Led Users Unite!


Well-Known Member
I have kept my mouth shut for a long time, and I didn't bash anything...just said what they are using. Those are facts.
The cx8 is what makes popel think all johnsons are top notch. That is just not true, and shitty marketing/recommending by people.I am sick of people recommending second rate products when they are hyping cobs that they have never used. Facts are fact...and I don't see you or anyone going out and seeking cxA's...and thta is what 3/4 of his lights use.
It's not bashing or anything negative(your the one who took me saying they use old chips as a negative...I just said facts. I like to help people know what they are actually getting...which is the whole premise of the DIY movement.
I said his cx8 is fine...and it is.
The rest are shit by comparison...and I don't need an uneducated thinking they are getting something they are not based on what he pushes in advertising and conversation...all the while leaving out that the rest of his lights use cxA's.

So show me a maximizer...that is available right now. Anyone used one? No cause it's not n the market yet.

And that is my point...so your recommendations are based off something that isn't even out.

his cx4, 6, and 9 are the exact same as Go Green, even driver...but go gree at least use cxB's.
Fair enough. I'm not here champion or defend you, him, or anyone, I'm just pointing out that infighting hurts everyone at this early stage.

My interest is this; the sooner we collectively nail the lid shit on the coffin of HID, the happier I'll be!


Well-Known Member
bro for 1800$ you can build something that would be more effective than 3 of those, less expensive to operate and more serious nugs. Not that you cant grow a bud under those just that Kind exacts a super high premium for far less than state of the art solid state lighting.

"Your Kind K5 will cultivate record breaking yields, both in quantity and quality, while running quieter, cooler, and more efficiently than any other grow light. Guaranteed."

It will not. This claim is ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL BULLSHIT


Well-Known Member
huh...did we go back in time, I thought we smushed all this. of course its effective, its just not some peoples first choice. I ran two K3 for 15 months they work, I don't think anyone said your plants will die under them.

bro for 1800$ you can build something that would be more effective than 3 of those, less expensive to operate and more serious nugs. Not that you cant grow a bud under those just that Kind exacts a super high premium for far less than state of the art solid state lighting.

"Your Kind K5 will cultivate record breaking yields, both in quantity and quality, while running quieter, cooler, and more efficiently than any other grow light. Guaranteed."

It will not. This claim is ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL BULLSHIT
heres your penal code 17500.5 CA:

their office is:
Kind LED Grow Lights

PO Box 883663
San Francisco, CA 94188

go file your law suit, class action style.

getting all seedy in here is not going to help. take action, take down the evil KIND empire.
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Well-Known Member
DE hps is the next best thing to high efficiency led's(50%+)...not cmh

Only one of Johnson's lights uses CXB's...his cx8 uses cxb3590's with a meanwell.
All the rest(cx4, 6, 9) are cxA3070's on chinese driver and are years behind in tech already.

Northern grow lights is a top company for sure...
Since you stopped in...as a lighting manufacturer yourself...whats YOUR opinion of kind led?


Well-Known Member
When did I ever say anything about spectrum king??

Im not trying to change anyones mind,im trying to help new growers from getting screwed by these predatory,unscrupulous manufacturers like kind led...they use deceptive marketing to people who dont know any better...Im not trying to xhange billys mind hes a lost cause...he went out and bought more even after he saw what junk they were.

But that doesnt mean im going to stand idley by while he tries to screw people over just like kind does.


Well-Known Member
tell ya what fellas, I'm gonna order an AT600 RIGHT NOW and put some plants under it and under the kind led and ill make a video of the end results and put on you tube.
sound good to you guys ?
either way ill have one more light for my grow room.


Well-Known Member
tell ya what fellas, I'm gonna order an AT600 RIGHT NOW and put some plants under it and under the kind led and ill make a video of the end results and put on you tube.
sound good to you guys ?
either way ill have one more light for my grow room.
That would be awesome!!!!

I would love to see the at600 in action!


Well-Known Member
tell ya what fellas, I'm gonna order an AT600 RIGHT NOW and put some plants under it and under the kind led and ill make a video of the end results and put on you tube.
sound good to you guys ?
either way ill have one more light for my grow room.
lol ok cool.But first you should try and just finish a plant.Without rust spots.

Apache/kind shoot out...

When you get your new at600 and see the difference in a quality light youll be quite amazed.I predict you will sell your kind led at the earliest opportunity.

Exactly how big is your grow room?


Well-Known Member
When did I ever say anything about spectrum king??

Im not trying to change anyones mind,im trying to help new growers from getting screwed by these predatory,unscrupulous manufacturers like kind led...they use deceptive marketing to people who dont know any better...Im not trying to xhange billys mind hes a lost cause...he went out and bought more even after he saw what junk they were.

But that doesnt mean im going to stand idley by while he tries to screw people over just like kind does.
you sir, are correct, and I retract my vile attack on your character.


Well-Known Member
my plants look amazing. no spots on them now . No issues at all.
They look like ..well they look like someone with more experience is growing them lol Started change over to flower today .
Someday resinbiotch hound you may achieve the quality of this newbie lol
I saw your pic's and you are growing for sure. but I couldn't make sense of what I saw, I saw what looked to be some HP pro mix and some hydroton, on a drip? or drain? closed or open? they look ready for a frist level trellis, not that you have to use them, but at some point they will flop on you. in my experience its much easier to install a trellis to grow in to, rather then wrestle them in latter, or you can stick them but I'm personally not a fan stick-n-tie unless your growing dam blue dream and have to make rainbows out of the ornery fuckers.

people will say things, I had a guy make me cry before cause I felt so stupid at some of the stuff I thought was a good idea. I was lucky enough to have a "teacher" and he was/is a dick snob know it all, but once I looked past the vale of pickness there was knowledge.

..wait umm I forgot what I was trying to say, I think that bite of indica cheeba left my mind devoid of direction, I'm hungry where are my keys......


Well-Known Member
I saw your pic's and you are growing for sure. but I couldn't make sense of what I saw, I saw what looked to be some HP pro mix and some hydroton, on a drip? or drain? closed or open? they look ready for a frist level trellis, not that you have to use them, but at some point they will flop on you. in my experience its much easier to install a trellis to grow in to, rather then wrestle them in latter, or you can stick them but I'm personally not a fan stick-n-tie unless your growing dam blue dream and have to make rainbows out of the ornery fuckers.

people will say things, I had a guy make me cry before cause I felt so stupid at some of the stuff I thought was a good idea. I was lucky enough to have a "teacher" and he was/is a dick snob know it all, but once I looked past the vale of pickness there was knowledge.

..wait umm I forgot what I was trying to say, I think that bite of indica cheeba left my mind devoid of direction, I'm hungry where are my keys......
i have 5 plants in coco & perlite and 2 in water farms with continuos drip
figured id try both and see what works best for my next round and go with it.
the plants in coco are out performing the water farms so far ...