This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

plenty of people surrendered and got out alive.

if you want to blame anyone, blame the parents of the children, who for some reason decided to keep their offspring around a pedophile, instead of simply surrendering and walking away alive.

If there is a hell, you will be shitting on those floors some day.
I can't fathom how a person can condone killing children and not blink an eye.

considering that the branch davidians set themselves on fire and thus killed themselves and their own children, and considering you are crying tears for them, then you have to ask that question to yourself.

If there is a hell, you will be shitting on those floors some day.

awwwww, poor little baby bible thumper. cry some more tears.

they set themselves on fire. they burned their own kids. they kept their kids around a pedo. they were given multiple opportunities to surrender.

shit happens when you party with gun nuts.
“Neither Ammon Bundy nor anyone within his group/organization speak for the Hammond family,” the Hammonds’ lawyer, W. Alan Schroeder, wrote to Ward, according to CBS.

Bundy and his terrorist need to be dealt with. Dragging this family into their mess when they have enough problems..
I was referring to the original "crime" that was alleged to have been committed by the people the judge wants to put in jail. Unless, I'm mistaken they didn't harm another person or another persons property did they?

The original crime they committed was not selling their land to the government. As retaliation they've been labeled terrorists and jailed for a brush fire. The government plans on bullying them until they give up and give up their property.
To bad they aren't a state agency. Regular Joe's have no business doing that kind of work.

So people have never successfully burnt brush without a bureaucracy? Do you think agriculture is a new advance in technology that can only be harnessed by an agency? Do you water your own plants, or hire a city official to do it because "Regular Joes" can't without pulling permits in your eyes?
The Clintons and Janet Reno killed those people.

i know you hate facts, but those pedo worshipers offed themselves and their kids.

09:20 FBI surveillance records a meeting starting at 7:30 am between several unidentified males.[71]
UM: "They got two cans of Coleman fuel down there? Huh?"
UM: "Empty."
UM: "All of it?"
UM: "Nothing left."

11:17 – 12:04 According to the government, a series of remarks such as "I want a fire", "Keep that fire going", and "Do you think I could light this soon?" indicate that the Branch Davidians have started setting fire to the complex around 11:30.[70]:15–19[71]:287 Surviving Branch Davidians testified that Coleman fuel had been poured, and fire experts in Danforth's report agree "without question" that people inside the complex had started multiple accelerated fires.[70]:15–19, appendixes D and E

12:07 First visible flames appear in two spots in the front of the building, first on the left of the front door on the second floor (a wisp of smoke then a small flicker of flame) then a short time later on the far right side of the front of the building, and at a third spot on the back side. An FBI agent reported seeing a Branch Davidian member igniting a fire in the front door area.[70]:18
I misunderstood your context. My apologies.

Wouldn't you agree that the original "crime" caused no harm to another person or another persons property ? In any rational application of justice, it would seem the corrective action to criminal behavior is for the alleged perpetrator to restitute their victim(s)....BUT who was victimized by the people being sent back to jail?

So if I worked as a software engineer at a company who collected arbitraged foreign currencies, and I rounded off the incoming change [on the dollar] and placed it into my own banking account, as to the point said company would not know the wiser. Have I committed a crime? Remember, they are none the wiser the money is missing.
i know you hate facts, but those pedo worshipers offed themselves and their kids.

11:17 – 12:04 According to the government,

There's the answer.
The government, which was run by the Clintons and liberal news sources could twist any event they pleased and frequently did.
I remember tanks busting through the walls to spray "teargas" then not long after there was fire.
The fuckers sprayed gasoline or something flammable and lit it.
I'm sure the followers were told to lie of face prison saying they set the fires.
There's the answer.
The government, which was run by the Clintons and liberal news sources could twist any event they pleased and frequently did.
I remember tanks busting through the walls to spray "teargas" then not long after there was fire.
The fuckers sprayed gasoline or something flammable and lit it.
I'm sure the followers were told to lie of face prison saying they set the fires.
WTF did Hillary have to do with it?.....
There's the answer.
The government, which was run by the Clintons and liberal news sources could twist any event they pleased and frequently did.
I remember tanks busting through the walls to spray "teargas" then not long after there was fire.
The fuckers sprayed gasoline or something flammable and lit it.
I'm sure the followers were told to lie of face prison saying they set the fires.

you have it all figured out, like usual.
Hears the full story.

Yes its the ↑ "" It offers the most facts.

I'm very interested in seeing how this turns out. If the Fed/Bureau of Land Management/Fish N Game did what this article accuses, there was some serious "Abuse of Power!" To round it out it was done with our tax dollars.

O, and burning seasonal grass is an ancient practice. The gentlemen that said it grows back better is right.

Take a chance, and read the whole story before you compare it to WACO lol.
i read where 2 guy did a burn that got out of control and were sentenced to jail. they did their time n were released. then the judge said it wasn't long enough n sent em back to!!!

This is accurate as far as I know. That`s fucked up and not right at all to do, when you leave sentencing, serve and get released, that`s it. The protest has good grounds, but should be taken to the Courthouse, not the Birdhouse.

No balls.
About as clear as black and white to me. ;)

Not surprised that you brought that up too. Was Benghazi a siege too? Somehow I bet you think so.

You are just a fucking contrarian and not much else.

Damn right that was a siege. Are you not only blind but nuts?

Just in case you missed all the coverage Islamic terrorists murdered our Ambassador and his staff while Hillary and Obama gave them the "stand your ground" order.
