4/12 Court Support for Steven Sanderson Bay County Sec 8 Trial

Michigan is the Republican paradise; you can have all the civil rights we feel like giving you... unless you're of color, grow weed, disagree with us, or do anything else that is protected by your civil rights.

Then we'll harass, abuse and murder you and your recourse is to beg the court for a pittance to 'compensate', while the officer isn't held accountable and thus the department is tacitly encouraged to keep doing it.

Either we get representation through our political system, or shit starts getting real ugly from here.

Ferguson, MO was a watershed. Either the authorities pay attention or it's going to happen a lot more often.
Michigan is the Republican paradise; you can have all the civil rights we feel like giving you... unless you're of color, grow weed, disagree with us, or do anything else that is protected by your civil rights.

Then we'll harass, abuse and murder you and your recourse is to beg the court for a pittance to 'compensate', while the officer isn't held accountable and thus the department is tacitly encouraged to keep doing it.

Either we get representation through our political system, or shit starts getting real ugly from here.

Ferguson, MO was a watershed. Either the authorities pay attention or it's going to happen a lot more often.

I don't know about all that brother. All the "discretion" in this case carry the signatures of old pasty white liberal (Democrat lawyers) men. Know your enemy brother ...
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yeah like that dastardly bernie sanders, the only major presidential candidate running (sorry gary johnson) who will change marijuana laws on day one.

It would be interesting to know who Bernie and/or Gary would appoint as USAG day one and to the USSC during their tenure. It would no doubt be game over for marijuana as a schedule I narcotic and the drug war in general, no less all the other "justice" reform needed in this country for decades now. They may not even be lawyers (as it is not required by law), but at least it will not be the same old Harvard and Yale LS grads (elitist/establishment) status quo selling/killing us today. One day we'll wake up and a boys dreams will come true ...
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If I claim I'm a caregiver for several people and the police come here and find out that I'm just letting someone else run my grow how am I a victim? Just because someone is a MMJ "patient" I'm not going to automatically let them off the hook and call them a victim.

The main thing making legitimate patients look bad and lots of people laugh at MMJ is people like this. They think that you go to the doctor, get your card and now the laws no longer apply. You have carte blanche to do whatever you want. I have friends like this that I expect sooner or later are going to be in police custody.

Everyone in this forum knows by now that if you don't follow the law to a tee, they will drop the hammer on you hard. Then everybody acts surprised or cries foul when it happens.

You guys need to pick your battles and the people you want to fight for better. Every time I see a case like this the person is always doing something they shouldn't be doing.

It's just tiring seeing things like this and wondering why no one takes us seriously and looks at all patients as losers and stoners.
Got it. You are with 'them'.. the Jack booted thugs who wrote a bad law and then use it to steal from 'us'....
Have a nice day...
Got it. You are with 'them'.. the Jack booted thugs who wrote a bad law and then use it to steal from 'us'....
Have a nice day...

Lol yeah sorry I try to follow the law the way it was written not the way I wish it was. I'm not a big fan of getting screwed by my own inability to realize that the policy has a lot of grey areas and just plead stupidity and hope I can lawyer my out out of it.

There are so many dumb ass people that go through the trouble of obtaining a legal MMMP card and then go out of their way to break the law. When you give people an inch, they'll take a mile.

Funny how you sit around here and whine about the law, yet you're Taking full advantage of it any time you get the chance to line your pockets.

Just do what you're supposed to do and you don't have to worry about "them" whoever they are.
Police seized a cellphone that contained text messages implicating Sanderson in illicit marijuana sales, according to court records. They also seized $2,312 in cash and the woman's 2009 Jeep Wrangler, purchased a month beforehand with $13,000 in cash, court records show.

Sanderson told police he is unemployed but receives about $800 per month in disability payments, court records show.

the guy is on $800 of welfare a month, and spending $13 grand on jeeps for his wife?

you're picking the wrong martyr. this guy is a fucking scumbag.
the guy is on $800 of welfare a month, and spending $13 grand on jeeps for his wife?

you're picking the wrong martyr. this guy is a fucking scumbag.

Couldnt agree more, im not happy the guys in trouble but if you're asking me to sit here and feel bad and go fight for a guy on welfare that's extorting a cause I believe in to line his own pockets then I'm not going to.

This dude is the enemy of what people are fighting for, not just some poor sick guy being picked on by the cops for no reason.

Most of these people are trying to play both sides of the fence. Don't go get a MMMP card so you can medicate legally, then turn around and do ILLEGAL shit and ask me to feel bad for you. Stuff like this is the driving force why cops won't leave us alone.
Couldnt agree more, im not happy the guys in trouble but if you're asking me to sit here and feel bad and go fight for a guy on welfare that's extorting a cause I believe in to line his own pockets then I'm not going to.

This dude is the enemy of what people are fighting for, not just some poor sick guy being picked on by the cops for no reason.

Most of these people are trying to play both sides of the fence. Don't go get a MMMP card so you can medicate legally, then turn around and do ILLEGAL shit and ask me to feel bad for you. Stuff like this is the driving force why cops won't leave us alone.

When they show up harvest day at your place and your district attorney and LEO lay you out like a criminal (aka living outside the "law") to the media, who are you going to call? Or are you a gardener/patient pulling exactly 2.5 ounces on demand from your garden of always less than 12 "plants"? What happens to someone like you or I when they come for us? Will you hide like a cockroach and just take what's coming to you :confused: That tough on "crime" stance doesn't shake out in reality brother ...

When they show up harvest day at your place and your district attorney and LEO lay you out like a criminal (aka living outside the "law") to the media, who are you going to call? Or are you a gardener/patient pulling exactly 2.5 ounces on demand from your garden of always less than 12 "plants"? What happens to someone like you or I when they come for us? Will you hide like a cockroach and just take what's coming to you :confused: That tough on "crime" stance doesn't shake out in reality brother ...


I agree with you for the most part, but there is a distinction to be made here. There are folks that get caught up in the Leo meat grinder that are doing there best to stay within the boundaries of the law, and then there are folks using the MMMP as cover while they're growing hundreds of plants in a warehouse.

I feel badly for the former, but not for the latter.
I agree with you for the most part, but there is a distinction to be made here. There are folks that get caught up in the Leo meat grinder that are doing there best to stay within the boundaries of the law, and then there are folks using the MMMP as cover while they're growing hundreds of plants in a warehouse.

I feel badly for the former, but not for the latter.

Exactly, and that is all I'm trying to say.

I work 40-50 hours every week of my life and and am barely living comfortably. This guy is on welfare and goes and drops $13k cash on a jeep like its nothing. Call me crazy but somethings not adding up.

And where does the "evil" come from in that quote you posted TM? It sounds odd to compare true evil with the fact that Uncle Sam doesn't let everyone just sit around and smoke weed all day right out in the open.

Using a quote from a civil rights activist that was used at a time when black people were being murdered, beaten, and denied basic human rights that everyone else was free to enjoy is not only missing the big picture, but seems to be in bad taste as it trivializes the true struggle people are going through in some places still to this day against real evil.

But, let's sit here and bitch about how the marijuana laws aren't exactly how we want them. Funny part is I think they're pretty much just fine for those who are using them for the reasons they were intended. It's the ones lining their pockets by operating outside of what is allowed and not expecting to experience any repercussions that cry the loudest.

72 plants aren't enough for some people, this injustice needs to stop.
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Comrades you never cease to amaze and disappoint me. So with your understanding of crime and punishment (lawyer despotism) and the "law", exactly which criminal felony counts and how much time should the men and women providing caregiver services to one of the numerous epileptic children or other patients with legitimate medicinal needs for cannabis oil face? Does it matter if their doctor had the balls to spell it out (cannabis oil) on a script, with their DEA number and all? What about those synthetic THC results from the crime lab? How would the "warehouse grows" and "synthetic THC labs" required to provide cannabis oil be portrayed to the media via LEO and the courts?

While your doing your lawyer math, what if that epileptic child is an out of state patient as provided for under our law? Charge them both federally for interstate schedule I felonies as well? How does your lawyer math (aka exploiting LARA licensing requirements to nullify section 4 mmj protections) work out in that out of state instance ever? Or do you just simply ignore those facts of the matter as you (they) do the uninterrupted supply right of the section 8. At least try to understand the fallacy and cannabigotry (lawyer math) you aim to perpetuate ...


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This guy, the many before him, and the many to follow are the reason people think the way they do about the medical marijuana program. SAD.
Exactly, and that is all I'm trying to say.

I work 40-50 hours every week of my life and and am barely living comfortably. This guy is on welfare and goes and drops $13k cash on a jeep like its nothing. Call me crazy but somethings not adding up.

And where does the "evil" come from in that quote you posted TM? It sounds odd to compare true evil with the fact that Uncle Sam doesn't let everyone just sit around and smoke weed all day right out in the open.

Using a quote from a civil rights activist that was used at a time when black people were being murdered, beaten, and denied basic human rights that everyone else was free to enjoy is not only missing the big picture, but seems to be in bad taste as it trivializes the true struggle people are going through in some places still to this day against real evil.

But, let's sit here and bitch about how the marijuana laws aren't exactly how we want them. Funny part is I think they're pretty much just fine for those who are using them for the reasons they were intended. It's the ones lining their pockets by operating outside of what is allowed and not expecting to experience any repercussions that cry the loudest.

72 plants aren't enough for some people, this injustice needs to stop.

What you cannot man up an answer to my simple and direct question, but you can insinuate I'm a racist in a reply to another's post? Your willingness to baseless slander others, first Sanderson and now me, says something about your character ...