Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
And besides that we are winning.
against who?

Screenshot 2016-05-08 at 1.30.26 PM.png

you're down 13 points nationwide.

you would lose north carolina by 9 points. romney managed to win that one and still lost 332-206.

fuck, you are barely winning georgia.

by what type of electoral math do you figure you are winning?

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
RE;THE WALL.At an estimated cost of 25 billion $.Plus all the logistic problems of building a 2000 mile wall across difficult terrain.
And the fact that humans will easily dig under the foundations or use advanced equipment like ladders LOL.
Plus it would take so long to build.trump will be dead before its finished.
I think hes full of hot air,a fucking gassbag.

Politicians dont deliver.The Wall will be forgotten when the next war rolls along.


Well-Known Member
It dawns on me that who would listen to a floor shitter. For christ sakes poopy pants you brag about shitting on floors of restaurants like you are super hero for shit piles. Is that why your wife married you so she could just leave shit piles for poopy pants? LOL TRUMP!
there's that senility again, reverting you back to pre-adolescent levels of immaturity and stupidity in the face of a serious question.

sorry you hate facts and whatnot.

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
It dawns on me that who would listen to a floor shitter. For christ sakes poopy pants you brag about shitting on floors of restaurants like you are super hero for shit piles. Is that why your wife married you so she could just leave shit piles for poopy pants? LOL TRUMP!
Jesus.someone has a poo obsession!


Well-Known Member
Policies have to be IMPLEMENTED before they can be EVALUATED.

Hillary Clinton's POLICY of equal work for equal pay is fucking miserable since the women on her staff get paid an average of .72 cents on the dollar.

Yeah, I am starting to see how you could vote for Hillary.
You do a piss poor job of defending Trump. I guess it is hard defending BULLSHIT.
How long do you think Trumps policy on Muslims would have to be in place before we know the results ?


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize how dumb that guy actually was, until now.
Who the fuck lets them in their home to perform inspections.
it's a pretty useless profession that somehow made itself be required by law. i noted more issues (and how to fix them) with the house than he did.

i didn't need to pay $300 for some moron to tell me that there was a chipped tile in the master bath.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Sanders left the door open as a VP choice if Hillary chooses Sanders as her running mate his young millennials will go Hillary's way and Trump has no chance at all, if not and Hillary chooses Warren or someone else Trump is a loser.

This morning they had data (meet the press) that showed that the last candidate (be it Republican or Democrat) who was trailing at the time they clinched the nomination, the worst was Bob Dole in 1996 against Bill Clinton who was 17 points behind. Trump is 11 points behind with 6 months tomorrow till Election Day no way he can make up that deficit, history is on Hillarys side.

The GOP is going to pull a favorite play (voter purging, cheating is the only way they can win) don't forget the VRA was gutted so all those Jim Crowe States are going to ratchet up voting hardships in Democratic strongholds.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
there's that senility again, reverting you back to pre-adolescent levels of immaturity and stupidity in the face of a serious question.

sorry you hate facts and whatnot.
Well poopy pants, I do hate floor shitters and I believe most people do also. LOL TRUMP!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
So you're one of the five female Savage listeners. Been a fan of his for years, that dude is so smart and cracks me up. I have talked to him a couple of time on the air, which was an honor for me.
he is so funny. did you hear when he did his impression of Bernie Sanders and the Pope meeting. That was hysterical.
What did you talk to him about.? He is an interesting guy. I like how dramatic he can get. like when he starts to yell and seems like he might have a heart attack. The guys not to young anymore but I guess his lil Teddy keeps him well. His spirits have really cheered up since Trump came along.. its like he has hope and talks about America being great.. so wierd because as a long time listener he always was so pessimistic about the future. He really digs Trump alot. lot./ have you noticed recently he talks about working for Trump.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:lol: That was the night of the debates when him and little Marco went into it and then later Trump said during a break they were both putting on makeup with a Trowell backstage.:hug: that was Marco at his best really. He was pretty quick witted that night, it really surprised me. I heard his people wouldn't except a VP offer from Trump because it would ruin his likability when he plans on running again in 2020.:leaf:
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