Will Trump Debate?


Well-Known Member
Trump will whine through August and September about the debates, not agreeing and changing the bar for participation. Late September, poll numbers will be in HRC favor and he will agree to ONE.
HRC will cream him.
Redo 1992.
Maybe even the chicken suits again.


Well-Known Member

Trump said that Ryan has sought his endorsement but that he is only “giving it very serious consideration.” Responding to Trump, Ryan spokesman Zack Roday said in a statement: “Neither Speaker Ryan nor anyone on his team has ever asked for Donald Trump’s endorsement. And we are confident in a victory next week regardless.”

He cant stop lying about items that are so easy to check. He is a fucking clown and imbeciles think he's their messiah.


Well-Known Member
Trump said that Ryan has sought his endorsement but that he is only “giving it very serious consideration.” Responding to Trump, Ryan spokesman Zack Roday said in a statement: “Neither Speaker Ryan nor anyone on his team has ever asked for Donald Trump’s endorsement. And we are confident in a victory next week regardless.”

He cant stop lying about items that are so easy to check. He is a fucking clown and imbeciles think he's their messiah.
Do you realize that I could run for President and get less shit about how unprepared for the job I am.

I love it. This could be the beginning of the end.