Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
She did tho. Fact is no substitute for real investigation. You visit a site that tells you what to think.

Meanwhile us "intelligent folk" use her own interviews, votes, and news from that time period to make a judgement.

@schuylaar @abandonconflict

Don't let opinion websites and opinion news articles sway your view. Look for fact based reports (look up what they reference) and listen to hillary's own words on the matter during the nafta time period.
I wouldn't call you intelligent but am glad for you that you have such high self esteem.

Ok, so can you put some details into your statement "she did tho"? As in regarding what? Are you saying that Hillary Clinton wrote and signed NAFTA? That Hillary burgeoned the trade deficit? Do you want to refute with facts or just words?
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Well-Known Member
All thing being equal (and they basically are).. What's different about them?

That will determine the race.

People hate Trump but that will change as long as he stays on message..I learned more about his campaign today, than I have during this past year.

He did pretty damn well and he's gonna get better.

Hillary? There's no where for her to go..take away Benghazi and the recent headlines and she still has a lot of baggage.

People WANT change.

Hillary is anything but change..she even said so herself..she just wants to build on what Obama has done. Status quo. The rich get richer.


Well-Known Member
everybody uses this establishment bullshit argument.

trump is a 1%'er and sanders is a senator aka cog in the establishment hamster wheel.

all peas in the same pod.
Actually, not true..Sanders often errs on the side of dissent.


She voted it; he did not.

Trump is an ego maniac but he has enough time to change his message; and he has.

Wait till you see the polls tomorrow.

Where do you think the 13.5 million votes Bernie got, is going?

The wild card is those who wished they could have voted in the primary and that's millions and millions of me.
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Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call you intelligent but am glad for you that you have such high self esteem.

Ok, so what did she "do though"? and regarding what? Are you saying that Hillary Clinton wrote and signed NAFTA? That Hillary burgeoned the trade deficit? Do you want to refute with facts or just words?
flaming pile won't even bet on the things she swears will happen because she knows she is just flapping her gums.


Well-Known Member
Actually, not true..Sanders often errs on the side of dissent.
and when he doesn't , he becomes just another establishment guy getting paid by the gov't. if he was truly anti-establishment, he would fight from the outside in and not from the inside out.


Well-Known Member
I hate to tell you this, but as long as he stays on message the Clintons have a BIG problem..hell, I would've voted for him this morning and I HATE the guy.

His family and Manfort took over and guess what? Everything up until yesterday can (and will) be thrown onto Lewandowski.

Lewandowski will take the blame because he worships the guy.

One thing Trump has going, that Bernie has, he's NOT establishment.

That is going to be the lynch pin.

Think about it..Trump or Hillary? Why can't we get a small gun bill passed..were talking about NOT selling guns to known terrorists? Establishment. And it will continue.

People are tired of a government that cannot even pass a simple law to ban those from the 'no-fly' list from buying guns.

The people are TIRED.

Did I mention the Clintons have a big problem on their hands? They can't sling shit because they have too much of their own..Trump held steady and stayed on proves he can do it.

The PEOPLE..remember them? Are fucking tired.

You should have heard them on MSNBC this AM..I thought they were gonna spit, scratch and lose it over Trump's speech.

About 90% of what he said today was on point and the TRUTH.
Last line, your opinion. Let me see, your opinion about a couple of months ago regarding Bernie winning the nomination outright was what? If I get what you now say, your opinion is that Bernie can still win that nomination. How did that first opinion go? And right now, I'll say that your second one is pretty much baseless and soon to be put to rest.

Moving on, 75% of what Trump says is verified outright lie, pants on fire lie or mostly false. Basically, what Trump said was that 1st lady Hillary Clinton penned, passed and implemented NAFTA with Bill's help. Pick a category, outright lie, pants on fire lie or mostly false. Bill was Prez back then and he didn't even write or sign that treaty. Congress had to ratify it. Outright lie is my pick of the litter.

Trade deficit with China. Wow, just, wow. You'd lay that at Hillary's door too.

Clinton was Secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. The first years being a horrible recession, compare the growth of trade deficit during that time with the Bush 2 years 2001-2008. Not even close to the same growth in the deficit. During this decade, growth is slowing and it might even be leveling off. You might as well blame Clinton for the national debt. Again, pick a category, outright lie, pants on fire lie or mostly false. This one, I'd put at pants on fire lie.

So you hate Hillary and are pretty much numb to facts. I get it.


Well-Known Member
and when he doesn't , he becomes just another establishment guy getting paid by the gov't. if he was truly anti-establishment, he would fight from the outside in and not from the inside out.
I disagree.

He votes his conscience and, sadly, some things must be YEA as law is packaged into one bill.


Well-Known Member
somebody better tell donald what nafta stands for before the debates then.
He's not a career politician.

It's gonna be about Establishment v. Change.

There are a lot of people, in general populace, who can't stand Clinton..they hate Trump..but they CAN'T stand Clinton.

This is gonna be a real nail biter.


Well-Known Member
Last line, your opinion. Let me see, your opinion about a couple of months ago regarding Bernie winning the nomination outright was what? If I get what you now say, your opinion is that Bernie can still win that nomination. How did that first opinion go? And right now, I'll say that your second one is pretty much baseless and soon to be put to rest.

Moving on, 75% of what Trump says is verified outright lie, pants on fire lie or mostly false. Basically, what Trump said was that 1st lady Hillary Clinton penned, passed and implemented NAFTA with Bill's help. Pick a category, outright lie, pants on fire lie or mostly false. Bill was Prez back then and he didn't even write or sign that treaty. Congress had to ratify it. Outright lie is my pick of the litter.

Trade deficit with China. Wow, just, wow. You'd lay that at Hillary's door too.

Clinton was Secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. The first years being a horrible recession, compare the growth of trade deficit during that time with the Bush 2 years 2001-2008. Not even close to the same growth in the deficit. During this decade, growth is slowing and it might even be leveling off. You might as well blame Clinton for the national debt. Again, pick a category, outright lie, pants on fire lie or mostly false. This one, I'd put at pants on fire lie.

So you hate Hillary and are pretty much numb to facts. I get it.
I still support Sanders and will cast my vote even if I have to write him in.

In theory, 1) Bernie can still win the dem nom 2) he can also run as an Indie.

One thing Bernie did for us, was show that 'we the people' are strong..lobbyist is a dinosaur..kinda wondering what would've happened if the indies didn't get shut out.

Question: Have you ever been married? (Not a trick question)
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