Anti-Trump Protests

Spending it on terrorism and inciting riots is not "free speech", but you would not understand the difference; that's why you're a liberal.

Domestic terrorism is a white christian crime. White Christian hate crimes are so common they don't make the news unless somebody is killed. At which time the murderer is called disturbed and not a White Christian Terrorist.

A few people not even related to the protest broke a few windows and it's blamed on the protesters. Sounds like a Nazi tactic in Germany, circa 1933.
LOL fancy meeting you here ha ha!! What you up to?
Hey darling!!! A lot going on lately, our son got married about 14 months ago and now we have a new grandbaby, a beautiful little boy, 2 months old. I've got a great job, promoted very quickly to the top. Life is good. I have some new growing gear picked out and waiting to move into a house where I can grow. I haven't had access to my old Yahoo account since we left Alaska so I've been out of touch. Life has been great the last two years.

Domestic terrorism is a white christian crime. White Christian hate crimes are so common they don't make the news unless somebody is killed. At which time the murderer is called disturbed and not a White Christian Terrorist.

A few people not even related to the protest broke a few windows and it's blamed on the protesters. Sounds like a Nazi tactic in Germany, circa 1933.
Oh seriously?? Now you're just being a total hater and discriminating against white christians. And you have the gall to mention Nazi tactics??? Just slap the piss out of yourself for me.
Hey darling!!! A lot going on lately, our son got married about 14 months ago and now we have a new grandbaby, a beautiful little boy, 2 months old. I've got a great job, promoted very quickly to the top. Life is good. I have some new growing gear picked out and waiting to move into a house where I can grow. I haven't had access to my old Yahoo account since we left Alaska so I've been out of touch. Life has been great the last two years.
Oh shit so much to catch up on. My son got married a couple weeks ago too! No babies yet but I've got my fingers crossed for soon. Life is pretty good on this end for me too. The endocrinologist, cardiologist et al think they finally found why my heart was devolving so this winter will be the test. Email me sometime (I know you can create a new account), you crazy bastard :)

Domestic terrorism is a white christian crime. White Christian hate crimes are so common they don't make the news unless somebody is killed. At which time the murderer is called disturbed and not a White Christian Terrorist.

A few people not even related to the protest broke a few windows and it's blamed on the protesters. Sounds like a Nazi tactic in Germany, circa 1933.
This neglects two recent incidents, the San Bernardino shooting (December 2015) and the Orlando shooting (June this year). If you look at the Wiki entry, terror organizations of other religious affiliations are there. I think you are painting a picture so simplified as to be a disservice.
Oh seriously?? Now you're just being a total hater and discriminating against white christians. And you have the gall to mention Nazi tactics??? Just slap the piss out of yourself for me.
Nope. I speak truth. That you take it as hate speaks volumes about you.

Oh yes, Nazi tactics. Plant a few white thugs in a crowd, they make trouble, police come in to break it up. Worked for Hitler, also effective for Nixon. I'm surprised you don't recognize it. It's been a go to tactic for your kind to supress free speech since about forever.
This neglects two recent incidents, the San Bernardino shooting (December 2015) and the Orlando shooting (June this year). If you look at the Wiki entry, terror organizations of other religious affiliations are there. I think you are painting a picture so simplified as to be a disservice.
Like I said, White Christian Terrorism is so common that it doesn't even make the news, unless they murder somebody, in which case they are called deranged. There are plenty of statistics available to back up my statement. Not surprising that your kind just ignorantly fires off a denial. These facts should feel uncomfortable to you.
Like I said, White Christian Terrorism is so common that it doesn't even make the news, unless they murder somebody, in which case they are called deranged. There are plenty of statistics available to back up my statement. Not surprising that your kind just ignorantly fires off a denial. These facts should feel uncomfortable to you.
You're not even worth a reply. You probably didn't slap the piss out of yourself like I asked, and I asked very nicely I thought, but did you consider that? No, you only think about yourself.
Like I said, White Christian Terrorism is so common that it doesn't even make the news, unless they murder somebody, in which case they are called deranged. There are plenty of statistics available to back up my statement. Not surprising that your kind just ignorantly fires off a denial. These facts should feel uncomfortable to you.

I have a kind? Oh that is outstanding news!

Produce the bolded from a source we can all accept. Until then, the onus is on you. You made the assertion; back it.
You're not even worth a reply. You probably didn't slap the piss out of yourself like I asked, and I asked very nicely I thought, but did you consider that? No, you only think about yourself.
That was weak. Because you know I'm speaking the truth. Trump even talked about it on the idiot channel (twitter) when he bragged about having professionals create havoc.
Nope. I speak truth. That you take it as hate speaks volumes about you.

Oh yes, Nazi tactics. Plant a few white thugs in a crowd, they make trouble, police come in to break it up. Worked for Hitler, also effective for Nixon. I'm surprised you don't recognize it. It's been a go to tactic for your kind to supress free speech since about forever.

Whoa! excuse me but your bigotry is showing.
I have a kind? Oh that is outstanding news!

Produce the bolded from a source we can all accept. Until then, the onus is on you. You made the assertion; back it.

OK, dickless, do you have what it takes to accept the facts?

Stats, 2013:
In 2013, race was reported for 5,814 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

  • 52.4 percent were White.
  • 24.3 percent were Black or African American.
  • 7.0 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (Group of Multiple Races).
  • 0.8 percent (49 offenders) were American Indian or Alaska Native.
  • 0.7 percent (40 offenders) were Asian.
  • 0.1 percent (3 offenders) were Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
  • 14.8 percent were unknown. (Based on Table 9.)
The ethnicity was reported for 368 known hate crime offenders. Of these:

  • 54.1 percent were in the ethnic category Not Hispanic or Latino.
  • 6.3 percent were groups made up of individuals of various ethnicities (Group of Multiple Ethnicities).
  • 3.3 percent were Hispanic or Latino.
  • 36.4 percent were of unknown ethnicity. (Based on Table 9.)
What religions do haters inflict their hate crimes upon:

75% of all hate crimes with religious bias were anti-jewish or anti-islam. You can't really think they are doing this to each other. LOL