(CBRN) Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear

You don't think the military does the same thing? Our modern police force is modeled after the military, their tactics and mentality.

the police have adopted the weapons and gear we've used overseas. in no way have they adopted our tactics or mentality.
Plus random drug test at least monthly only takes one fail to get disonably discharged
I read a page that said they only test like 10% at a time now or something like that, it wasn't a big number of people. And even if I did have to sign something that said I would take random drug tests, I would just see how long it was between tests usually and determine if I was going to smoke at all, I already said I would have to smoke.
I read a page that said they only test like 10% at a time now or something like that, it wasn't a big number of people. And even if I did have to sign something that said I would take random drug tests, I would just see how long it was between tests usually and determine if I was going to smoke at all, I already said I would have to smoke.
And about the Notoriety thing. I doubt they check how many Facebook Friends or Google+ views you have before you join. And they don't let you hardly use a phone in Basic I heard, so it would be too late by the time they found out. And they can't ban people from posting, people post things all the time, they just usually only reach their family and a single town.
I read a page that said they only test like 10% at a time now or something like that, it wasn't a big number of people. And even if I did have to sign something that said I would take random drug tests, I would just see how long it was between tests usually and determine if I was going to smoke at all, I already said I would have to smoke.
No, no. 10% of the unit.
I just remembered this.

One time we went Mushroom hunting in east Texas when I was like 16, and the Farmer was like right by where we hopped the fence. And he thought we were there to steal his cows. So we were like half way down the pasture and he shot a shot gun and let his dogs go, and we all split up and I had to walk around in swamp water up to my pockets for like an hour, and there were probably snakes and everything in there. Then I saw a car driving around in circles and I thought it was the people I had come with, but when I got closer I saw it was a cop car. So I had to hide like 1 property over, and waited for them to leave. Then in the morning I went across the street and hid behind a tree in some tall grass, and eventually the farmer came out with his dogs and they came over to me and he was just happy to hear we weren't there stealing his cows.
If they are going to test everyone it would take 10 cycles to do that. So you would have at least like 3-5 drug testing cycles before they came back to you, if not 10 cycles. 10% x 10 is 100%
Good thing minimum enlistment is 2 years. 12 months in a year. Probability says you're bound to get popped twice.