Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Lol Tyler this subject just wont go away, will it? Seems as if google has noted more searches for this subject this year, than any other. Conservitism bias is strong-like-bull.
Another view....from Henry Makow today;
Flat Earthers impersonate conspiracy researchers
much the same way FBI and crisis actors
impersonated patriot militia in Oregon. More disturbing,
a few legitimate researchers like Anthony Migchels &
Edward Hendrie seem to have succumbed.

See Below - 9-11 Truther and critic of the NWO, Edward Hendrie, has caught the Flat Earth virus with a daunting 500-page book The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof that Our World is Not a Moving Globe.

by L.C. Vincent
"The Flat Earth Conspiracy Theory"
is the latest rage in the conspiracy research community-- the ultimate insult to our intelligence and the ultimate Illuminati psy-op.
Flat Earth Theory serves to marginalize and denigrate legitimate conspiracy research by injecting this most pernicious and preposterous meme. The end result is that the average person rejects the entire field when they learn that some members of this community also embrace the primitive stupidity of The Flat Earth "theory."
1.) Flat Earthers claim that Earth is really a flat plane, a round disc, on which we all live, not a globe or sphere and the ends of the Earth's disc are surrounded by a wall of ice.
2.) There really is no such thing as outer space, as the planets, moons and stars are illusions or flat spinning discs created by aliens. The Earth really has no curvature; gravity does not exist, and our sky is covered by a glass dome. NASA was founded by Nazi scientists as a public relations cover for evil deeds; rockets can't reach space, and all NASA missions were public relations spectacles designed to further the conspiracy "they" started thousands of years ago to keep "us" in the dark about where we really live.

How do Flat Earther's explain our days and nights? According to them, the Sun (only a few thousand miles away, not 93 million) simply circles above a different area of the Earth's disc. But even this "simplistic" explanation fails to explain the obvious fallacy in their cartoon cosmology -- that even a star which circled a Flat Earth would still be visible from all parts of the disc.
How do Flat Earther's explain such predictable phenomena as lunar and solar eclipses? Simple.... Something they call "The Shadow Object" moves in front of the Earth or Moon, temporarily blocking out the sunlight! So if their own explanation unravels, based upon their own false assumptions, then they just make something up to cover the vacuity of their lunacy.
According to Flat Earther's, gravity does not exist either. What causes objects to fall down to the ground is what they call "Upward Acceleration", a result of the continuous thrust of our Flat Earth into an upward trajectory (by forces unknown.)
Based on this unique perspective, it follows that NASA and all space exploration is a complete fraud, since space does not truly exist (which makes one wonder where our Flat Earth is headed as it continues to accelerate from all that Upward Thrust!).
The flat earth YouTube, "Learning Curve" , reveals an Illuminati mind game of epic proportions.
Mixed in with the Flat Earth theory, "Learning Curve" sprinkles the following words, thoughts and phrases as part of their proof that the earth is flat: "mind control, brainwashing, core beliefs, programming, textbook, Tavistock Institute, Masons, Freemasons, NASA, Nazis, powerful Jews, the Federal Reserve, the mainstream media," etc., etc.
They also transform the word "globalist" from a mild pejorative (someone who seeks control thru world government) into an epithet. It now refers to someone who perceives the world as a globe rather than a flat disc!


(left, "fakery")
The true agenda of the Illuminati is revealed after the narrator hypocritically expresses his dismay in being unable to disprove the "Flat Earth" theory. He bemoans that proving the theory is taking his time away from his "true" pre-occupation, his "normal" life of exposing chemtrails and secret societies!
By resurrecting the Flat Earth Theory as the truly penultimate example of ignorance and illusion, the Illuminati have crafted a meme which has the ability to persuade the average person that conspiracy theorists and researchers are part of a lunatic fringe.
This meme and this video reveals the hand of The Illuminati at their most twisted: to keep mankind in ignorance of their continued machinations while discrediting those who seek to make the world aware of their plans for war, pestilence, famine and enslavement. Can there be a better definition of Evil?
FE is not an illuminati psyop, it is an inquisition. That said, there is/ are various attempts to smear the movement with lunacy, with the intent of burying it.
Satellites couldn't orbit a flat Earth, photos from space don't show every continent at once, and you can phone someone in America and ask what time of day it is, noticing it's like midnight there while it's sunny lunchtime here.
Satellites couldn't orbit a flat Earth, photos from space don't show every continent at once, and you can phone someone in America and ask what time of day it is, noticing it's like midnight there while it's sunny lunchtime here.
The arguement has already been made that satellites are a fiction. The Zetetic model suggests that the sun is local and its light is limited
do you have any demonstrable experimental proof as evidence? (Photos excluded as scientific evidence)

Carl does a better job than a could.

It's not really something I'm willing to debate considering the Earth being round is kind of just a thing. Sure it's more complicated than that with all the physics of the situation but the absurd assertion here is that the Earth is flat. It's common knowledge the Earth is round, if you claim it to be flat you're going against common knowledge and therefore it'd be up to you to prove otherwise, not the other way around.

Basically, if you can't accept the sky is blue, the Earth is round, and that bears shit in the woods then you've proven to me that you have a HUGE disconnect with reality and aren't worth the time spent debating with you.

(You not meaning YOU specifically, it's just my manner of grammar. I don't know if you believe it to be flat or not.)
Lol Read thru this enlightening thread. Obviously the world is round, the interesting thing about this thread is how a concept can enter a persons head and stay there. Then the fallacy is protected at all costs from facts and counter arguments. Facts become a conspiracy.

Look at how completely made up and impossible assertions are protected from your logical assaults. Then you'll receive the inevitable condescending chuckle from the theorist, because you're too stupid to simply deny science and follow along.

Oh and here's the kicker... They'll present preposterous data and if you can't mathematically refute it, well then you're wrong. This is of course a crazy argument, but it delights them. Doesn't matter that millions of science minded have proven something over the last 500years.
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Seriously, I mean who asserts that Satellites don't exist? Even North Korea shoots them up there for shittsakes.
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