Donald Trump

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You always liked Hillary over Bernie. What is it you like about her?

no need to change the subject here, holocaust denying trump lover.

let's focus on just how incredibly wrong your statement about trump's appeal to democrats was.

after that, we can talk about why you think the white race is supreme, the holocaust was a hoax, and trump is so awesome.
I still support Sanders and will cast my vote even if I have to write him in.

In theory, 1) Bernie can still win the dem nom 2) he can also run as an Indie.

One thing Bernie did for us, was show that 'we the people' are strong..lobbyist is a dinosaur..kinda wondering what would've happened if the indies didn't get shut out.
I had hopes for an Indie run, but he basically reminded everyone today that he's not the nominee, and that he said he would help defeat trump.
everybody uses this establishment bullshit argument.

trump is a 1%'er and sanders is a senator aka cog in the establishment hamster wheel.

all peas in the same pod.
I wouldn't put Trump into the category as Bernie. Though they all, including Hillary, Trump and Bernie are part of the same system and are important leaders in the system. None of them are true outsiders.
Trump has a background in construction, first time to run for anything.
Has no background in construction.

He rents rooms and develops property. He works with the system to get those properties developed, even getting cities to fund those projects. Oh yes he's part of the system.
He is a builder, he knows everything about construction and grew up on job sites. Not a bad thing.
A bad thing? No. Do you have ADD? Because your earlier reply inferred this meant he was not part of the system. Now you want to talk about what he did like, 60 years ago as a 9 year old?

Dude, he's been working with city government to get them to fund his projects for decades. He's been politically connected his entire adult life. He's part of the system.
This from somebody who can't remember his name. too funny that

years ago a girl got a kite stuck 40ft up in a tree on my moms place I showed up and it being an easy tree to go up or down for me at lest having did it a number of times. I picked up a stick went up dislodged the kite dropped the stick and did a controlled drop almost half way down stopped and told the girl to fly it away from the tree and did a controlled fall to the ground. I made it look easy and it was, having did this many times. there was 6 or 8 kids watching me do this and I guess spiderman had just came out because they started calling me spiderman and peter parker so when bucky called me parker I said that "I have been called peter parker" I thought it was kind of funny that I could say that.

I am not a sock what I say is true although like with the parker thing what is true can also be misleading. You know about misleading don't you foggy?
She did tho. Fact is no substitute for real investigation. You visit a site that tells you what to think.

Meanwhile us "intelligent folk" use her own interviews, votes, and news from that time period to make a judgement.

@schuylaar @abandonconflict

Don't let opinion websites and opinion news articles sway your view. Look for fact based reports (look up what they reference) and listen to hillary's own words on the matter during the nafta time period.

Let them have it with both barrels.
A bad thing? No. Do you have ADD? Because your earlier reply inferred this meant he was not part of the system. Now you want to talk about what he did like, 60 years ago as a 9 year old?

Dude, he's been working with city government to get them to fund his projects for decades. He's been politically connected his entire adult life. He's part of the system.

He had to work with the system not be a part of it.
suck trump's dick while having a meltdown. i'll just sit here being amused.
Lol I hate trump just as much as he next person all I'm saying is trump will beat hillary we will have a civil war when that happens and the people will finnaly stand up against government they will rue the day they plotted against bernie
@shorelineOG - Drumpf has a "background in construction" - Whaaaaaa? Not a native New Yorker, I take it? lol
If by "background in construction" you mean occasionally 'touring' his daddy's sites in between getting head from pre-teen girls and doing lines from erect black cocks then YES, he is very experienced!

I wonder just how many of these podunk morons yapping about Drumpf are actual NYers that were THERE to witness that clan's years of opulence and social abuses? Do a Google search and educate yourselves, inbreeders....
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