You're not actually American are you? Are you a Freshman in college? Or are you not capable of independent thought? You just literally copied and pasted paragraphs from a Barron's article I read back in about September-October. If China dumps all their US currency they will literally destroy their economy. They're buying debt which is an investment. You don't suddenly get rid of your investment just because "fuck that guy." That's how you lose money. Really, this is finance 101, super simple stuff. The effects of Chinese currency manipulation are pretty much gone. We're no longer hemorrhaging manufacturing jobs, we are in fact creating and gaining manufacturing jobs. China's sale of US Treasuries did not spike inflation, nor did it devalue the Treasuries themselves - we knew this. In all actuality our currency is gaining value, because we're the world's reserve currency. However here's the simple problem: The more other places want to buy your currency and stash their funds here, it makes our dollar more expensive, which in turns makes US goods more expensive over seas. Yet, this isn't the first time we've had a trade deficit. In fact, our last trade surplus I think was in late 70s early 80s.
You'd also know that what I said about Japan and Europe were correct, had you just posted the rest of the article, like where it says that Brazil's President has lambasted the US, Japan and Europe for creating a "tsunami of cheap money."
Must be from another country..any American college freshman worth his salt knows C&P's are Googleable for plaguerism..something Rand Paul doesn't understand either.