he was going to build the wall.. a great wall, believe me... and mexico is going to pay for it.

most logical people were like.. well thats fucking stupid. mexico would never agree to that... and the trump stains ate it up. dude built a whole a campaign around it. failed not even a week into his presidency.

pretty fucked.. isnt it?

mexcio IS GOING TO PAY for it. REAL AMERICA is DONE with illeglas spearding DISEASE and stealing jbos from us. kiss your percios SANCTUARY CITIES GOODBYE!!!!!1


thank GOD for trump!
Seeing a lot of name calling and wishful thinking, but I haven't seen a whole lot of arguments. What's up with Mexico's wall with Guatemala? Is that one racist? Shame on Mexico, I bet it doesn't even work lol.
mexcio IS GOING TO PAY for it. REAL AMERICA is DONE with illeglas spearding DISEASE and stealing jbos from us. kiss your percios SANCTUARY CITIES GOODBYE!!!!!1


thank GOD for trump!
You are somebody's idea of a joke, right? You can't be for real, can you?

Tell me, what are you going to do when all you say comes to pass and this country's economy slides into recession? Oh, that's right, you are dirt poor and on medicaid. You are a miserable leech on the country anyway. It's not going to get worse for you unless and until the country decides it can't afford your medical, food and housing. Oh well. you wont be missed when you die of exposure.


Mitt Romney threw the ultimate insult on Donald Trump: He's a "phony" who will sink the U.S. economy.
"His domestic policies would lead to recession. His foreign policies would make America and the world less safe. He has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president," Romney said in a highly critical speech of Trump on Thursday.

Starting a trade war with China and Mexico

The biggest fear in business circles is that Trump would start a trade war with China (among other countries). He threatens to slap tariffs -- aka fees -- of up to 45% on Chinese and Mexican products. Those countries aren't going to send a thank you card back. They're likely to respond by hiking fees on U.S. products coming into their countries.

"One of [Trump's] themes is we're going to give it to China, et al. If we get into a trade war, that's not good for the markets or the economy," says Bob Doll, chief stock strategist at Nuveen Asset Management.

Foreign trade supports about 13% of the U.S. economy. A mega trade war would hurt growth.

Deporting 11 million people

More people working powers an economy. Trump's plan to deport over 11 million undocumented immigrants would shrink the U.S. population by about 3%.

That could be a big hit to the economy. Almost overnight, the U.S. would have fewer people working. That said, policy experts see this proposal as unlikely to come to pass.

Making stuff more expensive

If Trump did put tariffs on Chinese and Mexican goods, it would make them more expensive. Basic household goods at even big box retail stores like Walmart (WMT) or Target (TGT) would possibly cost a lot more if Trump did the 25% or more fee he has tossed out while campaigning.

It would be an immediate hit to lower and middle class family budgets. Even worse, it could cause people to spend less because they're worried about items getting even more expensive in the future. People buying things drives about 70% of the U.S. economy.

Any slowdown in spending would translate to lower growth and yes, possibly recession.