Anti-Trump Protests

No, not quite like that. The woman in your picture has a really happy smile. I went through a phase where the most important attribute for a girlfriend was that she would go out with me. The one I'm referring to was like this:

She met standards, so...

Yikes! She looks like a colllllllllllldddddd slab!

Have a look at this natural work of art:


That booty, though....I'm READY....

200 (59).gif
Medicare is a good deal for those that need it. There is no shame in taking it. Even with Medicare, just managing your daily needs with a disability is sometimes overwhelming, isn't it? It's no picnic.

Look at heath care cost and quality in other developed nations and it's clear that this country could get a lot more from its healthcare dollars than it currently does. Makes more sense to talk about improving the system while cutting costs rather than the completely cutting away the social safety net.

People do help themselves when they can. More than half the people who receive public assistance of any kind no longer need it within 36 months or less. That period of time when they receive aid is critical to their recovery back into self sufficiency. It's a win for both the public and the recipient.

But, people with chronic issues or disabilities that prevent full time work if any? It's a small number and this is the wealthiest nation in history. Why do some even talk about cutting their aid? Well, we all know why.

It's too easy to just blame others, like some blockheads jump to doing.
Yes, it is!! You know what else is overwhelming? When after all those years of working your ass off to take care of your family while paying into the system you are forced to 'retire' with severe disabilities yet still have to work to make ends meet because the system has been drained to the point you are lucky to see 30 percent of what you paid in. Oh and you still have to pay premiums if you want any kind of decent care at all! So make that around 20 percent. That's what you get if you're forced to stop working due to a disability.

There should be a time limit on how long one can receive anything and these programs they have now are catering to minorities so if you're single, white and male with no dependents, you can forget the system looking out for you. Those are the guys footing the bill these days.

EDIT: Single white males either have to get married or impregnate someone to catch a break and then it's up to the women they hook up with whether or not it works out for them. Divorce rates, child support payments, etc. are putting them all in the poor house.

They can't afford to carry the minorities anymore and are finding themselves a minority with no voice.
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I'd prefer they go back to what we had before until a plan that both sides can support is passed. Anything of that magnitude is set up to fail if not supported a bit by both sides. I've been using Obamacare for the past couple years and it is pretty much a nightmare getting enrolled here in Colorado. Good riddance, bring on some competition!
Going back to what we had means corporations making decisions about your health and when it effects profit margin guess on what side those corporations are going to rule on?

Obamacare isn't the best healthcare but not being denied coverage for preexistilng conditions and being covered til age 26 is the main reason why the cost goes up couple that with congress shrinking the budget on subsidies is why premiums are rising, sure it has it's problems let's fix what we got going back to what we had is hardly a solution.
Going back to what we had means corporations making decisions about your health and when it effects profit margin guess on what side those corporations are going to rule on?

Obamacare isn't the best healthcare but not being denied coverage for preexistilng conditions and being covered til age 26 is the main reason why the cost goes up couple that with congress shrinking the budget on subsidies is why premiums are rising, sure it has it's problems let's fix what we got going back to what we had is hardly a solution.

Your avatar, it always makes me think of:

(This is the comeback you are going with, for real? Not the sharpest tack, eh?)

It sure is a "real picture", plucked right from Google! Hey, remember that time Chris Hansen asked you to "have a seat"?
yep that's my comeback that's all I've got I used all my energy making sure Hillary didn't get elected:mad::-x:P
Donald Trump could be impeached within weeks, claims legal professor

Many have expressed hope that they will be able to remove Donald Trump from power through legal proceedings


Utah Law Professor Explains How Trump Could Be Immediately Impeached


View attachment 3828840

That little dude is so cute I love him

Yush, I've heard......

Is difficult for me...My first husband was a cop and I see things through those old eyes, and then I had this particular instance with this raid and a husband that received a head injury, now has epilepsy, and suffers from PTSD, and I have nightmares of waking up to a guy in swat attire and a semi automatic rifle pointed at very surreal, very terrifying as we did nothing but help a stranger for a week, and ended up in this nightmare, and when it was happening there was nothing at all we could do. Our phones, computers, everything electrical that could store any kind of information was taken.
That's correct. Can I help you with something?

Your other half is an idiot, check Sig, lol
Racist cucks[/QUOTE]
Lay off the name calling. BTW, why do you have so many sigs?[/QUOTE]
Hey brother what's goin on?? Good to see you!! :)

I've been wondering this same thing, I can only put up to three quotes in my sig and I've been a member for over 5 years now. I've tried to get help with it but no one seems to know how to fix it :(