well i will be in oregon next year if u are looking for a manYour a hell of a Man!
cum blood?
might wanna get that checked out..
you should just have a dry orgasm.. eventually none at all..or worse, abrasions on the shaft
i also know this from experience..even have a scar for remembrance
it is from popping blood vessels in there .....doctor told me no damage done but i should not keep doing it
i have a high protein diet i eat about lb lb and half of meat a day
when i am dating someone i make sure i eat honey ...........trick a old gf taught me honey every day for a week and the guy's cum taste sweet to them .....same thing when they eat fresh fruit pussy will get a slight taste to it
ive been told by a couple chicks my nut taste like kiwi
they love it
but i can't eat kiwi now lol
they are a waste of good sex..definition??
i feel like i know what it is..
ive never used a condom
but i tried for a few seconds twice with my ex wife
5 star thread
I can't think of any stoner I've ever met that hasn't kicked hack in a smoke circle?
You're on fire right now! Bonus level achieved.Sup dude? You circumcised?
Getting ready to meet my brother for a round or two. Haven't played hackey sack since high school.oh ive never played
but i do play disk golf on occasion so im still a qualified stoner