Anti-Trump Protests

Trump Optimism Propels Dow to Best Week in Five Years
Mostly bank stocks and pharmaceuticals. What does that tell us?
1) Banks will make a killing when Dodd/Frank is repealed. And then we will have another recession.
2) Drug prices will be going up after they kill obamacare.

Woo hoo! Great news!
Trump Optimism Propels Dow to Best Week in Five Years

Donald Trump could be impeached within weeks, claims legal professor

Many have expressed hope that they will be able to remove Donald Trump from power through legal proceedings


Utah Law Professor Explains How Trump Could Be Immediately Impeached



This might sound cold but just because someone is sick it does not obligate someone else to pay for it. Unless that person absolutely cannot pay for it and then I do think it is society's job to step in. My dad was on medicare for a while before he died.

If we want cheaper healthcare we have to assume more risk (caps on lawsuits and higher standards to sue) and get insurance out of most of the maintenance stuff.

As for paying for it, you would be surprised how cheap things get when people cannot pay high prices for them.
I never said I wanted anyone else to pay for mine. I worked 33 years paying into the system that pays for my Medicare now, hate that I'm on it at all. I'd much rather be paying in so I can retire with a clear conscience that I did everything I could and then some to pay my own way. I didn't mind helping the poor before and I won't mind in the future as long as they are trying their best to make it on their own.

You cannot help anyone that won't help themselves first and I'm NOT talking about helping themselves to the pot while everyone but them pitches in.

I'm not one of those types that wants to sit in a corner sucking their thumbs wondering who's gonna take care of them.
Yeah , maybe that is what he was thinking to avoid assisination.
The word assisination, sounds like "assassination by sisters". Has a good ring to it. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks so.

Anyway, with Pence sitting in as backup, yeah, the loss of Trump might not be for the best. Nobody really knows what Trump plans to do because Trump doesn't himself. Pence, on the other hand has a track record that might just motivate an assisination if he were in the seat.
I never said I wanted anyone else to pay for mine. I worked 33 years paying into the system that pays for my Medicare now, hate that I'm on it at all. I'd much rather be paying in so I can retire with a clear conscience that I did everything I could and then some to pay my own way. I didn't mind helping the poor before and I won't mind in the future as long as they are trying their best to make it on their own.

You cannot help anyone that won't help themselves first and I'm NOT talking about helping themselves to the pot while everyone but them pitches in.

I'm not one of those types that wants to sit in a corner sucking their thumbs wondering who's gonna take care of them.
Medicare is a good deal for those that need it. There is no shame in taking it. Even with Medicare, just managing your daily needs with a disability is sometimes overwhelming, isn't it? It's no picnic.

Look at heath care cost and quality in other developed nations and it's clear that this country could get a lot more from its healthcare dollars than it currently does. Makes more sense to talk about improving the system while cutting costs rather than the completely cutting away the social safety net.

People do help themselves when they can. More than half the people who receive public assistance of any kind no longer need it within 36 months or less. That period of time when they receive aid is critical to their recovery back into self sufficiency. It's a win for both the public and the recipient.

But, people with chronic issues or disabilities that prevent full time work if any? It's a small number and this is the wealthiest nation in history. Why do some even talk about cutting their aid? Well, we all know why.

It's too easy to just blame others, like some blockheads jump to doing.