Donald Trump

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I first heard Trumps name about a decade ago.He wanted to build a golf-course in scotland.Some people lived in thier own
homes on land that he wanted.So anyway,The ones who didnt want to sell-up were subjected to years of bullying and
pressure.He bought-off the local council authority.The people in thier homes were harassed by the police.
It was quite sickening.A foriegn businessman,getting the UK government to shit on thier own people.

Besides that.Trump isnt that impressive.Born into money.He started business with an interest-free loan of a million bucks
from his daddy .He has been bankrupt as many times as he has been married.

Anyone remember the last Republican president?Bush The Retard.A cunt so inept at his job,(as proved by the flood of New Orleans)that he had to invent a foriegn policy to match his stupidity.Hence the War on Terror.
A strategy that has put an end to

A Lincoln. Jf Kennedy. Dr King.J.Lennon.
This is my little Role Of Honour.Decent men who cared about people.Cared about Americans.

Wake-up America.surely someone has the balls to put a bullet in this piece of crap.
I first heard Trumps name about a decade ago.He wanted to build a golf-course in scotland.Some people lived in thier own
homes on land that he wanted.So anyway,The ones who didnt want to sell-up were subjected to years of bullying and
pressure.He bought-off the local council authority.The people in thier homes were harassed by the police.
It was quite sickening.A foriegn businessman,getting the UK government to shit on thier own people.

Besides that.Trump isnt that impressive.Born into money.He started business with an interest-free loan of a million bucks
from his daddy .He has been bankrupt as many times as he has been married.

Anyone remember the last Republican president?Bush The Retard.A cunt so inept at his job,(as proved by the flood of New Orleans)that he had to invent a foriegn policy to match his stupidity.Hence the War on Terror.
A strategy that has put an end to

A Lincoln. Jf Kennedy. Dr King.J.Lennon.
This is my little Role Of Honour.Decent men who cared about people.Cared about Americans.

Wake-up America.surely someone has the balls to put a bullet in this piece of crap.

The UK shit on it's own people because an American businessman asked them to and it's the Americans fault? We are so indoctrinated that nobody seems to see the fault of the government. Donald Trump didnt harass those people the UK POLICE did that...
The UK shit on it's own people because an American businessman asked them to and it's the Americans fault? We are so indoctrinated that nobody seems to see the fault of the government. Donald Trump didnt harass those people the UK POLICE did that...
so he will eliminate Obama care and then what. What type of care now ? What about people with pre-existing conditions ?
The UK shit on it's own people because an American businessman asked them to and it's the Americans fault? We are so indoctrinated that nobody seems to see the fault of the government. Donald Trump didnt harass those people the UK POLICE did that...
Thats right,Trump is a thug who doesnt get his hands dirty.U freekin Nazi twat.:finger:.
Trying to twist my words ,to justify your bigotry just proves what.
Oh yeah-U ARE A White Suprematist.(NAZI)
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so he will eliminate Obama care and then what. What type of care now ? What about people with pre-existing conditions ?
It should have been like Canada, UK and Australia to begin with health insurance is a fraud. You pay every month and if you have need for a 50k surgery they pay like 20k and leave you with 50% of the bill after. That's about what it was on the Obama care website when it first came out.

I honestly don't mind paying a little extra taxes for free health care my daughter needs some $100k operation I'm going to need to put up my house and be homeless even with health insurance. In reality I would just take the money but how many people would I need to kill to save my child? Damn sure as many as it takes cause nobody comes before my family I will burn this mother fucker down to save my child.

Health care is for the people not just the rich and I will do some crazy shit to save my family. Only reason I calmed down was because I have a family something happens to them I'm nothing to fuck with.
It should have been like Canada, UK and Australia to begin with health insurance is a fraud. You pay every month and if you have need for a 50k surgery they pay like 20k and leave you with 50% of the bill after. That's about what it was on the Obama care website when it first came out.

I honestly don't mind paying a little extra taxes for free health care my daughter needs some $100k operation I'm going to need to put up my house and be homeless even with health insurance. In reality I would just take the money but how many people would I need to kill to save my child? Damn sure as many as it takes cause nobody comes before my family I will burn this mother fucker down to save my child.

Health care is for the people not just the rich and I will do some crazy shit to save my family. Only reason I calmed down was because I have a family something happens to them I'm nothing to fuck with.
You used a lot of words to tell me nothing about Trumps health care plan.
Remember that conversation we had about how I deemed you stupid...still applies
you ever notice when you ask a Trump supporter to defend Trumps actual policies, they can't.
Make America Great Again.Build a wall across the Mexican border and get the Mexicans to pay for it.
Sounds like pipe-dreams.Not policies. No doubt the gullible and hate-filled will swallow it.Hook ,line and Sinker.
Did you notice the way that Trump supporter distorted every word i said .The slimey way he said i was holding Americans
to account for Donald Trump........:confused:
People in Europe have good memories when it comes it history.

When was America Great.Was it when they used Nazi rocket scientists to develop the space program?
You used a lot of words to tell me nothing about Trumps health care plan.
Remember that conversation we had about how I deemed you stupid...still applies
What does Hillary Clinton plan to do to fix this horrible healthcare policy. I'm under the impression she will keep it business as usual.

Now I never claimed to be the smartest man in the world in fact every human is pretty ignorant. Some do excel in certain fields like Ben Carson man is a brilliant brain surgeon but he is not very bright as a historian. But I'm sure as shit smart enough to know that a Trump presidency will be no worse than a Clinton presidency. In fact Trump will be superior for anyone who loves their (assault rifle).
How is that Possible.
Hillary Clinton is a bought and paid for shill. Trump is not much better but there is an actual chance he will be better. A vote for Hillary is nothing more than 4 more years of Obama who was/is a terrible president just a cunt hair behind Bush. You want a corporate run government keep voting for career politicians.
you ever notice when you ask a Trump supporter to defend Trumps actual policies, they can't.

First of all, Trump doesnt have any policies because he has never been a politician.

I want him to get rid of Obamacare and build a wall. I have said that I support these actions.

What is left if we get rid of Obamacare? What was there before it. Pre-existing conditions? You mean shit that costs money that you want someone else to pay for??? WTF!!!

You cant buy fire insurance that covers you after your house has burned down. You cant buy an auto insurance policy that covers an accident that already happened. Yet, somehow, you feel that someone should automatically be liable if another person doesnt have health insurance. It is insanity.

I dont control and cant control and unlike you I dont want to control what other people do. I have insurance to protect me against issues. I pay for that insurance myself to protect myself. I do not want to suddenly be on the hook to pay for someone else who didnt make the same good choices.

And I am the bad guy?
Thats right,Trump is a thug who doesnt get his hands dirty.U freekin Nazi twat.:finger:.
Trying to twist my words ,to justify your bigotry just proves what.
Oh yeah-U ARE A White Suprematist.(NAZI)

Dont even know where to start here....

The UK isnt a race and it's police harassing it's citizens is hardly racist.

You want to blame problems in that country on the USA because it is easy and takes no effort. Bravo!!

The reality is that some people in the UK wanted to make a profit selling their land and some didnt. The people that wanted to make money harassed the people who would not leave. Trump wasnt knocking on doors demanding people sign sale papers. Get a fucking grip.
thanks,I know THE SCOTTISH are a nation.not a race.There you go again,twisting my words to suit your agenda.Im pretty sure that Trumps
didnt go knocking on doors-Someone could have punched him in the
Your argument is weak.Anyone who supports a rascist.IS a rascist.

Do you have problems reading plain english?
First of all, Trump doesnt have any policies because he has never been a politician.
This right here will get you moving up on that " So Damn Dumb" ladder. Do you even know what a policy is ?
You do realize that you don't have to be a politician to have policies and Trump actually does have policies. Yeah I'm starting to see why you support Trump. He seems to draw a certain type. At least know what the person you voting for stands for.
This right here will get you moving up on that " So Damn Dumb" ladder. Do you even know what a policy is ?
You do realize that you don't have to be a politician to have policies and Trump actually does have policies. Yeah I'm starting to see why you support Trump. He seems to draw a certain type. At least know what the person you voting for stands for.

Policies have to be IMPLEMENTED before they can be EVALUATED.

Hillary Clinton's POLICY of equal work for equal pay is fucking miserable since the women on her staff get paid an average of .72 cents on the dollar.

Yeah, I am starting to see how you could vote for Hillary.
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