Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
So, listening to Trumps speech..

1) Everything he's saying cannot be disputed.
2) He's staying on message since he got rid of that loser Lewandowski.
3) If he continue this way..Clintons gonna have a lot of splaining to do and a real problem on their hands.
4) The Muslim immigrant connection about taking jobs away from immigrants who are already here, was brilliant.

-and finally my devils advocate point-

5) One thing you can say about Trump..steaks, vodka and all his shit..he's not AFRAID to take a chance and pretty enterprising to boot.
wow, you were one of the first one's to jump off the USS Sanders, huh? what happened to going down with the ship?


Well-Known Member
Could it be that Trump is so over the top ignorant, racist and bigoted that he's going to end the southern strategy the GOP began using in Nixon and Reagan's campaigns?

Why Today’s GOP Crackup Is the Final Unraveling of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’
Tea Party rebels are exposing the deep rifts between country-club elites and social-issue hard-liners.

Republican Party was founded on some basic contradictions. It has been an odd-couple coalition that unites the East Coast Republican establishment with the hardscrabble segregationists of the white South. Richard Nixon brokered the deal with Dixiecrat leader Strom Thurmond at the ’68 convention in Miami, wherein states of the old slave-holding Confederacy would join the Party of Lincoln. It took two election cycles to convert the “Solid South,” but Nixon and GOP apparatchiks made it clear with private assurances that Republicans would discreetly retire their historic commitment to civil rights.

Whole lot of text in between and a good summary of the end days of this strategy.

The potential crackup may actually open a brighter path for future politics, because the country is changing, including among white Southerners. The most resonant political moment in 2015 may have been what occurred in South Carolina after the church massacre in Charleston. Many politicians fumbled around, not sure what to say, but GOP Governor Nikki Haley stepped forward and took ownership of the shame. She burned the Confederate battle flag, so to speak, by acknowledging that it is a symbol of hate and calling for its removal from conspicuous display, which the state legislature agreed to do. Other Southern states swiftly followed with similar moves.

This seems like a small symbolic gesture alongside the squalid history of racial oppression. But I think it signals a yearning for greater possibilities—a “New South” wishing it could truly escape the claustrophobic society created by the legacy of racial apartheid and the punishing social edicts imposed by demagogic preachers.

As recent events have made clear, the corporate partners who dominate the GOP coalition have their own strong interest in promoting progressive social change—their customers demand it, and their employees and overseas markets expect it.

Could liberals eventually be able to have discussion with people who are actually fiscal conservative and social moderates rather than just idiot wing nut bigots?


Well-Known Member
pie has salt stones? Really? Why that's awful. Sounds awful,anyway.

Tell us, is it as awful as we're all thinking?


Well-Known Member
Starts at 35 minute mark.

I tried but couldn't get past 10 or so minutes of this schlubs talk. Fact checking puts Trump at only 25% honest or mostly honest remarks. This is impossible for me to forget when hearing him bumble through a litany of how 1st lady Clinton was responsible for a NAFTA treaty that had been signed by GOP Prez Bush. Or maybe growth in trade deficit with China is Hillary Clinton's doing as Secretary of State. Really? Hillary Clinton did that?

There was a deplorable debate quite a while ago where Reagan said, "there you go again".

There you go again, Donald.
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Well-Known Member
I tried but couldn't get past 10 or so minutes of this schlubs talk. Fact checking put's Trump at only 25% honest or mostly honest remarks. This is impossible for me to forget when hearing him bumble through a litany of how 1st lady Clinton was responsible for a NAFTA treaty that had been signed by GOP Prez Bush. Or maybe growth in trade deficit with China is Hillary Clinton's doing as Secretary of State. Really? Hillary Clinton did that?

There was a deplorable debate quite a while ago where Reagan said, "there you go again".

There you go again, Donald.
trump and fox make a helluva team. they both are around 75% of being slightly or completely dishonest in whatever comes out

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I tried but couldn't get past 10 or so minutes of this schlubs talk. Fact checking puts Trump at only 25% honest or mostly honest remarks. This is impossible for me to forget when hearing him bumble through a litany of how 1st lady Clinton was responsible for a NAFTA treaty that had been signed by GOP Prez Bush. Or maybe growth in trade deficit with China is Hillary Clinton's doing as Secretary of State. Really? Hillary Clinton did that?

There was a deplorable debate quite a while ago where Reagan said, "there you go again".

There you go again, Donald.
She did tho. Fact is no substitute for real investigation. You visit a site that tells you what to think.

Meanwhile us "intelligent folk" use her own interviews, votes, and news from that time period to make a judgement.

@schuylaar @abandonconflict

Don't let opinion websites and opinion news articles sway your view. Look for fact based reports (look up what they reference) and listen to hillary's own words on the matter during the nafta time period.


Well-Known Member
A flaming dumpster is the trump story
I hate to tell you this, but as long as he stays on message the Clintons have a BIG problem..hell, I would've voted for him this morning and I HATE the guy.

His family and Manfort took over and guess what? Everything up until yesterday can (and will) be thrown onto Lewandowski.

Lewandowski will take the blame because he worships the guy.

One thing Trump has going, that Bernie has, he's NOT establishment.

That is going to be the lynch pin.

Think about it..Trump or Hillary? Why can't we get a small gun bill passed..were talking about NOT selling guns to known terrorists? Establishment. And it will continue.

People are tired of a government that cannot even pass a simple law to ban those from the 'no-fly' list from buying guns.

The people are TIRED.

Did I mention the Clintons have a big problem on their hands? They can't sling shit because they have too much of their own..Trump held steady and stayed on proves he can do it.

The PEOPLE..remember them? Are fucking tired.

You should have heard them on MSNBC this AM..I thought they were gonna spit, scratch and lose it over Trump's speech.

About 90% of what he said today was on point and the TRUTH.
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Well-Known Member
She did tho. Fact is no substitute for real investigation. You visit a site that tells you what to think.

Meanwhile us "intelligent folk" use her own interviews, votes, and news from that time period to make a judgement.

@schuylaar @abandonconflict

Don't let opinion websites and opinion news articles sway your view. Look for fact based reports (look up what they reference) and listen to hillary's own words on the matter during the nafta time period.
Trust me, she's sooooo not my choice.

Further, if they can keep a leash on Trump? :lol:
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