This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

Does anybody really believe the Hammonds are "terrorists" . Why is the government calling them that?

Is it to habituate the sheep / masses to the idea that any dissent is "terrorism" ?

The Hammonds actually want nothing to do with the Bundy group. from what I read anyway
The Hammonds actually want nothing to do with the Bundy group. from what I read anyway

That might be true, but that doesn't mean they believe they are guilty of harming another person or that they are terrorists.

They're lawyered up and have decided to kneel and suck the dong of the government, that doesn't mean they're gay, it just means they don't want Uncle Bubba Sam to fuck them in the ass right now.
I think you righties are confusing two different stories. You have the Hammonds who have been convicted of a crime. They lost land to immanent domain, happens all the time. They were compensated. You can agree or disagree and they can appeal if so choosing. Then you have the Bundy group who is participating in an active crime and terrorizing people so they can not use public land.
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But he COULD in RobRoy land.

In your Sky Land when Bernie votes to continue the empire / military industrial complex and bomb children in Kosovo it's a-okay!

The difference is, I was fucking with see4, Bernie was fucking over and voting to kill real live children and continue global domination by force. You might consider that.
I think you righties are confusing to different stories. You have the Hammonds who have been convicted of a crime. They lost land to immanent domain, happens all the time. They were compensated. You can agree or disagree and they can appeal if so choosing. Then you have the Bundy group who is participating in an active crime and terrorizing people so they can not use public land.

So, if a stronger entity comes to your home and decides they are going to take it away for their own interests (or to curry favor with THEIR friends) , and then decides how much you will be compensated you think that's okay?

I'll be over at your house at 6:00 p.m., fully armed, please be packed and I'll give you half a baloney sandwich for compensation. I'm sorry but I've decided there will be no cheese with your compensation. If you disagree, you can appeal to my friends, that's fair right?
Bundy and crew are terrorist. The Hammonds are greedy land grabbing arsonists. Hope you all can see the difference.
They are not arsonist.

To commit arson you have to have malicious intent.

Fuck the government and everything they did.

You think its alright for the government to flood farms and homes to force people to sell? You think its OK for government to ruin peoples livelihood?

The government took that land and people are taking it back.
They are not arsonist.

To commit arson you have to have malicious intent.

Fuck the government and everything they did.

You think its alright for the government to flood farms and homes to force people to sell? You think its OK for government to ruin peoples livelihood?

The government took that land and people are taking it back.
Those people aren't taking anything back. And if push comes to shove these will be in prison or dead. Do you think itso ok to terrorize the public to get your point across?
Those people aren't taking anything back. And if push comes to shove these will be in prison or dead. Do you think itso ok to terrorize the public to get your point across?
They are not terrorizing anyone.

I say the government were the terrorist. They scared and ruined peoples life to take land.
I've been reading as much as I can in te media about this situation. So far it all seems really peaceful. But, the writers are not being nice to these militia men or whatever you want to call them. They are mocking them and making the militia sound like a bunch of whiny cry babies and drama queens. I think this will last about a week. They will find negotiators and bring in lots of ice cream and lollipops to the militia guys and everybody take the new guns they got for Christmas home and hang them on the wall or whatever. Peace and love will work this time.
What's good for goose is good for the gander.

You can't call people taking land back by force terrorist when the government took it by force first.
Maybe you should put some effort to have laws changed if you don't like them. Or perhaps there is some countries government you prefer so you can move there. There is proper channels to present your complaints. Not by breaking and entering and threatening to kill law enforcement for doing their job.
Call them what they are: Domestic terrorists. If a group of Muslims took over a Federal building to protest say: the use of torture, FOX News and the right would be clamoring for the US military to be deployed. Now, when a group of white ranchers with a history of doing stupid, illegal shit, occupy a building and threaten to use force on any Federal agent that approaches, they're suddenly what? A group of "Occupiers?"

When the FBI labels domestic terrorism as...

"Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:
  • Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
  • Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
  • Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.
They fall squarely under it. Why are we negotiating with terrorists? They should be locked up.
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