Well-Known Member
It's tough with what you read on the Internet. Just say for instance resinhound worked for area51 and offered me free lights to post that pic. Didn't happen but it does. I went with kind cause I wanted 1/2 the bud I have seen it produce last run by a great friend. Yes it's a lot of cash but it's still a hell of a lot cheaper than some other brands out there. Then throw in all the cool shit along with the light. Sunrise sunset, remote, YouTube vids talking about the par levels, no need for venting all of it sold me.
I'm on edge now, I think many more will say get my money back than get a replacement. I guess if I change I need to think quick. I have 4 usable lights but they aren't ideal.
I'm not building a cob or spending 3000 on a single light. I'm also looking for a 1000 watt equivalent or close to. The area51's aren't even close to powerful enough. Also been hearing a lot of good with the cmh for flower and veg.
Im sorry that this happened to you and im not going to say I told you so,im just sorry these companies can get away with what they do and we growers pay the price...have you looked into some of the premade cob lights,there are several now...all pretty effcient and well made.I personally dont care for cob growing but its nothing wrong with the lights...they just dont suit my style.