Whites and blacks in US 'disagree on racism'

I bet if he hadn't committed a crime(s), he wouldn't have to worry either way.

How many innocent people are in prison? How many innocent people get shot by cops?

Fuck, could it be that being a douche bag criminal has some correlation to getting shot?
What crime committed unarmed is punishable by death?
Do you not think that the black community itself doesn't have real problems that go beyond the police? Because it's pretty obvious that they do. Almost every black child is raised in a single parent household. The results are disasterous. Criminality, teen pregnancy, school drop out rates, poverty, STI rates, rates of risky behavior in general, low empathy... all very highly correlated to single parenthood.

Most black people are killed by other black people. Most white people are killed by other white people. Most hispanics are killed by other hispanics. Asians tend to have ridiculously low rates of violence and crime in general, but as far as murder is concerned it's the same situation. Also tend to be more successful in general (higher average income, more likely to attend post secondary etc.). They're not white, what advantage do they have? They also dealt with some pretty serious persecution as well.
In case you think it's a race thing, Nigerian Americans have the highest educational attainment and income of all. More than Asians.
If you're black, all felonies are punishable by death if you flee. If you're white, however, you can actually fire shots at the cops arms live. Sound about right?

Yes, cops say... hey, that guy is white, lets let him get off a few shots before we return fire.... LOL!!!! You are trolling, you cant possibly believe this shit....
"I feared for my safety."

-Get out of jail free card

Cops dont need to kill black people. Black women do it to their babies by the millions each year.

91% of black people are killed by other black people, some of them probably cops....

The problem isnt white people and you wont fix the problem until you figure that out.

Black people have less respect for each other than white people do.
Cops dont need to kill black people. Black women do it to their babies by the millions each year.

91% of black people are killed by other black people, some of them probably cops....

The problem isnt white people and you wont fix the problem until you figure that out.

Black people have less respect for each other than white people do.
Yes they do. If they didn't need to, they wouldn't. Must be an Inferiority complex. And so do white women, lol.
lets end racism as we perpetuate racialist doctrine.
Lets use the one drop rule in a " good way" and label our President " black"

The same rule that forbid a man from marrying outside his " race" or voting, that rule.

Inhumanity is not race based.
That, right there, is the exact same logic the cops who are shooting unarmed people are using to justify their actions. This is the kind of toxic reasoning that will continue the cycle of violence and avoidance of responsibility, and it needs to be stomped out on both sides of this issue.
Yes. Thank you!

It's bigotry both ways. The cops work to uphold the laws and put their lives to the service of protecting the people. Treating every cop like a racist does not bring cops and minorities closer.
it would help if the good cops said some shit to the racist asshole cops don't you think? Where were the good cops in the Bay Area? It always seems they are outnumbered.
They had a shoot out at a restaurant in waco, 9 dead. Very peaceful. They traffic meth and humans. Yeah 1% ers are a gang just like the crips. Those tattoos you mention can be covered with this thing called clothes. So, we can't tell the difference between them and civilian riders.
I actually just jumped in the middle of this 1% shit. Lol

Not sure what y'all talking about Crips could wear a suit and tie and be in a respectable position in the government as can a 1%er. Yakuza and Triads and Italian Mafia do that shit regularly. Yakuza are some gangster mother fuckers they got them tattoos all over their body just can't see them in a suit.
I actually just jumped in the middle of this 1% shit. Lol

Not sure what y'all talking about Crips could wear a suit and tie and be in a respectable position in the government as can a 1%er. Yakuza and Triads and Italian Mafia do that shit regularly. Yakuza are some gangster mother fuckers they got them tattoos all over their body just can't see them in a suit.
It's started from this comment from ThickStemz

"Because all to often those "innocent unarmed" black dudes are in fact very violent armed thugs who are dangerous.

When the wolves hide in sheep's clothing some lambs get shot by mistake."

Stemz was referring to innocent people of color being murdered by the police. So I was just telling stemz that harley riders could be considered "sheep" as well.