Are there any smart Trump supporters?

i like how the thread asking if there are any smart trump supporters has devolved into two skinhead anti-semites trading conspiracy theories back and forth.

Better post a photo. I'm 26 and going bald but your skin head comments just do more to prove my point. I said I am against Zionism. Zionists are a small group of individuals that have hijacked Judaism to use it for there own means. Like the Jewish guy said earlier, he doesn't support Israels policies. The people that run Israel are psychopathic killers and they use false flags to kill Americans..the U.S.S. liberty and the brave Americans that died that day and were injured ought to speak to that fact.

This has everything to do with Trump. You can't get elected in America without the AIPAC's not a theory.
The Senate: Lawyers, Drugs, and Money


Finance, insurance, and real estate 57


Lawyers and lobbyists 25


Health 5


Agribusiness 3


Labor 2


Energy and natural resources 2


Miscellaneous business 2


Communications and electronics 1


No money raised 3

Total seats 100

So the number is a tally of how many Senators in each group, and what industry gave them the most money.

Not exactly what I was looking for but to anyone who has ever actually been to the finance centers around wall street, it's not the Irish running the place.

There's a good book, written by a Jewish person I might add, called the Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy. I got it in the hole in prison and the fucks put it on the book cart i found it a month later along with my other book in that order called the Invention of the Jewish People...also by a Jew...and yes I read about a lot more than that, my non political favorite subject is ancient lost cities and civilizations
It's gonna be a glorious eight years starting in 2017. I swear it would actually be worth the horror show, just to see the jaws of the liberal talking puppet heads on MSNBC drop to the ground. I would take a loooooong, looooooong bath in that delicious heartbreak.

You do realize the more the liberals (or pubs) criticize trump, the stronger he grows? It's uncanny, but true. I can actually see TRUMP running top to bottom, down the Lincoln memorial.

I agree. I mostly just want him to win because everyones going to be so pissed off and I find it hilarious. I'm moving to Belize asap or at least building an out. I love this country but once the military hits the streets I'm fucking's already happening slowly to get us used to it. I'm not even going there youtube it yourself. My mom found herself RIGHT NEXT to a weird ass drill with armed vehicles and black hawks in FL. It was all over the local news. Part of Jade Helm a few months back. Shit happens constantly. I already posted the pics I saw 2 Sundays ago of 2 huge armed vehicles driving down I70- with soldiers standing out the top of them. That was fucking weird I thought I was crazy for a second lol..but I have photographic evidence.
Better post a photo. I'm 26 and going bald but your skin head comments just do more to prove my point. I said I am against Zionism. Zionists are a small group of individuals that have hijacked Judaism to use it for there own means. Like the Jewish guy said earlier, he doesn't support Israels policies. The people that run Israel are psychopathic killers and they use false flags to kill Americans..the U.S.S. liberty and the brave Americans that died that day and were injured ought to speak to that fact.

This has everything to do with Trump. You can't get elected in America without the AIPAC's not a theory.
The Senate: Lawyers, Drugs, and Money


Finance, insurance, and real estate 57


Lawyers and lobbyists 25


Health 5


Agribusiness 3


Labor 2


Energy and natural resources 2


Miscellaneous business 2


Communications and electronics 1


No money raised 3

Total seats 100

So the number is a tally of how many Senators in each group, and what industry gave them the most money.

Not exactly what I was looking for but to anyone who has ever actually been to the finance centers around wall street, it's not the Irish running the place.

There's a good book, written by a Jewish person I might add, called the Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy. I got it in the hole in prison and the fucks put it on the book cart i found it a month later along with my other book in that order called the Invention of the Jewish People...also by a Jew...and yes I read about a lot more than that, my non political favorite subject is ancient lost cities and civilizations
We could also say that white people have most of the wealth. There are plenty of powerful people that aren't jewish. Saying that people are out to get you makes you sound jealous or paranoid. Jews contribute a lot to the world, obviously.
Automatic transmission clutch rings. 1,2,3, google...........

I had a couple friends rebuild mine in highschool. I know what crankshaft, pistons, rings, rocker arms, lifters, etc are but as far as putting them together I'll grow weed and pay a mechanic lol
I had a couple friends rebuild mine in highschool. I know what crankshaft, pistons, rings, rocker arms, lifters, etc are but as far as putting them together I'll grow weed and pay a mechanic lol

Same here, those go out to service. I don`t have the expensive tools needed for each make or model.
Same here, those go out to service. I don`t have the expensive tools needed for each make or model.
With how great your bus system is, I think I'm just going to rent on the weekends for a while. Why waste money fixing one! I'd rather spend that money starting business's.