Led Users Unite!

It's tough with what you read on the Internet. Just say for instance resinhound worked for area51 and offered me free lights to post that pic. Didn't happen but it does. I went with kind cause I wanted 1/2 the bud I have seen it produce last run by a great friend. Yes it's a lot of cash but it's still a hell of a lot cheaper than some other brands out there. Then throw in all the cool shit along with the light. Sunrise sunset, remote, YouTube vids talking about the par levels, no need for venting all of it sold me.

I'm on edge now, I think many more will say get my money back than get a replacement. I guess if I change I need to think quick. I have 4 usable lights but they aren't ideal.

I'm not building a cob or spending 3000 on a single light. I'm also looking for a 1000 watt equivalent or close to. The area51's aren't even close to powerful enough. Also been hearing a lot of good with the cmh for flower and veg.

Im sorry that this happened to you and im not going to say I told you so,im just sorry these companies can get away with what they do and we growers pay the price...have you looked into some of the premade cob lights,there are several now...all pretty effcient and well made.I personally dont care for cob growing but its nothing wrong with the lights...they just dont suit my style.
Im sorry that this happened to you and im not going to say I told you so,im just sorry these companies can get away with what they do and we growers pay the price...have you looked into some of the premade cob lights,there are several now...all pretty effcient and well made.I personally dont care for cob growing but its nothing wrong with the lights...they just dont suit my style.
pre made cobs panels have come a v ery long way in the past 2 years
You have no relevance to my decision making or the products I use . Opinions are like assholes , everybody has one .
You shouldn't have a problem with me because I don't have a problem with kind .
Shit doesn't make sense .
The whole reason I came on this site was to interact with other growers not bicker back and forth about what fucking light is best or whatever .
I didn't have an issue with you until you started bashing me as a new grower and a Kind Led user . You don't know me .
Am I new grower ? Yes I am , but my plants are healthy as fuck. I've over come some issues early on but they look great . They fucking pray to my lights , no leaf spots , no deficiencies . After topping they turned out great new growth .. And that's cool as fuck to me being new at this . A lot of first timers don't have as good luck . But it's not all luck . I've read all can read about growing and keep seeking out new things everyday . Always something to learn about this subject .
Instead of bashing light company's you don't like , if you actually have some positive shit to share wouldn't that Be better than talking shit to people about their lights ?
I do have positive stuff to share..im trying to teach you something.As ive stated my problem Isnt with you,even though you are pretentious and ignorant.My problem is with the predatory led manufacturers you support,and as long as you do,ill be here bitching about them so another new grower doesnt get conned like you did.

And by the way..nothing ive stated is opinion,its all fact.And my point has already been proven in this very fucking thread...
Growing plants isnt all just about watts...its what those watts turn into...you can get great cob lights now that offer over twice the PAR per watt vs what you have now...twice as much dude.But hey...you know it all I guess
I'm building a new room. That's what I do, build shit. My grow is in a 20x24 shed. I'm only using 1/2 this for the actual flower room though. Completely insulated with roxul insulation and the floor is done with 2.5" of ridgid foam with 3/4 t&g plywood over the top. Right now I'm just finishing up the direct duct piping for co2 and the water lines with T's and individual leads of 3/4 waterline to every flood table. The flood tables are 3x3 with space in between on a frame and on casters. My thought was the area would fit the 2 kind k5's very well but after all this I'm not sure what to do. I was debating shipping back the cheap Chinese :wall: leds and picking up 4 315 watt cmh instead.

There will be a power savings first off, good coverage and also I think humidity will go down substantially. I noticed my hps seemed to burn off humidity while the dehumidifier ran non stop when I swapped to LED. Cmh another led or just stick the hps back in with the Mars hydros
Cmh are good lights...but what about Pacific light concepts or tastyled or any one of a dozen good cob grow lights...not everyone wants to spend 2500 on an apache....but these cob lights are super efficient and built with top shelf components.Also there is california light works...they use osram diodes...fairly good stuff if you like burple lights.There is also BML and a whole slew of others
I was at the local grow shop and they didn't put off much heat at all. 315 watts is less than 50% of th k5 heat wise
Well I know the phillips agro elite bulb is a badass,ive seen some nice plants under those things...I have to say if I was going to go HID id go cmh.But there are plenty of quality leds availiable...for reasonable prices...tastyled was top on my list before I bought my apache.But my grow space doesnt really lend itself well to cobs or HID so heh currently im using apache at200 and 2 kessil leds for my small space.
So after 373 pages you guys decide what led is the best. Maybe post top 5 LED's in order that you love to own or think are the better cream of the crop?
1.apache tech

2.comercial cob lights like tastyled,plc,johnson grow lights,heavenbright,area51


4.well made burple lights like Bml,clw,osram helion,kessil,hans panel.

5. cree bulbs with reflectors

Here is my personal list for what its worth.
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I agree billy. I too have seen great results with them. I'm just so damn butt hurt after this recent discovery. Yes resinhound the cmh is my next thought. Local grow shop carries them and can't keep up with the orders.

4 cmh =1260 watts
2 k5's = 1560 watts

An unbiased opinion which is better? Apache tech are way to expensive. I have to sell my wife on the light and the k5's were enough of a push
I agree billy. I too have seen great results with them. I'm just so damn butt hurt after this recent discovery. Yes resinhound the cmh is my next thought. Local grow shop carries them and can't keep up with the orders.

4 cmh =1260 watts
2 k5's = 1560 watts

An unbiased opinion which is better? Apache tech are way to expensive. I have to sell my wife on the light and the k5's were enough of a push

Id go with cmh if those are your only options definately.
If anyone else is using Kind LEDs please post some pics

I think real world results should play a part in Decision making about grow lights , not a trolls opinion or utter distaste for something the troll hasn't used himself .


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If anyone else is using Kind LEDs please post some pics

I think real world results should play a part in Decision making about grow lights , not a trolls opinion or utter distaste for something the troll hasn't used himself .

Yes show us some real world results of plants youve FINISHED under your kind leds...you talk about how coco is your favorite medium...and kind is top notch...so big mouth lets see some buds youve grown.And no stock photos from google poser.