General Election Predictions (interactive map)

Isn't it funny how social justice suddenly means helping the non whites?

Here I thought they were fighting for everyone's rights?
It's hard to claim you're fighting for everyone's rights when you call people racist for saying "All lives matter", tell white people they can't have a valid view on race or contribute to the discussion because, no matter what their socio-economic background is, their inherent privilege biases their viewpoint irreparably, claim that prejudice against white people isn't racist because it's not racism unless there is a historic relationship of unequal power, and the insistence (on Wikipedia for instance) that Black Supremacy is somehow not racist, even thought it exactly the same kind of racist bullshit as White Supremacy. I'm all for fighting for equality, but I'm not really willing to fight for equality with people who only see equality as a stepping stone towards supremacy. The problem is that REAL equality is Equality of Opportunity, and the SJW crowd is all about Equality of Outcome which is an utter load of horseshit.
It's hard to claim you're fighting for everyone's rights when you call people racist for saying "All lives matter", tell white people they can't have a valid view on race or contribute to the discussion because, no matter what their socio-economic background is, their inherent privilege biases their viewpoint irreparably, claim that prejudice against white people isn't racist because it's not racism unless there is a historic relationship of unequal power, and the insistence (on Wikipedia for instance) that Black Supremacy is somehow not racist, even thought it exactly the same kind of racist bullshit as White Supremacy. I'm all for fighting for equality, but I'm not really willing to fight for equality with people who only see equality as a stepping stone towards supremacy. The problem is that REAL equality is Equality of Opportunity, and the SJW crowd is all about Equality of Outcome which is an utter load of horseshit.

That's all just reverse racism.
That's all just reverse racism.
No, it's just racism. Reverse racism is a misnomer, it implies that racism is only racism when directed from the majority to a minority. Racism is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior"(OED) or "racial prejudice or discrimination"(Webster). People can justify their discrimination all they want, it doesn't make it any less racist. The new push to redefine racism as "prejudice + power" is just another way of justifying racism without being accountable, and is detrimental towards actually achieving equality.
The new push to redefine racism as "prejudice + power" is just another way of justifying racism without being accountable, and is detrimental towards actually achieving equality.

i'm not so sure about that.

racism without the power to actually oppress may be vacuous, but is not damaging to others.
i'm not so sure about that.

racism without the power to actually oppress may be vacuous, but is not damaging to others.
I disagree on several points. Firstly, whether something is racist has nothing to do with whether it is damaging. I will agree that some forms of racism are more damaging than others, but it doesn't make them more or less racist. Secondly, it is damaging in the sense that it alienates the people who have the power to change things. If someone has more power than you and you say their voice shouldn't matter and they are a bad person just because of their skin tone, they're probably not going to give you any of their power, or encourage anyone else to. In the same way that I would think twice about supporting a cause the is backed by the KKK, I would also think twice about supporting a cause backed by the NOI. So in that sense, it absolutely damages your cause. Thirdly, racism justifies violence, so promoting racist ideas will perpetuate violence, and that also leads to reduced support for your cause, and thus causes harm in multiple ways.
can you provide citation to support this assertion of yours?
Sure. From Whitley and Kite's description of "Symbolic Racism" (One of the many new "types" of racism that, by definition, are only racism by white people against blacks)
From Wikipedia (Not the best source, but decent summary)
"Whitley and Kite cite six underlying factors that contribute to symbolic racism.[6]

  1. Implicitly anti-Black affect and negative stereotypes.
  2. Racialized belief in traditional values.
  3. Belief in equality of opportunity.
  4. Low belief in equality of outcome.
  5. Group self-interest.
  6. Low knowledge of Black people.
...Furthermore, those with symbolic prejudice tend to believe in the equality of opportunity, which includes access to resources such as education, housing, and employment.[6] However, they tend not to believe in the equality of outcome. This explains how people can support the principle of racial equality but not support initiatives to achieve it, such as affirmative action. Government intervention when individuals do not have the same talent, effort or historical background would violate traditional values of equality of opportunity.[6] Thus, “people can simultaneously endorse equality of opportunity and reject government intervention to bring about equality of outcome.”[6]"

So yeah, thinking everyone is equal and wanting equality of opportunity over equality of outcome apparently makes you racist, but thinking Blacks are superior to Whites doesn't make you racist. This is the kinda shit that I feel is rampant among the Bernie supporters, and one of the reasons why I prefer Clinton.
i'm not so sure about that.

racism without the power to actually oppress may be vacuous, but is not damaging to others.
Also, I would put forward the words of Martin Luther King Jr. "There are hate groups arising in our midst which would preach a doctrine of black supremacy.... Our aim must not be to defeat or humiliate the white man, but to gain his friendship and understanding.... We must seek democracy and not the substitution of one tyranny for another. Black supremacy is as bad as white supremacy. God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brown and yellow men, God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race.... Hate is a cancerous disease which distorts the personality and scars the soul. To return hate for hate only intensifies the existence of hate in the universe. Hate seeks to annihilate rather than convert. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible."
I have never visited that site under any name. Very 2012 of you to insinuate I'm a racist. Maybe get a new playbook? Yawn...for...the...stale...troll...:dunce:

maybe if you didn't complain about "social justice warriors" like some kind of stormfront reject, i would not point out the obvious.

wanna make a bet about what the hottest year on record will be?
maybe if you didn't complain about "social justice warriors" like some kind of stormfront reject, i would not point out the obvious.

wanna make a bet about what the hottest year on record will be?
My words were "the social justice crowd"....get it right if you're quoting me.

I don't recall complaining about them either. Just agreeing with the point that they are being used by Trump to gain support. Call them whatever you like, they are helping Trump. Don't like my opinion? Here's a little Kurt Vonnegut for you:

"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling donut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!?"

Looked up social justice warriors on the urban dictionary site, lol, sounds a lot like you! :clap: :clap::clap: