This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

You obviously know no one there, and most likely didn't even know that federal building existed until the news said some people had taken it over.

The organizers didn't just run up there on a whim. This was planned for a time and supplies were taken out there from the get go. The supplies being brought up are for the fools who showed up unprepared.
It would be a good time to own a taco truck. If I had one I swear I would go out there and set up shop. 24/7 and even have ice cream. Even take CC's. And sell beer and whiskey too. And have cigarettes. Leave them good ole boys alone. They just playin with the new guns they got for Christmas. They ain't gunna hurt no one.
If I slipped into your house, padding softly on my huge furry feet on your finely polished floors and entered your bedroom and slipped a deep sleep inducing drug under your nose....then kicked you to the floor and proceeded to give your large breasted girl friend an extra helping of bigfoot salami for hours until she was gasping uncontrollably...

...and you woke up hours later, totally unaware of what had taken place....but your girl friend wasn't interested in ever having sex with you again (little fella) would I have committed a crime?

Thanks for proving my point and completely deflating yours, fantasy man.
Well actually @Rob Roy you would have committed several felonies. The first would be breaking and entering. The second would be second- degree assault for when you attacked the guy by using the drug and then kicked him to the floor. They could also add inducing consumption of controlled substances by fraudulent means. You also would have committed the crime of rape. She never gave you permission to have sex with her. All felonies except the part about you lying on the size of your tiny tiny penis. To small to be a crime.

But he COULD in RobRoy land.
It would be a good time to own a taco truck. If I had one I swear I would go out there and set up shop. 24/7 and even have ice cream. Even take CC's. And sell beer and whiskey too. And have cigarettes. Leave them good ole boys alone. They just playin with the new guns they got for Christmas. They ain't gunna hurt no one.

For real, could make a quick buck! They really aren't going to hurt anyone, just making a point.

I say just leave em alone and let them stay out there and play with there little guns for a while. Overall. They said they could stay for years. Let them. Take money out of their account or put a hold on their property cause they gotta pay rent.

I see little cause for concern. Bubba just got a new gun for Christmas and wants to show it off to all his buddies.

Why research current events when you can talk out your ass and make shit up?
You obviously know no one there, and most likely didn't even know that federal building existed until the news said some people had taken it over.

The organizers didn't just run up there on a whim. This was planned for a time and supplies were taken out there from the get go. The supplies being brought up are for the fools who showed up unprepared.

They got no armor, they are owned. The two in the fire tower are the air cover. The two in the sewer are idiots or gay. The two in charge, can be brought to ..."You`ll have to come and get me"... in seconds.

The protest of time served, go back it wasn`t enough is BS on the judicial system, they fucked up, or got paid,.. both are possible. But that needs to be brought to the courthouse, not the fucking birdhouse. They got grapes, not grapefruits. I thought shit was big in Texass.
Why research current events when you can talk out your ass and make shit up?
Vanilla ISIS & Y'All Qaeda: Oregon Gunmen Mocked On Social Media
Self-styled militia comes under a different type of fire.
3 hours ago

  • Ed Mazza Overnight Editor, The Huffington Post

Ryan Bundy is part of a group that has taken over a building at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. Some are calling his self-styled militia "Y'all Qaeda" and "Vanilla ISIS."
The gunmen who have seized a federal building in Oregon claim they're patriots.
But on social media, many are calling the self-styled "militia" terrorists -- and mocking the group that has taken over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters with derisive nicknames.

Some are calling them Y'All Qaeda:

the gunmen for the most part do not appear to be from the South, others prefer to call them #VanillaISIS:

Still others have taken to using terms such as #YokelHaram and #al-Shabubba, and say the group is waging #YeeHawd.

Some are even making fun of the group for its choice of target"

They just playing with their toy guns Lord. That's all. Everybody likes to play with guns. Makes em feel all John Waybe.
Because people continue spouting off bullshit:

family owns lands since the 1870s

Fed has wanted their land for years to turn into a wildlife reservoir (i.e. make them money)

never sell to them regardless of their constant harassment by ATF and BLM (bureau of land management)

>2001, routine bush fire on property

tell fire department beforehand, accidentally burn 100 acres of federal land, put it out themselves

>2006: lightning storm starts bush fire on property

start backfire to push it away from their private property

cops show up next day and press charges , go to court
tried and convicted, sentenced to a year in jail
go to prison for roughly one year
get let out, government says time served

>2011: feds want land again, still won't sell

feds issue re-sentencing convicting of domestic terrorism
now a convicted terrorist - must serve a mandatory minimum of 5 more years in federal prison
.gov focuses on deer/elk hunting on personal property while in season - call it poaching - say lack of evidence is no reason not to plaster it in media

>2015/6: 150 men and women occupy a completely empty government building that was closed for the winter - nobody hurt

liberals call them terrorists, make them look radical, don't look into what actually happened and compare to a hypothetical if they were muslim or black etc. yet ask why these people havent been droned/murdered by the feds
Vanilla ISIS & Y'All Qaeda: Oregon Gunmen Mocked On Social Media
Self-styled militia comes under a different type of fire.
3 hours ago

  • Ed Mazza Overnight Editor, The Huffington Post

Ryan Bundy is part of a group that has taken over a building at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. Some are calling his self-styled militia "Y'all Qaeda" and "Vanilla ISIS."
The gunmen who have seized a federal building in Oregon claim they're patriots.
But on social media, many are calling the self-styled "militia" terrorists -- and mocking the group that has taken over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters with derisive nicknames.

Some are calling them Y'All Qaeda:

the gunmen for the most part do not appear to be from the South, others prefer to call them #VanillaISIS:

Still others have taken to using terms such as #YokelHaram and #al-Shabubba, and say the group is waging #YeeHawd.

Some are even making fun of the group for its choice of target"

They just playing with their toy guns Lord. That's all. Everybody likes to play with guns. Makes em feel all John Waybe.


>Awareness of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense grew rapidly after their May 2, 1967, protest at the California State Assembly. On May 2, 1967, the California State Assembly Committee on Criminal Procedure was scheduled to convene to discuss what was known as the "Mulford Act", which would make the public carrying of loaded firearms illegal. Eldridge Cleaver and Newton put together a plan to send a group of 26 armed Panthers led by Seale from Oakland to Sacramento to protest the bill. The group entered the assembly carrying their weapons, an incident which was widely publicized, and which prompted police to arrest Seale and five others. The group pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of disrupting a legislative session.
I see now why there's been some confusion about burning. That's because the Hammonds were caught illegally burning more than once. I quote from Wikipedia:

Dwight and Steve Hammond were convicted of arson in 2012 for setting fires on federal land adjacent to their property near Burns in 2001 and 2006.[8] Federal prosecutors said the first fire was set to conceal the site of an illegal deer hunt, while the second fire was an unauthorized backburn set on the slopes below a firefighting camp.[9] According to the Hammonds, they set the first fire to stop invasive plants from growing onto their grazing fields.[10]

The second fire was an "unauthorized" backburn. So I'm guessing no permit.

They should get a break because they didn't harm a real person or a real person's property?? In other words, people should be free to do whatever stupid thing they want as long as nobody got hurt that time?

You should go test that theory out. Try driving 90 mph down the freeway on the wrong side. As long as nobody's hurt or killed before the Staters pull you over, no problemo. You can tell them, "Let me go. I'm the victim here!"

Wait, wait, before you try that out, you're white, right? I wouldn't want anything to happen...
A crime is not a crime if no one was hurt. There was no malicious intent. You claim is was to cover up poaching, It wasn't. They would have been charged with it.

The blm ruined many peoples lives in that area. Flooded homes and farms to force residents to sell.

Blm is in the wrong. The father and son being forced back to prison is to make a point and cover government wrong doing.

You know this thread is about those hillbillies with guns holed up in a wildlife refuege. Not the reason they are there..
Even if the land was taken by shady means to make the refuge?
A crime is not a crime if no one was hurt. There was no malicious intent. You claim is was to cover up poaching, It wasn't. They would have been charged with it.

The blm ruined many peoples lives in that area. Flooded homes and farms to force residents to sell.

Blm is in the wrong. The father and son being forced back to prison is to make a point and cover government wrong doing.

Even if the land was taken by shady means to make the refuge?
That's what courts are for. Shady means is just an opinion, not fact or law. Not that those terrorist have anything to do with the land you speak of. They took over a building on national land. Go camp on the burnt out land if they care so much.
they don't like the gov stealing their land?
When the US gov falls will the natives have to take up arms to protect their reservation?
or ....
will the land they ceded to the white man be returned to them then (since their treaties are with the US gov)?
for example ...
the Yakamas of central Washington ceded 12,000,000 acres to the 800 white men living in central washington at the time...
(they kept 1,3 million) treaty of 1855.

white guys claiming their ancestor's land is being stolen?

one big ROFLMAO
they don't like the gov stealing their land?
When the US gov falls will the natives have to take up arms to protect their reservation?
or ....
will the land they ceded to the white man be returned to them then (since their treaties are with the US gov)?
for example ...
the Yakamas of central Washington ceded 12,000,000 acres to the 800 white men living in central washington at the time...
(they kept 1,3 million) treaty of 1855.

white guys claiming their ancestor's land is being stolen?

one big ROFLMAO

Not a coincidence that in both instances the Federal Government is the entity threatening force to resident people for using and occupying the land.
That's what courts are for. Shady means is just an opinion, not fact or law. Not that those terrorist have anything to do with the land you speak of. They took over a building on national land. Go camp on the burnt out land if they care so much.
The blm in fact flooded the lakes and many homes with it. They harassed and destroyed peoples lives to force them to sell.

The fact is the ranchers owned the farm as blm forced people to sell and turned the land to refuge around the ranch.

The ranchers at every turn did what they were supposed to. Blm cut their water supply, ranchers drilled a well. Blm revoked grazing rights, ranchers sold off cattle because they could not feed them. Blm refused to let them use a right of way to drive to their own land.

This is nothing more than the government wanting that land and they will not quit until they get it.

Those fires were not arson. Blm documents state that after the fire it grew back greener. We all know that is how it works.

The second fire was a back burn. You fight fire with fire sometimes.

Blm should have never had the land in the first place. That is the reason for people taking it back.
That's what courts are for. Shady means is just an opinion, not fact or law. Not that those terrorist have anything to do with the land you speak of. They took over a building on national land. Go camp on the burnt out land if they care so much.

Do you own a dictionary? I suggest you look up the definition of "terrorist".