This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

awwwww, poor little baby bible thumper. cry some more tears.

they set themselves on fire. they burned their own kids. they kept their kids around a pedo. they were given multiple opportunities to surrender.

shit happens when you party with gun nuts.

I'm a Pastafarian.

Are you saying that you support Federal Agents killing children ? I think you are.

In fact, while you falsely accuse people on RUI of being pedos, you go a step further and cheer the DEATHS of children. You, are a sick puppy, Poopy Pants.
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From RobRoy:

Funny that you take the opinion of a Federal Prosecutor as gospel. Well, yeah, vs. Fox News or some inbred ranchers. Let me guess - you watch Fox News.

Have you ever burned anything illegally (gasp!) that never harmed anybody? Yes, I have. I've set two grass fires (many years ago) that got away from me but didn't harm anyone. One fire almost burnt up a telephone pole. The fire dept. came out and everything.

I'm a native born Pacific Islander, a persons race is relevant how? I was making a point about how the law might respond to a white person doing something incredibly stupid vs. a black person. You have no grounds whatsoever to take offense.
From RobRoy:

Funny that you take the opinion of a Federal Prosecutor as gospel. Well, yeah, vs. Fox News or some inbred ranchers. Let me guess - you watch Fox News.

Have you ever burned anything illegally (gasp!) that never harmed anybody? Yes, I have. I've set two grass fires (many years ago) that got away from me but didn't harm anyone. One fire almost burnt up a telephone pole. The fire dept. came out and everything.

I'm a native born Pacific Islander, a persons race is relevant how? I was making a point about how the law might respond to a white person doing something incredibly stupid vs. a black person. You have no grounds whatsoever to take offense.

Fox news? No, I don't watch television on any kind of a regular basis. The federal government and its agents have a well documented history of lying. I could create a long list of that, beginning with Indian treaties. Just how did the "federal government" acquire control of that land in the first place ?

Perhaps you've heard of Harry Anslinger? How about the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin? I'll stop there.

I've burned cannabis and guess what, I didn't ask for permission. Asking for permission to use fire sounds a little servile.

Race ? I agree that many times laws have favored people of one race over another, but in this situation it doesn't appear to have anything to do with race and has more to do with control of resources and ensuring that disobedience is punished.
Damn right that was a siege. Are you not only blind but nuts?

Just in case you missed all the coverage Islamic terrorists murdered our Ambassador and his staff while Hillary and Obama gave them the "stand your ground" order.


I thought it was a move...
Damn right that was a siege. Are you not only blind but nuts?

Just in case you missed all the coverage Islamic terrorists murdered our Ambassador and his staff while Hillary and Obama gave them the "stand your ground" order.


daily reminder that Hillary aided ISIS terrorists.
About as clear as black and white to me. ;)

These hicks in the bottom picture have stormed and taken over a building and threatened to kill anyone who tries to remove them. I'll take some looters over these idiots. Looters go home at the end of the night..
Terrorist need tof die. The Hammond family who you righties keep defending their actions, have said they want nothing to do with Bundy terrorist cell. Is that to hard for the righties to understand. They realised they broke the law and accept their punishement, now these terrorist militia are holding our nation hostage. I find it funny how you libitards and repubes are ok with terrorism if it whites in hunting camo.
These hicks in the bottom picture have stormed and taken over a building and threatened to kill anyone who tries to remove them. I'll take some looters over these idiots. Looters go home at the end of the night..
Terrorist need tof die. The Hammond family who you righties keep defending their actions, have said they want nothing to do with Bundy terrorist cell. Is that to hard for the righties to understand. They realised they broke the law and accept their punishement, now these terrorist militia are holding our nation hostage. I find it funny how you libitards and repubes are ok with terrorism if it whites in hunting camo.

.....another Hillary supporter at your service LOL. It ain't ignorance that causes so much trouble; it's folks knowing so much that ain't so.

Patriotic Oregon protesting whites don't loot their own bloods' businesses much less public buildings. Get your shit straight kid.
Just a bunch of good ole boy white trash wanna play with their guns and stuff. I say build a giant fence wall and dig out a moat. Fill it up with gators and chunk some ramen noodles over the wall everyday. I dunno.
These hicks in the bottom picture have stormed and taken over a building and threatened to kill anyone who tries to remove them. I'll take some looters over these idiots. Looters go home at the end of the night..
Terrorist need tof die. The Hammond family who you righties keep defending their actions, have said they want nothing to do with Bundy terrorist cell. Is that to hard for the righties to understand. They realised they broke the law and accept their punishement, now these terrorist militia are holding our nation hostage. I find it funny how you libitards and repubes are ok with terrorism if it whites in hunting camo.

Except you're wrong. The Hammonds aren't "accepting their punishment" anymore than a person caught with a pound of weed "accepts" his punishment when reporting to jail.

The Hammonds are going to jail, because they FEAR what greater harm will be done to them by government if they don't.

A nation is being held hostage, but you have incorrectly identified the kidnappers.
Except you're wrong. The Hammonds aren't "accepting their punishment" anymore than a person caught with a pound of weed "accepts" his punishment when reporting to jail.

The Hammonds are going to jail, because they FEAR what greater harm will be done to them by government if they don't.

A nation is being held hostage, but you have incorrectly identified the kidnappers.
How do you know what they fear?
Just a bunch of good ole boy white trash wanna play with their guns and stuff. I say build a giant fence wall and dig out a moat. Fill it up with gators and chunk some ramen noodles over the wall everyday. I dunno.

Right, and carrying American flags and doing what any patriot would do when wronged.

deez kids........
Just a bunch of good ole boy white trash wanna play with their guns and stuff. I say build a giant fence wall and dig out a moat. Fill it up with gators and chunk some ramen noodles over the wall everyday. I dunno.

It would be better to use Wolverines in the moat, gators would go into a torpid state due to the lower temperatures.

Ramen noodles? Man, you're not playing around.
.....another Hillary supporter at your service LOL. It ain't ignorance that causes so much trouble; it's folks knowing so much that ain't so.

Patriotic Oregon protesting whites don't loot their own bloods' businesses much less public buildings. Get your shit straight kid.
Sorry no Hilary supporter.. good guess. I love Obama though! You must use that quote once a week. It sucks. And no kid here, combat veteran who knows the times are changing. How about you geezer?
If I slipped into your house, padding softly on my huge furry feet on your finely polished floors and entered your bedroom and slipped a deep sleep inducing drug under your nose....then kicked you to the floor and proceeded to give your large breasted girl friend an extra helping of bigfoot salami for hours until she was gasping uncontrollably...

...and you woke up hours later, totally unaware of what had taken place....but your girl friend wasn't interested in ever having sex with you again (little fella) would I have committed a crime?
what is your fascination with rape?