Voter ID Laws

Poor Buck. References sources he knows are shitpiles of Democrat lies and calls everyone a racist. I can only assume he's paid to lie, he can't possibly act the way he does and believe there is any virtue in it. I guess employment opportunities are few and far between for those with an incontenance affliction

poor stupid red.

claims that there were more votes than registered voters, gets shown the exact number of votes and registered voters from all of those counties which can be verified by those counties, and labels it "shitpiles of democratic lies".

claims MSNBC never covered the new blck panther, gets shown an article from MSNBC covering just that, and has no comeback whatsoever.

poor, impotent red. red1966 the racist shitpile. the one who says that "blacks are more inclined to criminality" then denies that he said it despite me reproducing his exact quote. then cries when i call him a racist for his racist remarks.

poor, stupid red.

don't burn your family alive, again.
Most countries have voter ID laws. Most countries actually want elections that represent the will of their people. Democrats are adamantly opposed to free and fair elections.

Requiring an ID is not voter suppression, except in the fascist minds of Democrats. I have to provide ID to buy a gun, buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, board an airplane, apply for welfare, ad infinitum.

Why is it that Democrats are hell bent on allowing dead people and illegals to vote? Why is it that Democrats are so heavily courting the illegal alien population? The answer to both questions is self evident.

Anybody that is too stupid to get identification is too stupid to vote. It's not hard and it costs nothing.

Anybody who bothers to investigate voting finds dead people voting. I am quite convinced that non-citizens vote as well. There is pretty convincing evidence that Al Frankin (D, Minnesota) was fraudulently elected to the US Senate, for example.

Just to clarify for Fogdog and other progressives, dead people and non-citizens should not vote in the US.


Out for 218,000,000 eligible voters in the US, there are 1,500,000 deceased people lurking on the county voter registration rolls. You are worried about the possibility of a fraction of 0.7% voter fraud. But that level is never realized. It's more like 0.007%.

Ok, Dude, so clean up the voter rolls. Go through every county in this nation and scrub every one of the people who no longer are in the area and the very, very few people who are deceased and still on the rolls. It's not worth the effort but yeah, you are correct there is some error on voter rolls in every county. Those tax dollars you whine about would be mis-spent doing this, because there is no fraud at a significant level taking place. So there is that.

You are weak with numbers, that is clear. I won't deny the possibility that there is a fraction of a percent of fraud. And neither do the people who run elections, which is why, when an election comes down to 0.5% to 1% of margin, there is an automatic recount. Other than automatic recounts, any candidate can request a recount. During a recount, the kind of fraud you fear is ferreted out and those votes are rejected.

So you are all in a tizzy about a non-problem. Trump would lose by 5 to 10 percent if an election were to be held today. Find something else to cry about.

What is significant are Republican measures to prevent minorities from voting. Forcing somebody who is making poverty wages to take time off work to visit a DMV might not seem significant to a retired comparatively wealthy person like you but you aren't the target of anti-democratic Republicans. A visit to a DMV can cost a whole day of wages to somebody just barely getting by. And for what? There has never been a problem that would be solved by this, other than the problem of darkies voting for their choice of candidate.

Fraud that you should worry about are the restrictions at the polls. Faulty equipment, shortages of equipment or few polling stations located far apart, these all cause tens of thousands of people to be dis-enfranchised. Also, private organizations have been going through voter rolls and thousands in Florida were scrubbed from rolls that should not have been. It just so happens that most were African American. If you worried about these anti-democratic acts as well as your phony walking dead voter, then you would have a little credibility.

It is well documented and verified as fact that Republicans are anti-democratic. They have taken actions to deny the vote to people in the tens of thousands. This is the real fraud going on in the US today. Not that you care.

That's not what's bothering you, is it? What's bothering you is the very real chance that a black man will be handing the presidency over to a woman and both represent the Democratic Party. Oh the humanity! (snicker)

"Forcing somebody who is making poverty wages to take time off work to visit a DMV "

How do you suppose they got their job? You have to have a DL.

You guys believe everything the left pitches as gospel.

"Forcing somebody who is making poverty wages to take time off work to visit a DMV "

How do you suppose they got their job? You have to have a DL.

You guys believe everything the left pitches as gospel.
Some voters don't have a DL. some only have student id.
Some voters ID laws did not want to except student id
Some voters don't have a DL. some only have student id.
Some voters ID laws did not want to except student id
Do you have to prove citizenship to get a student ID?

Fogdog was saying it is unfair to ask minimum wage black people to show ID but they had to have some form of state ID or combination of BC +Ssc to get that job.
[QUOTE="Flaming Pie, post: 12923574, member: 450715"
Fogdog was saying it is unfair to ask minimum wage black people to show ID but they had to have some form of state ID or combination of BC +Ssc to get that job.[/QUOTE]

Getting a photo ID so you can vote is easy. Unless you’re poor, black, Latino or elderly.
Do you have to prove citizenship to get a student ID?

Fogdog was saying it is unfair to ask minimum wage black people to show ID but they had to have some form of state ID or combination of BC +Ssc to get that job.
I'm not interested in what Fogdog said. Take that up with him.
I want you to answer why student ID is not accepted but concealed weapon permit is ?

"Forcing somebody who is making poverty wages to take time off work to visit a DMV "

How do you suppose they got their job? You have to have a DL.

You guys believe everything the left pitches as gospel.
Why don't you take it up with the court that struck down this law that was written to suppress the African American vote to fix a problem that doesn't exist? Here are some sources that explain the ruling.
It's hilarious that the party that is blocking common sense voter ID laws and has a long, long history of cheating in elections and is almost solely responsible for all previous voter fraud, has the audacity to claim Republicans rely on cheating to win elections.
It's hilarious that the party that is blocking common sense voter ID laws and has a long, long history of cheating in elections and is almost solely responsible for all previous voter fraud, has the audacity to claim Republicans rely on cheating to win elections.
It's not a claim, it is a fact that Republicans rely on cheating to win. The issue has been litigated in the courts and they found an intent to disenfranchise people. There is clear evidence (also known as facts) to show this intent. The court also found that the voter ID fraud is a problem that doesn't exist. Right wingers are in a minority and can't win without cheating. This one avenue of cheating is not available. So cry baby cry.
I'm not interested in what Fogdog said. Take that up with him.
I want you to answer why student ID is not accepted but concealed weapon permit is ?
What are the requirements for student ID vs concealed weapons permit?

Concealed weapon permit involves federal background check and a proper ID.

I can get a student ID just for being registered for college.

You do realize that you don't have to be a citizen to obtain a CCW permit. So what point are you failing to make?
Lets try this again.
Why do Voter ID law reject a student ID, but accept CCW permit (with no picture even )
Every state is different. How about you give me something like a source to aid in our discussion?

I am looking for state ccw requirements now.
Every state is different. How about you give me something like a source to aid in our discussion?

I am looking for state ccw requirements now.
Geez is it really that hard for you to do some research. Maybe that is the reason you are so ill-informed.
You do not have to be a citizen to obtain a CCW.

Once more the question is:
Why did Voter ID law except a CCW permit but not a student ID.

come a time in life that you have to admit you are wrong or you will continue to be ignorant.
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Geez is it really that hard for you to do some research. Maybe that is the reason you are so ill-informed.
You do not have to be a citizen to obtain a CCW.

Once more the question is:
Why did Voter ID law except a CCW permit but not a student ID.

come a time in life that you have to admit you are wrong or you will continue to be ignorant.
I would have to look into that more. How does a person learn without asking questions?

Too stuck up to lend a hand? How do you expect to get anywhere in a discussion without providing sources of information?

Citing and showing sources should not be a negative thing.
Which states allow ccw as proof of identity for voting? Then we can cross examine with states that allow non-citizens to have a ccw.
Which states allow ccw as proof of identity for voting? Then we can cross examine with states that allow non-citizens to have a ccw.
OMG you enter into a conversation not knowing shit.
Texas for one wanted to except CCW but denied student ID. They also issue CCW to non citizens
scroll down to question 12.

Also you can actually join the military without being a citizen. Guess what you can use that same ID to get a CCW.
So the question still remains.
Why did Voter ID law want to accept CCW permit but not student ID ?