Anti-Trump Protests

lol, no not him, Big_lou. Another schlonglord ...on instagram . He has some of the funniest political cartoon short vids I have ever seen. I wanted to share them with you but I can't copy them . He said he would send me one this weekend.
If you offer to pay your doctor cash for a procedure you will find it is likely much less cost, not more. I have real life experience with this. They dont have to wait for 6 months for payment and submit reams of paperwork to the insurance company so it is much less costly for the doctors office.
That might be feasible for someone that's not high risk (diabetic, etc)
Damn I'm caught....what's it guna cost me rosey

hmmmmm....let's see....

give that precious little baby a kiss for me and we're square!!! :D
hmmmmm....let's see.... give that precious little baby a kiss for me and we're square!!! :D[/QUOTE said:
And i promise to leave the senior citizen women alone from now on ..

It will be hard but il leave em alone
First I'm not a Trump apologist I didn't vote for him (nor Hillary), seriously I felt we should have elected Cthulu. But I think making sweeping generalizations about loosely affiliated people is a recipe for disaster.
Cthulu is suspected to have awoken from his underwater house off the Oregon Coast. It seems he was late for the election but I don't think he has much patience for democracy anyway.
In protest of both the Drumpf's election 'win' AND some of Hil's failures, I'll be hosting a 'Stroke-In' in several hours.....I'll be ogling 70s/80s pics of Bernie as I stroke myself into a frenzy, releasing multiple loads on the wooden floor/pre-placed napkins.

