Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member

And another flip flop...made immediately after he wrapped up the GOP primaries:

WASHINGTON, May 8 (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Sunday he is open to raising taxes on wealthy Americans, backing off his prior proposal to reduce taxes on all Americans.

“I am willing to pay more, and you know what, the wealthy are willing to pay more,” Trump told ABC’s “This Week.”

Sure they are. :hump:

One need only check to see if Trump's lips are moving to tell if he's lying. Not even Trump knows what he would do as president. He doesn't even know what he's going to say next.

Trump's chumps indeed.
Trump has said from day one that hedge fund people that control the markets should be paying more. And I tend to agree. I made a killing on the last crash in 08 and only paid 15% tax. It felt like taking candy from a baby. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Gosh.what a pile of shit!
ya gotta understand a few things about nitro harley.

1) when he is in the hospital, he counts how many hispanic babies are being born, and if there are too many, complains that he "doesn't see a solution anytime soon" to the fact that there are hispanic babies being born. he says "it looks like we are educating mexico".

he is so racist he is unaware that children born in the united states are americans. not mexicans. and that not all hispanics are from mexico.

2) he calls all blacks and hispanics "poorly educated" by sole by virtue of their skin color.

Screenshot 2016-05-08 at 12.38.19 PM.png
this is incredibly racist, especially considering that his own son in law is black.

3) nitro harley is so white trash that he thinks it is normal when his neighbors burn each other's houses down when they are burning trash.

One of my neighbors had a burn barrel going and burned down a two story house two blocks away from his house. His yard and house was unaffected by the fire. And trash service here on the Island is free
4) nitro harley claims to make $400k a year, but he had to defraud the system to get social security benefits and medicare for his mammothly obese wife.

5) said wife:

so we have the story of an old, geriatric racist with a fat wife, who watches way too much fox news, and blames all of his problems in life on minorities.

he really is too sad to take seriously.


Well-Known Member
Trump has said from day one that hedge fund people that control the markets should be paying more. And I tend to agree. I made a killing on the last crash in 08 and only paid 15% tax. It felt like taking candy from a baby. TRUMP!
You can always re-file....


Well-Known Member
Trump has said from day one that hedge fund people that control the markets should be paying more. And I tend to agree. I made a killing on the last crash in 08 and only paid 15% tax. It felt like taking candy from a baby. TRUMP!
Hey, we agree on ONE thing. 35% capital gains tax would be a good start, followed by 50% income tax on anybody making more than $200K would also be about right.

Who knows what Trump means to do. The guy doesn't know himself. I heard his last flip flop gave him a concussion. It took them too long to recognize the symptoms because he always speaks nonsense and can't remember what he last said. No wonder you have an affinity to Trump. Chumps of a feather and all that.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member

Hey, we agree on ONE thing. 35% capital gains tax would be a good start, followed by 50% income tax on anybody making more than $200K would also be about right.

Who knows what Trump means to do. The guy doesn't know himself. I heard his last flip flop gave him a concussion. It took them too long to recognize the symptoms because he always speaks nonsense and can't remember what he last said. No wonder you have an affinity to Trump. Chumps of a feather and all that.
I will make a new prediction. By the time the DNC has there convention Hillary will be replaced or crushed. Her numbers are sliding as we speak. LOL TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
He is sounds less like a candidate and more like a wannabe dictator every day:

Donald Trump attacks Republicans, Democrats alike

So much for unifying the Republican Party.

Donald Trump went on a tear against prominent GOP figures Saturday, leveling attacks at former presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham after the two Republicans refused to support Trump's presidential bid earlier this week.

This summer it's going to be great fun watching the republican party tear at itself.


Well-Known Member

Hey, we agree on ONE thing. 35% capital gains tax would be a good start, followed by 50% income tax on anybody making more than $200K would also be about right.

Who knows what Trump means to do. The guy doesn't know himself. I heard his last flip flop gave him a concussion. It took them too long to recognize the symptoms because he always speaks nonsense and can't remember what he last said. No wonder you have an affinity to Trump. Chumps of a feather and all that.
Whoa, easy on the 50% tax for people making over $200,000. I'm good with 35% (with no deductions), but 50% is a bit much. I can see 50% on people who earn more than $1,000,000. I work hard for my $200,000+ a year.


Well-Known Member
5) said wife:

so we have the story of an old, geriatric racist with a fat wife, who watches way too much fox news, and blames all of his problems in life on minorities.

he really is too sad to take seriously.
That woman is one large whale. Was she pulled in with that rod seen to the right?


Well-Known Member
I will make a new prediction. By the time the DNC has there convention Hillary will be replaced or crushed. Her numbers are sliding as we speak. LOL TRUMP!
Yeah, but elections are run against an opponent. Trump is the weakest candidate ever, we might as well just call the election over for the GOP.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but elections are run against an opponent. Trump is the weakest candidate ever, we might as well just call the election over for the GOP.
I know how you feel right now. 16 other opponents felt the same way 10 months ago, and look what happened to them. When Van Jones said the clown show was over and the liberals started wearing the Klan hat I knew it was over and Trump was going to crush everybody including Hillary. He will crush her like a little twig. imo TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Whoa, easy on the 50% tax for people making over $200,000. I'm good with 35% (with no deductions), but 50% is a bit much. I can see 50% on people who earn more than $1,000,000. I work hard for my $200,000+ a year.
Lets just call that an initial negotiating number. I'd like to see what cuts we can make first, then look at the tax rates needed to balance the budget. Not that my opinion counts.
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Well-Known Member
I know how you feel right now. 16 other opponents felt the same way 10 months ago, and look what happened to them. When Van Jones said the clown show was over and the liberals started wearing the Klan hat I knew it was over and Trump was going to crush everybody including Hillary. He will crush her like a little twig. imo TRUMP!
Delusional as ever.


Well-Known Member
Hey poopy pants , Did your wife shit the bed last night? fuck that has got to be a bitch. TRUMP!
they say that when old, geriatric folks start to go senile, they revert to an immature, adolescent-like mental state.

you sure are proving it.

i bet you will be dead before the election even gets here.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
That woman is one large whale. Was she pulled in with that rod seen to the right?
The funny part of poopy pants making up stories is he can't get the story right. He knows my wife is 70+ years old but all he can do is shit on some poor 20 year old. LOL TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
they say that when old, geriatric folks start to go senile, they revert to an immature, adolescent-like mental state.

you sure are proving it.

i bet you will be dead before the election even gets here.
Fuck , Buck I haven't felt better. Right now I am as brown as a mexican out snorkeling and hanging out with other brown people. And besides that we are winning. I feel pretty fucking good right now. Good luck with Hillary. LOL TRUMP!
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