Bernie Sanders owns Donald Trump using Trump's own words against him

It wasn't 'bad luck'. It was blatant manipulation. Never forget that, and think about the consequences of what it means.

That's what's so upsetting..the blatant manipulation, lying and cheating..with no charges being brought.

In the end though, she lost what she wanted the most, because of it.

The brazenness of it all..DWS stepping down, she was originally going to become part of the Clinton campaign after she was caught, but that went over like a lead balloon and as soon as it was announced, it was retracted..Donna Brazile, the interim chair, provided Clinton with debate questions.
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yes, and as i said, in something like a law office that is exactly what would happen. without an extreme resume or having multiple highly respected people contacting a law office with recommendations, it simply wont happen. if i am a major law firm, i have standards i have to meet to keep competitive and make the money my law firm is worth. putting a lequisha on the front can hurt my business and my profit margins. that is professional tribalism. if i dont meet a certain standard, i will lose money.

EDIT: ebonic names aren't alone. i know a white kid named gravedigger. i can only think of two jobs that are going to hire him and fewer four year colleges.

Yup. It's known as 'brand standard' and the Fortune 500s want their product or service represented by what is considered beauty in America: the tall blonde.

I didn't make up these rules..those like Trump and Tillerson did.
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How well do you suppose that's going to be held up with the Chump in office?
A lot depends on how long he has a GOP congress to work with. He can do a lot of damage by executive action but that is more easily reversed than legislation. The basis for affirmative action policies is the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other acts that were passed between then and 1990, in what now seems like the golden age of social reform. Trump can tell his staff to ignore those laws but only Congress can repeal them.
Not the brightest bulb, eh? "Fuckface von Cocksucker" equates to African names?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that you haven't been exposed to many cultures and that you are (very) Caucasian.

Why do you think this is all about black people only- it's not.
Who died and left you in charge of NAACP?

BTW don't you think a name change us in order?..I mean 'colored''s so 1950.
Nothing about being in charge. It about calling out bullshit when seen.
When I hear the word colored I always think of this poem

And you calling me colored??
When I born, I black.
When I grow up, I black.
When I go in sun, I black.
When I scared, I black.
When I sick, I black.
And when I die, I still black.

And you white people.
When you born, you pink.
When you grow up, you white.
When you go in sun, you red.
When you cold, you blue.
When you scared, you yellow.
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you grey…

And you calling me colored??
i cant say for her and dont know her well enough to speak for her.

what i can say, is that you pick and chose what im saying to make an argument against me. if you take the whole thing you will understand that it's not racist, its observational. my points arent wrong, they are facts of our world with a few opinions based on those facts thrown in.

i dont live in an imaginary world where tribalism doesn't exist. i live in the real world where everyone is marked by their class, name, color, education, and tribe. there are places in this country where having a Chicago Bulls logo on your key chain will be the difference between passing an interview or not.

Exactly what they do to me..selectively posting potions of my quote to make it look as if I were bigoted or racist. If you saw the whole quote, you would realize it centered around that HBO documentary.

But then again it wouldn't serve their purpose if they did.
Exactly what they do to me..selectively posting potions of my quote to make it look as if I were bigoted or racist. If you saw the whole quote, you would realize it centered around that HBO documentary.

But then again it wouldn't serve their purpose if they did.
no chick I posted your whole quotes. Shall I do it again ? Admit you were fucking wrong and will try to do better in the future.