This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

How do you know what they fear?

It's fairly easy to deduce, here let me help you...

Are you saying their motivation to report to jail is to restitute any (nonexistent) victims they believe they harmed or is it because they KNOW if they don't they would eventually be killed by Federal Agents?

It's pretty obvious why they are reporting to jail, they fear their government will harm them if they don't .
It would be better to use Wolverines in the moat, gators would go into a torpid state due to the lower temperatures.

Ramen noodles? Man, you're not playing around.
Right, and carrying American flags and doing what any patriot would do when wronged.

deez kids........
Kinda weak if you ask me. I mean, I just think someone got a new gun and a camo jacket for Christmas bro. That's all. Just showing off his new gun. Yay. You gotta gun. Wow. That's like really amazing to have a real live gun. I guess. Woohoo. :roll: Guns. Yay.
It's fairly easy to deduce, here let me help you...

Are you saying their motivation to report to jail is to restitute any (nonexistent) victims they believe they harmed or is it because they KNOW if they don't they would eventually be killed by Federal Agents?

It's pretty obvious why they are reporting to jail, they fear their government will harm them if they don't .
They will be killed? We have a US Marshall's service who catches fugitives from justice all the time. It's what they do..
I say just leave em alone and let them stay out there and play with there little guns for a while. Overall. They said they could stay for years. Let them. Take money out of their account or put a hold on their property cause they gotta pay rent.

I see little cause for concern. Bubba just got a new gun for Christmas and wants to show it off to all his buddies.
If I slipped into your house, padding softly on my huge furry feet on your finely polished floors and entered your bedroom and slipped a deep sleep inducing drug under your nose....then kicked you to the floor and proceeded to give your large breasted girl friend an extra helping of bigfoot salami for hours until she was gasping uncontrollably...

...and you woke up hours later, totally unaware of what had taken place....but your girl friend wasn't interested in ever having sex with you again (little fella) would I have committed a crime?
Well actually @Rob Roy you would have committed several felonies. The first would be breaking and entering. The second would be second- degree assault for when you attacked the guy by using the drug and then kicked him to the floor. They could also add inducing consumption of controlled substances by fraudulent means. You also would have committed the crime of rape. She never gave you permission to have sex with her. All felonies except the part about you lying on the size of your tiny tiny penis. To small to be a crime.
Sheesh! That stuff reads like a gory soap opera.
Right, and carrying American flags and doing what any patriot would do when wronged.

deez kids........
If you would be willing to spearhead the effort and collect. I would be willing to part with $2 to go towards providing Y'all Qaeda Marshmellows and graham crackers for making s'mores around the camp fire. That might make them feel better and maybe they will reconsider this silliness before they embarrass themselves even further. So far, I think Joe Public is ridiculing these guys who just wanna play with their guns. Lemme know. $2 is a start.

If you collect enough maybe you could rent a pony and a clown. Give them all pony rides and make them feel better.
Except you're wrong. The Hammonds aren't "accepting their punishment" anymore than a person caught with a pound of weed "accepts" his punishment when reporting to jail.

The Hammonds are going to jail, because they FEAR what greater harm will be done to them by government if they don't.

A nation is being held hostage, but you have incorrectly identified the kidnappers.

Correct, it is fear. Think they said recently they would give it up in a couple of days.
They will be killed? We have a US Marshall's service who catches fugitives from justice all the time. It's what they do..

Yes, there used to be paid runaway slave catchers that would bring fugitives back to "justice". They acted legally too.
Too bad about the kids, but it was the insane parents that placed them in that situation. That was tragic.

So, when government agents kill somebody (children) their actions magically are okay, but if you or I do it, it's murder?

Was there no other alternative to resolve this situation? The children had to die ?
So, when government agents kill somebody (children) their actions magically are okay, but if you or I do it, it's murder?

Was there no other alternative to resolve this situation? The children had to die ?
So who's fault was it? If I remember correctly is was an ATF agent that was killed 1st, and what about his family? They started the shooting and died as a result. Too bad, but they got what they essentially asked for.
So who's fault was it? If I remember correctly is was an ATF agent that was killed 1st, and what about his family? They started the shooting and died as a result. Too bad, but they got what they essentially asked for.

None of the children shot anybody did they?

If your father goes out today and shoots somebody, are you cool with the family of the victims killing you?
Please go back and read the story again. It was see4's imaginary girlfriend that bigfoot boned, I have nothing but respect for UB's wife, she works so hard to support his lazy ass and probably chokes down the vegetables from his pathetic garden to make him feel important.

Besides, I wouldn't dare break into his house, probably break my neck....slippery feces laden floors.

How often do you imagine what the size of my penis is?
I corrected before you posted guy. You still would have committed a crime be it see4 or UB.
Your penis is so small that in order to see it people have to imagine it.
I corrected before you posted guy. You still would have committed a crime be it see4 or UB.
Your penis is so small that in order to see it people have to imagine it.

If you were familiar with the operations of a siege you would know that the goal is not to kill people but to cut off their supplies until they are forced to surrender or starve. I doubt that the angry white men in the occupied building brought enough food for very long. If you don't let them resupply then they are fucked, eventually. Nobody has to die they just have to give up.

You obviously know no one there, and most likely didn't even know that federal building existed until the news said some people had taken it over.

The organizers didn't just run up there on a whim. This was planned for a time and supplies were taken out there from the get go. The supplies being brought up are for the fools who showed up unprepared.