Are there any smart Trump supporters?


Active Member
So're against Zionism, but for trump? Interesting since Zionism is the right wing conservative, placatingly zealous political party in Israel. Hence why most American Jews (whom are almost entirely liberal outside Hasidic circles) don't truck with Israel.

You're against Zionism because of 34 Americans killed on the U.S.S. liberty back in '64 during the 6 day war?! Even though no one in politics THEN would be now (hell...those politicians are probably all dead now). So not because of their policies/ treatment of the Palestinian peoples? Or the human rights violations? If you like history you should already be aware of the various infitadas and wars created by America, England and France in an attempt to control the region......but its the liberty that has you concerned....


Seems a flimsy pretense in the face of so many, more relevant issues. A very American view which really doesn't have much of anything to do with anything... Like something trump would say to drum up support by placating a particular point of view despite having no real relevance to anything.
I was trying to point out a well documented terrorist attack by them. For people that dont know history. If you want to talk message me you sound like someone who knows of Mr Sevi? Or however you wish to spell it? Pre Rothschild of you will? Lol


Active Member
IS that your greenhouse in your avatar?
It was supposed to be going on my dads land. I was living in there house for a couple weeks with keys soon as they saw my dads land. Everything was great when I left. It was like finding s long lost brother. They never called back won't answer. I think they had trouble with there 25k flower room and just decided they coulsnt handle it all. I found a new partner. Sad sad tho the guy that taught them was averaging 8 a plant made a 13 # plant in a greenhouse. 3000 watts of MH EACH of 50 plants for 4 months. I know the nutrient line. I know it all. Any one got a greenhouse all I need help with is everything lol. But I know the methodology perfect. Right guy comes along I'll do it


Well-Known Member
It was supposed to be going on my dads land. I was living in there house for a couple weeks with keys soon as they saw my dads land. Everything was great when I left. It was like finding s long lost brother. They never called back won't answer. I think they had trouble with there 25k flower room and just decided they coulsnt handle it all. I found a new partner. Sad sad tho the guy that taught them was averaging 8 a plant made a 13 # plant in a greenhouse. 3000 watts of MH EACH of 50 plants for 4 months. I know the nutrient line. I know it all. Any one got a greenhouse all I need help with is everything lol. But I know the methodology perfect. Right guy comes along I'll do it
sure, let me invite over a homeless ex-con to run my massive cannabis grow. what could go wrong?


Active Member
sure, let me invite over a homeless ex-con to run my massive cannabis grow. what could go wrong?
Well. I made a purchase from him hr saw I was living in a half million dollar house in Lyons. He saw pictures of another half million n dklale house outside of Lyons. So dads houses are what got me out there he second time with no blindfold and a phone.


Well-Known Member
Well. I made a purchase from him hr saw I was living in a half million dollar house in Lyons. He saw pictures of another half million n dklale house outside of Lyons. So dads houses are what got me out there he second time with no blindfold and a phone.
ummmm, what?


Active Member
They were surrounded by rednecks that killed a 3000 dollar pit bull. They didn't want to use it there. Came here 2 1/2 yrs ago from NC and rented it for using that.3500 a month and they can't use it lol


Well-Known Member
They were surrounded by rednecks that killed a 3000 dollar pit bull. They didn't want to use it there. Came here 2 1/2 yrs ago from NC and rented it for using that.3500 a month and they can't use it lol
are you OK? i am reading your posts verbatim to my wife and she thinks you may be having some kind of episode. schizophrenia, pyschosis, nervous breakdown, stroke?

you're devolving into word salad.


Well-Known Member
Lol well if you worded that better I'd go into the ancient Vedas of India. But wtf is a plasma being
I don't know. I came across a mention of them when I was checking out another RIU conspiracy theory-psycho's idea that global warming is due to our solar system entering into higher energy space. I thought, it being that you are well versed in conspiracy nut-universe, you'd know all about them. But I guess I'll just have to wait until one comes along and ask him.