why aren't black people more grateful to whites for slavery?

People should certainly be held accountable for their individual actions, but not for the actions of somebody based solely on a similar race. It appears you are using that kind of blanket judgement in a racist manner.

Your racist utterances of late combined with your past utterances of a hypodescent view point has me concerned that you might be a racist and not even know it.

Has your psychologist shifted the dosages of your prescriptions again ?
Buck? Racist? I think hes in your head rolls royce. :roll:
Without slavery there wouldn't be many blacks in the Americas. They would still be running around in Jamungaland with 3/4 of their children dying from malaria or some other bullshit.

This generation of blacks is certainly a lot better off as a result of the hard times of their ancestors.
Its too bad you dont have a clue. Youd be usefull to us all if you knew what you were talking about. But since youve never been outta your parents basement, we forgive your ignorance. Carry on.
See, I wasn't defending anyone. I was making an observation about you. Based on your continued display of ignorance. I knew it would confuse you though. Because you are dumb.

Couple smilies, just to rustle those jimmies ........ :) :)
Its no wonder all you mice are so easily manipulated into puppets by buck. Posts like this really just score negative points for your racist campaign. Pffff, "because you are dumb." Why dont you just post a picture of you in lipstick and admitting you cant keep up?
Black people are racist if they have a problem with white people because of slavery. It's what some of the white race did not a single one alive today.

That's a good point.

Holding some people responsible for the actions of others, dead long ago,
based solely on similarity of race, is a collectivist racist point of view.

Judge the individual and hold him/her accountable for their actions.
That's a good point.

Holding some people responsible for the actions of others, dead long ago,
based solely on similarity of race, is a collectivist racist point of view.

Judge the individual and hold him/her accountable for their actions.
For real, if your father kills someone he goes to jail not the child, nobody on Earth is responsible for the slavery of the black race.
For real, if your father kills someone he goes to jail not the child, nobody on Earth is responsible for the slavery of the black race.
Nobody wants white people to apologize for slavery. What they want is for the system built upon it, which continues to benefit white people disproportionately more than black people, to be dismantled, in order to make room for equality.
Nobody wants white people to apologize for slavery. What they want is for the system built upon it, which continues to benefit white people disproportionately more than black people, to be dismantled, in order to make room for equality.
If black people simply get the fuck out of the ghetto just like my grandfather who's mother came over on a boat from Sicily then they would have equal opportunity. Not to mention the Air Force is what got my grandfather out of the ghetto he was a machinist their and now he makes good money at factories as a machinist.

Shame though my grandfather's old neighborhood was mixed black and Italian mostly now the same ghetto is all black.

Also if you talk about places like Compton ain't no excuse a black person can't get out as I looked at apartments and houses for shits and giggles and it's not cheap cheapest in LA probably but still they would have more opportunity here. I have worked with black people and their is very few black people around me only black children in my town that I know of but a white mother. I even had a black manager at K-MART and not many black people around.
Nobody wants white people to apologize for slavery. What they want is for the system built upon it, which continues to benefit white people disproportionately more than black people, to be dismantled, in order to make room for equality.
Could you be more specific?

For some reason I just thought about payroll cards.
Nobody wants white people to apologize for slavery. What they want is for the system built upon it, which continues to benefit white people disproportionately more than black people, to be dismantled, in order to make room for equality.

How would that happen?..where would we start?

Getting money out of politics is the key..nothing will happen in this country, until the people of it are first consideration..not lobby, big biz and back room deals.
