Bernie Sanders owns Donald Trump using Trump's own words against him

no, racism from fucktards like you is where the damage comes from.

names are just labels, hateful racism like yours is an action.

Everything he said was true Bucky..the documentary went on to say those named Bambi, Misty, Candi have problems too..can you guess why? but we never got that far.

Stop being so closed minded.
no chick I posted your whole quotes. Shall I do it again ? Admit you were fucking wrong and will try to do better in the future.

You are sick..admit it and promise to do better?

I already have a shitty thanks.

Get some psychological help with that awesome insurance im sure your nurse wife gets from the hospital.
In trying to make yourselves different, you've actually done the exact've set yourself up for profiling.

I know the color of Shaniqua and Juman (they don't even have to open their mouths but not April or Monica (black girls I know) one of which I was interviewed by several years ago had many phone calls with and never knew her color until I met her in person (which is the way it should be).

Attention black mothers! Do not name your children these will saddle them with a lifetime of professional profiling.

Don't believe me? There's an HBO documentary on the subject matter.
The words in the red are your thoughts...own them. There is a lot of shit on HBO WTF does that have to do with what I think and how I feel.
You are sick..admit it and promise to do better?

I already have a shitty thanks.

Get some psychological help with that awesome insurance im sure your nurse wife gets from the hospital.
Hate the GAME not the playa..its not my fault that your little pukeheads will never accomplish anything without a socially acceptable name.

LaFawnduh will never be the name of ANY CEO.
Could you explain exactly what is a pukehead ? And what is it that you have accomplished. What is it you do for a living ?
Thanks I can now include you in the category of the small minded. Please go on so I can see what other categories you qualify for

Who died and left you in charge of NAACP?

BTW don't you think a name change us in order?..I mean 'colored''s so 1950.

London was speaking for himself, not the NAACP.

What @NapalmZen is saying about hiring practice based upon names is the status quo. I understand this but can't defend it. Defense of the status quo and the existing social order is the definition of a conservative mind set. Your posts regarding race issues are cringe-worthy conservative. It just goes to show that the liberal or left aren't monolithic. You are liberal when it comes to economic equality and conservative when it comes to social equality. Some of the shit you say would fit in well with the stormfront type of sites.
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Just for clearifcation, what criminal charges should have been brought?
London was speaking for himself, not the NAACP.

What @NapalmZen is saying about hiring practice based upon names is the status quo I understand this but can't defend it. Defense of the status quo and the existing social order is the definition of a conservative mind set. Your posts regarding race issues are cringe-worthy conservative. It just goes to show that the liberal or left aren't monolithic. You are liberal when it comes to economic equality and conservative when it comes to social equality. Some of the shit you say would fit in well with the stormfront type of sites.

I realize now it's not logic it's culture..I hope you are the man I think and understand this:

i cant say for her and dont know her well enough to speak for her.

what i can say, is that you pick and chose what im saying to make an argument against me. if you take the whole thing you will understand that it's not racist, its observational. my points arent wrong, they are facts of our world with a few opinions based on those facts thrown in.

i dont live in an imaginary world where tribalism doesn't exist. i live in the real world where everyone is marked by their class, name, color, education, and tribe. there are places in this country where having a Chicago Bulls logo on your key chain will be the difference between passing an interview or not.
What you are talking about in your "name-based" screen for candidates is covert racism. A person's name has nothing to do with what they will do on the job. The fear you have about them scaring away clients would be funny if it weren't so harmful to others.

Since we are talking about opinions, I'll give you mine. The best way to interview people for a job is behavioral. Identify what behaviors the ideal candidate should have, write them out, write questions to ask that are based on this list and stick to them during the interview. It's very easy to remove racial bias from the interviewing process this way. I've hired really good people with diverse backgrounds using it. Name screening is stupid.
The original topic is important and needs to be heard and discussed.

Every thread in politics quickly descends into name calling and race baiting, completely derailing it.
Do you think Bernie Sanders would approve of one judging someone based only on name. Do you think he would not hire Lawanda because her name is Lawanda.