General Election Predictions (interactive map)

My words were "the social justice crowd"....get it right if you're quoting me.

I don't recall complaining about them either. Just agreeing with the point that they are being used by Trump to gain support. Call them whatever you like, they are helping Trump. Don't like my opinion? Here's a little Kurt Vonnegut for you:

"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling donut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!?"

Looked up social justice warriors on the urban dictionary site, lol, sounds a lot like you! :clap: :clap::clap:

well, since the KKK is supporting trump, and the KKK holds the same disdain for "social justice" that you do, i have no doubt that trump is trying to rally his brown shirts against the notion of social justice.

Social justice is the fair and just relation between the individual and society. This is measured by the explicit and tacit terms for the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity and social privileges. In Western as well as in older Asian cultures, the concept of social justice has often referred to the process of ensuring that individuals fulfill their societal roles and receive what was their due from society.[1][2][3] In the current global grassroots movements for social justice, the emphasis has been on the breaking of barriers for social mobility, the creation of safety nets and economic justice.[4][5][6][7][8]
well, since the KKK is supporting trump, and the KKK holds the same disdain for "social justice" that you do, i have no doubt that trump is trying to rally his brown shirts against the notion of social justice.

Social justice is the fair and just relation between the individual and society. This is measured by the explicit and tacit terms for the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity and social privileges. In Western as well as in older Asian cultures, the concept of social justice has often referred to the process of ensuring that individuals fulfill their societal roles and receive what was their due from society.[1][2][3] In the current global grassroots movements for social justice, the emphasis has been on the breaking of barriers for social mobility, the creation of safety nets and economic justice.[4][5][6][7][8]

Hmmmm. By that definition, I'M a social justice warrior, too.

Yeah, I'm cool with that.
well, since the KKK is supporting trump, and the KKK holds the same disdain for "social justice" that you do, i have no doubt that trump is trying to rally his brown shirts against the notion of social justice.

Social justice is the fair and just relation between the individual and society. This is measured by the explicit and tacit terms for the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity and social privileges. In Western as well as in older Asian cultures, the concept of social justice has often referred to the process of ensuring that individuals fulfill their societal roles and receive what was their due from society.[1][2][3] In the current global grassroots movements for social justice, the emphasis has been on the breaking of barriers for social mobility, the creation of safety nets and economic justice.[4][5][6][7][8]
Now I have disdain for social justice? You are such a fucking clown.
Bingo, I think you are right on both counts. CA might be good for fundraising too. I think Trump has calculated that he wins points in swing states every time the social justice crowd goes into riot mode. So he rallies in Chicago and L.A. and other blue places he has no chance of winning.

I see Hillary as having a huge electoral advantage. I can't imagine Trump winning anything other than a squeaker while Hillary could still win in a landslide. A crazier election I can't remember!

I wouldn't know about that. But since the word police are here, I'll describe them as rioters with neo-progressive leanings.

So, people who protest for social justice are grouped and typed as a riotous gang? Never mind that practically all attendees never do as you say. Are you saying the Black Live's Matter organization is filled with "rioters". It's a public demonstration. With few exceptions nothing violent even takes place. When it does, can you factually state that the violence was perpetrated or supported by the BLM movement or its members? Or does calling the rioters members of "the social justice crowd" just meet your truthy sorta facts thingy test so that you can dismiss them as lawbreakers instead of people with a legitimate issue?

You sound more like somebody from the Chinese or Russian governments talking about something going on in those countries than anything else. Is this where the political right of this country is headed?
No way Idaho goes to Hillary. No way. In '92, Ross Perot got more votes in Idaho than Bill did.
I was shooting from the hip. The 2nd Amendment supporters will understand. They shoot from the hip... consequently, they miss a lot... but they are great people; democratic people with a small d. And wouldn't it be a shame? I don't know... you tell me. Believe me, they are coming for your guns.
Um yes they are going to come for auto matic and semi auto matic military rifles you can bet on it.

Basically I think in order to even own a military rifle you should have to go through some basic training at least.....even then I personally do not see a real need for people walking around america armed with military assault rifles.

And yes I have guns.
Besides this conversation right here is Idaho's high point of national relevance.
I lived in Idaho for about 10 years. Loved the state. Loved the people. But I was white, well employed and well aware that my liberal vote and opinions were completely swamped by others. As long as I stayed away from political discussions, it was all good. Which was easy because the state is beautiful and there was always something to do in the outdoors.
So, people who protest for social justice are grouped and typed as a riotous gang? Never mind that practically all attendees never do as you say. Are you saying the Black Live's Matter organization is filled with "rioters". It's a public demonstration. With few exceptions nothing violent even takes place. When it does, can you factually state that the violence was perpetrated or supported by the BLM movement or its members? Or does calling the rioters members of "the social justice crowd" just meet your truthy sorta facts thingy test so that you can dismiss them as lawbreakers instead of people with a legitimate issue?

You sound more like somebody from the Chinese or Russian governments talking about something going on in those countries than anything else. Is this where the political right of this country is headed?

The political right in this country has viewed oligo-fascism as a legitimate goal for decades now.

It's a natural progression; having stolen all the money, they now want all the power too.
No way Idaho goes to Hillary. No way. In '92, Ross Perot got more votes in Idaho than Bill did.

i don't know anymore.

idaho, especially the southern part, is filled with mor(m)ons. these people hate trump.

if enough votes get split between trump, romney write ins, gary johnson, and evan mcmullin, then hillary might have a chance there and in utah. it is part of why she is also doing very well in arizona.
Um yes they are going to come for auto matic and semi auto matic military rifles you can bet on it.

Basically I think in order to even own a military rifle you should have to go through some basic training at least.....even then I personally do not see a real need for people walking around america armed with military assault rifles.

And yes I have guns.
Speaking from my experiences with my own family and guns - they should come for them. Completely irresponsible shit. A military grade semi-auto stolen by any one of three former employees - never reported. Another (plus a few thousand NATO 5.56 rounds) in the hands of a mentally ill person - buried in a basement! Yeah, I hope they do come and get them from my family. The biggest problem with guns is that responsible owners die and the guns then often end up in the hands of unsuitable people.