(CBRN) Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear

I can pass whatever. I have had to do all kinds of stuff. I've been in jail for my Religion, when I was fighting the case I won. And Ive worked in an Avocado factory, and done labor and stuff. Basic would probably just be like way more intense versions of those, I had to go to a place for 8 months once when I was a kid because it was like a program where they tried to program you so it was really long and regimented, we couldn't talk or anything except like 2 hours a day and at night without permission. But I can't call anyone that soon, I have to get paid at the end of the month and get something replaced on my car. But
im sure that avacodo factory really prepped you for combat fin. i say go for it
People use all kinds of stuff in the Military. Like, people used to smoke K2, but now there is all kinds of stuff that people use in the Military. I've known people that went into the Air force and Army, they just used legal stuff that doesn't show up on drug tests. Like Church of Neuroscience stuff.
Alot of normally legal substances are illegal under military law, just depends
The military will allow religious freedom to a point but you pretty much waive your constitutional rights by joining military law supercedes constitutional rights(martial law)
You can still practice, you just have to find other people. And be able to meet people wherever you go. It's not hard to find things anywhere in the World. I lived in Mexico for a little while too.

But I don't have to use things all the time. I have gone months without using a Sacrament. And like the 8 months, I have been Shaivite since I was 14, the 8 months I didn't use anything. And I have gone a year or so without using anything. So it could be rarely or never. But I am pretty sure I would be able to find thing anywhere. And you can get mail.
Ok, so the whole book is about the Art and Craft of Making Soma, which is the Hindu Drink of the Gods that you are supposed to Drink in Tribute to the Gods according to the most Ancient Hindu text, the Rig Veda. A 4,500 year old text.
The beginning explains Chemistry and Religion throughout History.

Then the first part of Modern Chemistry explains what smells are and what they look like on the Molecular level. And explains the names of the different Molecule groups of smells, then explains Chlorine and Iodine in nature.ex: Chloroplast in plants has Chlorine, and that is where all life on Earth basically comes from. Plants are the beginning of energy from the Sun.

Then it explains how if you give a Mushroom that makes 4-OH_DMT, some DMT. It will make more 4-OH-DMT. And if you give that same Mushroom DET (a molecule that does not exist in Nature), it will make 4-OH-DET (tests done by Sasha Shulgin and others). So now the question is , is 4-OH-DET a Synthetic Molecule anymore?

Then it goes on to explain how Cacti that make Mescaline will make other things if you give them Procursers (Tests done by Shasha Shulgin and Others), and a list of Cacti and what they make, because Presumably all Cacti that make things will make other things when Given Precursors. And I am not even saying Precursors to drugs, Nootropics can be made.

And at some point it tells you everything you need to have a good Bichemistry lab, and all the basic Carbon Bonds and stuff.

Then I am not sure if you have read the books Pihkal and Tihkal, but the first time you read them you don't catch everything. I have read them each at least 50 times. So I took all the secret techniques from that book and shared them in a way that is easier to digest form. Because those books are like 900 and 700 pages, mine is more just for people to learn Religious Chemistry, not as a Pharmaceutical Text or anything. But it gives you those 2 very Dense Biochemistry books by a world renowned Biochemist in a much easier to read form. Because when you first read those 2 books, you think it is just like a catalogue of drugs, but when you read it over and over and over, you realize that he is teaching you things you can do with any molecule. And not to make drugs, to make all kinds of stuff.

Then it gives you the Basic Elements, and explains how to feed them to plants to make the perfect Fertilizer..

Then it explains the Law in America regarding Religion according to the Supreme Court. Because this is how you make Soma. With the plants, and doing the Chemistry of the Plants.
Fin, if your book is as poorly composed as this post, I do not predict subsequent editions will go to print.

I have a signed copy of PiHKAL and got it in one go ... 5000% efficiency. You might be able to afford my proofreading services if you have actual non-Bitcoin funds to invest in the project. Be prepared however for the "rewrote the entire damn thing in English" fee structure.

Note to mods: Fin thread. Thus the above is excused from the restriction on commerce on RIU.
My History? I have 0 Convictions. What would disqualify me?

And I wouldn't need Google, Lol. I have literally Written a Chemistry book, and I know how to code, and I know how to use electronics, I know a few things about cars, and I am able to figure out Synonyms and retain information from something I read. That is all I have to bee good at to get a 100 in Skilled Technical. And it goes up to 150 or higher, so I don't even have to get a perfect score.

You have an extensive, wide-open internet presence. You claim that you are a cannabis user, grower and even teach others how to grow. For starters.

Just because you say you have zero convictions doesn't mean it's true. And it's irrelevant. You have a lengthy criminal history. Arrested in high school for weed and locked up for 8 months. Arrested again for weed and spent 6 months in juvi. Arrested again for weed, pleaded guilty, failed a drug test and fled the State. Returned, arrested again.

Now you're suing the City. You claim that your religion requires you to smoke weed. And you claim you are going to sue the DEA for presumably the same thing.

If you join the Army, your theory of being required to smoke weed for religious reasons go out the window.

In any event, the Army would never let you join. They know how to use Google too.
You have an extensive, wide-open internet presence. You claim that you are a cannabis user, grower and even teach others how to grow. For starters.

Just because you say you have zero convictions doesn't mean it's true. And it's irrelevant. You have a lengthy criminal history. Arrested in high school for weed and locked up for 8 months. Arrested again for weed and spent 6 months in juvi. Arrested again for weed, pleaded guilty, failed a drug test and fled the State. Returned, arrested again.

Now you're suing the City. You claim that your religion requires you to smoke weed. And you claim you are going to sue the DEA for presumably the same thing.

If you join the Army, your theory of being required to smoke weed for religious reasons go out the window.

In any event, the Army would never let you join. They know how to use Google too.
Background checks are extensive. NSA shit count the fucking hairs on your head
Fin, if your book is as poorly composed as this post, I do not predict subsequent editions will go to print.

I have a signed copy of PiHKAL and got it in one go ... 5000% efficiency. You might be able to afford my proofreading services if you have actual non-Bitcoin funds to invest in the project. Be prepared however for the "rewrote the entire damn thing in English" fee structure.

Note to mods: Fin thread. Thus the above is excused from the restriction on commerce on RIU.


I have now read the first coupla pages of your book. I find multiple factual errors which mercifully divert me from the taxing sins of your syntax.

An example follows.

"Chapter 1:The Basics of Plants, Smells and Sacraments:
Aromatic Rings
This is a Benzene ring, if you have ever smelled any smell from a flower or pretty much any other natural odor, you have some experience with Benzene rings. Benzene is not the only Aromatic compound but it is the main one. Damascone is an example of a Benzene ring that is well known in the Perfume world. Damascone is the most defining smell of the Rose Bud and is a Benzene structure. Another similar example is Ionone which is responsible for the smell of V"

You failed to disclose that neither damascone or ß-ionone contain benzene rings, whose distinguishing characteristic is the 4n+2 "aromatic" delocalization structure. It is very consoling to me to know that no actual chemistries were harmed in the filming of this particular lagniappe.
Fin, if your book is as poorly composed as this post, I do not predict subsequent editions will go to print.

I have a signed copy of PiHKAL and got it in one go ... 5000% efficiency. You might be able to afford my proofreading services if you have actual non-Bitcoin funds to invest in the project. Be prepared however for the "rewrote the entire damn thing in English" fee structure.

Note to mods: Fin thread. Thus the above is excused from the restriction on commerce on RIU.

I started reading it when I was 14 or 15, I got Pihkal first.

And the book isn't finished, there book one. I still have to write book 2, how to make molecules by switching enzymes on and off, and then do editing, and putting them together. Book 1 and book 2.
You have an extensive, wide-open internet presence. You claim that you are a cannabis user, grower and even teach others how to grow. For starters.

Just because you say you have zero convictions doesn't mean it's true. And it's irrelevant. You have a lengthy criminal history. Arrested in high school for weed and locked up for 8 months. Arrested again for weed and spent 6 months in juvi. Arrested again for weed, pleaded guilty, failed a drug test and fled the State. Returned, arrested again.

Now you're suing the City. You claim that your religion requires you to smoke weed. And you claim you are going to sue the DEA for presumably the same thing.

If you join the Army, your theory of being required to smoke weed for religious reasons go out the window.

In any event, the Army would never let you join. They know how to use Google too.
I haven't grown since I was in Colorado, and I have really only taught people how to make hash/charas here. But just in explanation, not in practice.

And there is Hash all over the world.

And are yous saying people in Colorado can't join the Military because they have a Constitutional right to grow Marijuana? I've read about it, this has already come up and it's not a problem.

And my juvenile record is both sealed and irrelevant, my lawyers always waived my rights, and I never had any trials. And I always finished Probation, and it was always deferred adjudication, which ends in no conviction in Texas. And because my rights were waived my Religion was never recognized, but I could get people to sign affidavits who know I wanted to fight it every time. But again,the records are all sealed.

And I have won every case since I studied the law.

And I wouldn't argue that I had a religious right to smoke Marijuana in the Army, I would just do it.

And that law I posted is about postponing lawsuits and stuff. I can postpone my lawsuits.
I haven't grown since I was in Colorado, and I have really only taught people how to make hash/charas here. But just in explanation, not in practice.

And there is Hash all over the world.

And are yous saying people in Colorado can't join the Military because they have a Constitutional right to grow Marijuana? I've read about it, this has already come up and it's not a problem.

And my juvenile record is both sealed and irrelevant, my lawyers always waived my rights, and I never had any trials. And I always finished Probation, and it was always deferred adjudication, which ends in no conviction in Texas. And because my rights were waived my Religion was never recognized, but I could get people to sign affidavits who know I wanted to fight it every time. But again,the records are all sealed.

And I have won every case since I studied the law.

And I wouldn't argue that I had a religious right to smoke Marijuana in the Army, I would just do it.

And that law I posted is about postponing lawsuits and stuff. I can postpone my lawsuits.
They can find deferred juvenile records they found mine
And I wouldn't argue that I had a religious right to smoke Marijuana in the Army, I would just do it.

And that law I posted is about postponing lawsuits and stuff. I can postpone my lawsuits.

And . . . now the Army will know you think they can fuck off and you intend to smoke weed as a soldier. You know they will look at what you post, right?

You don't think the attorney representing the City of Austin hasn't already looked at everything you've posted?

You've already postoned too long. You can't sue anyone for what happened in 2010, like you claim you are going to do. Spend less time reading caselaw, and more time reading up on statutes of limitation. And procedural steps you must take prior to suing a governmental entity.
FBI/NSA keeps everything
Again, there were never any convictions, so there is no record. And why would the FBI get incolved in someone joinging the Military? They aren't going to look back to when you were 14 before you join. And I have known a person that had illegal weapons charge that joined the Military. And you are reaching, they don't even consider your juvinille record in the Terrorist watch list or the No Fly list, it's not like if you get arrested for a terrorist threat in 6th grade you can never get on a plane again, lol.
And . . . now the Army will know you think they can fuck off and you intend to smoke weed as a soldier. You know they will look at what you post, right?

You don't think the attorney representing the City of Austin hasn't already looked at everything you've posted?

You've already postoned too long. You can't sue anyone for what happened in 2010, like you claim you are going to do. Spend less time reading caselaw, and more time reading up on statutes of limitation. And procedural steps you must take prior to suing a governmental entity.
Plus random drug test at least monthly only takes one fail to get disonably discharged